BPEL2oWFN Translating BPEL Process to Open Workflow Nets
GNU BPEL2oWFN Version 1.2, 6 April 2006


GNU BPEL2oWFN translates a web service expressed in WS-BPEL (Web Service Business Process Execution Language) into an oWFN (open Workflow Net). This oWFN can be used to:

GNU BPEL2oWFN uses static analysis to make the generated oWFN as compact as possible to analyze a chosen property. This is called flexible model generation.

GNU BPEL2oWFN is the successor of BPEL2PN, a Java-based compiler generating low-level Petri nets. GNU BPEL2oWFN is a re-implementation for extensibility and performance issues. Its functionality is a superset of the functionality of BPEL2PN.

GNU BPEL2oWFN was written by Niels Lohmann, Christian Gierds and Martin Znamirowski. It is part of the Tools4BPEL project funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. See http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/top/tools4bpel for details.


last changes: 03.01.2007