[image of a Brave GNU World]
《勇敢 GNU 世界》 - 〈第三十九期〉
Copyright © 2002 Georg C. F. Greve <greve@gnu.org>
中文翻译:梁 萌 <liangmeng@tsinghua.org.cn>
许可声明 如下

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Welcome to another issue of the Brave GNU World that will inform you about some more ways to creativly free yourself of free time.

欢迎来到新一期的《勇敢 GNU 世界》,本期将向您介绍更多创造性消耗您的空闲时间的方法。

石与钻 (Rocks'n'Diamonds)

"Rocks'n'Diamonds" by Holger Schemel is a game which bears a striking resemblance with classics like "Boulder Dash" (Commodore 64), "Emerald Mine" (Amiga) or "Supaplex" (PC). This isn't overly suprising since it was written by a fan of these games for other fans.

豪格 斯基迈尔(Holger Schemel)编写的“石与钻(Rocks'n'Diamonds)”是一款融合了经典游戏如“Boulder Dash”(Commodore 64)、“Emerald Mine”(Amiga) 或“Supaplex”(PC)的游戏。这是不值得奇怪的,因为它本身就是由这些游戏的爱好者们为其他爱好者编写的。

For the unenlightened: the point of this classic 2D Arcade-game is to collect diamonds without suffering a premature end. To achieve this, you can (among other things) move rocks, drop bombs and fool monsters.


The game was written in C and with an eye on portability. It runs on pretty much any flavor of Unix - given that X11 is supported - and also under Mac OS X, DOS and Windows. With smooth scrolling of levels, joystick support and a freely customizable keyboard binding it also makes sure to be aware of the preferences and circumstances of its users.

该款游戏采用 C 编写,同时也很注意移植性。它可以运行在众多支持 X11 的类 Unix 操作系统以及 Mac OS X 、 DOS 和 Windows 。通过关卡的平滑滚动、游戏杆支持和一个自由定义的键盘绑定,它也可以确保适合玩家的口味和情况。

On top of the quite original-looking graphics, the playing fun is increased by support for sound effects and music on all operating systems allowing this.


The game gains an additional attractiveness through its networking support under Unix that allows up to four players to play levels together. Also it has a local multi-player mode that allows to solve levels as a team on a single machine.

该款游戏另一个吸引人的地方便是它在 Unix 下的网络支持允许四个玩家在一起打关。它也拥有一个本机的多玩家模式,这允许在单机上作为一个团体来通关。

To make sure there will be no boredom the game has literally thousands of levels that need solving and once you have finished those, there is still the level editor.


The game was first published between 1994 and 1995 for GNU/Linux and Solaris before the MS-DOS version in 1998 and the Windows version in 2001. Holger Schemel publishes it as Free Software under the GNU General Public License.

该游戏最早是在一九九四到一九九五年间为 GNU/Linux 和 Solaris 发布的,一九九八年发布了 MS-DOS 版本,而 Windows 版本在二零零一年发布。 豪格 斯基迈尔 将其以 GNU 一般公众许可证作为自由软件发布。

Although the game is already very mature, development is still active. According to Holger, especially emulating the different game engines of Boulder Dash, Emerald Mine, Supaplex & Sokoban is still posing some problems since it is not good enough to play all their original levels.

尽管游戏已经十分成熟,但是开发依旧非常活跃。据 豪格 所说,特别是模拟 Boulder Dash 、 Emerald Mine 、 Supaplex 和 Sokoban 〔译注:即仓库翻或推箱子〕的不同游戏引擎仍然存在一些问题,因为还不能进行它们所有原有关卡。

If you would like to help, you're welcome to do so. Also contributions in terms of graphics, help on porting it to another platform or new levels are very welcome.


Holger himself was able to experience the sometimes very interesting aspects of such a cooperation sometime in mid-90ies when nuclear research center Jülich in Germany told him his game was crashing one of their AIX servers.

豪格 自己就能够体会到这样的合作有时所带来的有趣的一面,在九十年代中期的某个时间德国 Jülich 的核研究中心告诉他:他的游戏正摧残著他们的一台 AIX 服务器。

Since he wasn't able to reproduce that bug, he was provided with a telnet access to the affected system and tracked the problem down to a faulty X11-system call. So he was able to fix the bug while hoping he did not have too much of a negative impact on some nuclear gear.

因为他无法重复这个错误,他被提供了一个到受影响系统的 telnet 访问权限,并跟踪该问题到一个错误的 X11 系统调用。所以他可以修补这个错误,但他同时也希望他没有对一些核设备产生太大的负效应。

Fortunately that is not very likely, but this little story nicely shows how the connecting and cooperative spirit of Free Software can sometimes being you to interesting places.


Mirror Magic (一款使用镜子引导激光到目的地的游戏)

Like the last game, Mirror Magic [6] was also written by Holger Schemel. To do it justice, one has to say that it was written in 1988 already and distributed commercially and as proprietary software under the name "Mindbender" for the Amiga. He then ported it to Unix around 1994 and published it unter the GNU General Public License as Free Software.

与上一个游戏一样, Mirror Magic [6] 也是由 豪格 斯基迈尔 所编写的。为了公平起见,必须说明的是它早在一九八八年便已经编写好并作为 Amiga 下的名为“Mindbender”的私权软件进行了商业发布。接著他在一九九四年将它移植到了 Unix ,并以 GNU 一般公众许可证将其作为自由软件发布。

The goal of the game is to guide a laser beam out of its emitter into a detector. Given a couple of player-adjustable mirrors this could be so easy but is made increasingly difficult by all kinds of obstacles that can either be circumvented or destroyed by laser power. In some positions, the mirrors will cause the beam to feedback into the emitter, causing the laser to overheat and eventually explode; which is a rather undesirable outcome.


Simple priciples can lead to a low of fun and Mirror Magic is no exception to this rule. And just like Rocks'n'Diamonds, Mirror Magic also provides nice graphics, sound effects and music.

简单的规则可以带来很多乐趣, Mirror Magic 也不例外。与“石与钻”一样, Mirror Magic 同样提供优秀的图像、音效和音乐。

In fact both games have a suspiciously similar look, which is no circumstance since Rocks'n'Diamonds is based on the engine of Mirror Magic.

事实上,这两款游戏看起来很像,这是不可避免的,因为“石与钻”正是基於 Mirror Magic 的引擎。

Their relationship goes as far as the version number, which - at the time this column was written - is 2.0.1 released on March 19th 2002 for both games.

它们的关系甚至延伸到了版本号,在本期写作期间,它们均为於二零零二年三月十九日发布的 2.0.1 版。

Readers of the Brave GNU World owe their thanks for both these project introductions to Glenn Alexander, by the way. He was convinced that other readers might also like to know about them and after talking to me he asked Holger Schemel to fill out the Brave GNU World standard questions.

顺便提及的是,《勇敢 GNU 世界》的读者们应该感谢 格兰 亚历山大(Glenn Alexander)向我们介绍了这两个工程。他相信其它读者也许会乐意知道它们,在与我交谈之后,他请求 豪格 斯基迈尔 回答了《勇敢 GNU 世界》的标准问题。

This has proven to be a very good and functional approach in the past and should definitely adopted by more people.

这在过去已经被证明是一个很好并有效的方法,应该为大多数人们所 采用

T.E.G. (网络战略游戏)

Many things that would raise complaints in real life can be enjoyed freely in virtual space. Achieving world domination is one of them.


T.E.G. ("Tenes Empanadas Graciela") [7] is a clone of the well-known game "Risk" started by Ricardo Quesada in 1996.

T.E.G. ("Tenes Empanadas Graciela") [7] 是一款由 里卡多 奎萨德 (Ricardo Quesada) 在一九九六年开始进行的模仿非常著名的游戏“Risk”的游戏。

The game concept of Risk shouldn't need much explanation, but in case that some readers have not yet enjoyed themselves with it: Risk is a board-game in which the players compete with their armies in taking over control over certain regions or the whole world. Winning depends on tactical ability and some luck rolling the dice.

Risk 的游戏理念不需要太多的解释,但是也许有些读者还没有享受过它: Risk 是一款棋盘游戏,玩家在其中控制全世界的特定区域与他们的敌人竞争。胜利取决於战术策略能力以及一些掷骰子的运气。

Although the project was declared dead multiple times during its development, it is under continuous development since early 2000. It currently contains three maps, capable of network play and translations into Spanish, French, German and Polish.


Lack of maps and the relatively complicated procedure of generating new ones is one of the biggest weaknesses according to Thomas R. Koll, who contributes to T.E.G. as a translator and answered the Brave GNU World questions. But even with this weakness T.E.G. is clearly playable and the graphics are quite nice.

托马斯 R. 科尔 (Thomas R. Koll) 认为,缺乏地图和创建一张新的地图的相对复杂过程是 T.E.G. 的最大弱点,他是 T.E.G. 的翻译人员并且回答了《勇敢 GNU 世界》的问题。但是即使有这个弱点, T.E.G. 的可玩性仍然很好,并且图像非常漂亮。

Further plans focus on the generation of different rule-systems, better maps, increased intelligence of robots and a meta-server. Help with these tasks by interested graphics designers or developers is certainly welcome.


T.E.G. was written in C using the GTK+/GNOME libraries and is published under the GNU General Public License.

T.E.G. 采用 GTK+/GNOME 库以 C 编写,并以 GNU 一般公众许可证发布。

JTEG (Java 版本的 TEG)

Should the choice of C & GTK+ not suit your individual taste, you could try JTEG [8] by Jef De Geeter and Yves Vandewoude. It is a Java implementation of TEG that has been inspired by TEG although codebase and development are entirely independent.

如果 C 和 GTK+ 的选择不对你的口味,你可以尝试一下 杰夫 德 吉特(Jef De Geeter)和 伊乌斯 范德伍德(Yves Vanderwoude)所开发的 JTEG [8] 。它是受 TEG 启发所开发的一款 Java 版本的 TEG ,尽管它的代码和开发是完全独立的。

This project is also published under the GNU General Public License and since it uses the same networking protocol as TEG, both games can communicate with each other.

该工程也以 GNU 一般公众许可证发布,并且因为它与 TEG 采用了相同的网络协议,这两款游戏之间可以进行通讯。

In terms of translations, JTEG currently offers Dutch, French, German and Italian.

关於翻译问题,JTEG 目前提供荷兰语、法语、德语和意大利语的版本。

Thanks to using Java, JTEG should be able to run on almost all platforms supporting Java 1.3 or higher. But of course this also means it will have the Java-related problems.

感谢 Java 的使用,JTEG 应该可以在几乎所有支持 Java 1.3 或更高版本的平台上运行。但是当然这也就意味著它带有与 Java 相关的问题。

It would be good if Sun showed more interest in making Java a fully open language and support Free reference implementations.

如果 Sun 在将 Java 制订为一门完全开发式的语言并支持自由引用工具上显示更多的兴趣就好了。

GNU Chess (GNU 国际象棋)

GNU Chess [9] is among the oldest projects of the GNU system, its development began in 1984. It is under maintenance and development until today and should also find its place in the Brave GNU World.

GNU 国际象棋 [9] 是 GNU 系统中最古老的工程之一,它的开发始於一九八四年。直到今天它仍然处於维护和开发中,并且仍然可以在《勇敢 GNU 世界》中找到它的位置。

The game "Chess" itself shouldn't need explanation. Even if the non-players often know the rules and many people have gotten in contact in school when taking numbers to the nth power was explained with a chess board and grains of rice.

“国际象棋”游戏本身不需要解释。甚至不玩它的人也经常知道规则,并且很多人在学校中当采用国际象棋棋盘和米粒来解释数字的 n 次方威力的时候就和它有过接触。

Given origin and age of the project the choices of GNU General Public License and C as the programming language can hardly surprise anyone.

在给出了该工程的起源和年纪之后,它选择 GNU 一般公众许可证和以 C 作为编程语言就很难令人感到惊奇了。

The most active current developers of GNU Chess are Simon Waters, who answered the Brave GNU World questionnaire, and Lukas Geyer. Stuart Cracraft, who maintained the project for many years, still helps them with advice and occasional replies to bug-reports, however, even if he is slowly pulling out of GNU Chess.

GNU 国际象棋目前最活跃的开发者是 西蒙 沃特斯(Simon Waters)和 卢卡斯 盖尔(Lukas Geyer),前者回答了《勇敢 GNU 世界》的一系列问题。 斯图亚特 卡拉卡拉福特(Stuart Cracraft)曾经维护了很多年该工程,然而现在他依然提建议帮助他们,并且偶尔回覆错误报告,尽管他正在逐渐地退出 GNU 国际象棋。

Over the years many people have contributed to GNU Chess and it seems impossible to mention them all, but Chua Kong-Sian should still be mentioned since he contributed the major part of the GNU Chess version 5 codebase.

历经多年,很多人都对 GNU 国际象棋作出了贡献,似乎不可能全部提及他们,但是仍然应该提及 朝 孔先(Chua Kong-Sian),因为他贡献了 GNU 国际象棋第五版代码库的主要部分。

Simon sees the current development focus on maintaining and further expanding the high portability and on implementing a end-game database and an "analysis mode."

西蒙 认为当前的开发集中於维护和进一步扩展它的高度可移植性以及实现一个游戏终止数据库和一个“分析模式”。

Especially the analysis mode is something he considers important since in his experience complex programs can profit enormously from such a mode. As an example he mentioned a program of the fire research unit in the UK in which they included visualization features and then discovered that in their burning building model the staircase was one step short of the landing.


Along with the already finished code-cleanup, the analysis mode should also help further increasing the playing strength of GNU Chess.

除了已经完成的代码整理,分析模式也应该可以帮助进一步的增加 GNU 国际象棋的棋艺水平(playing strength)。

Even if there are many gratis Chess programs for some of which you can even get the source code, GNU Chess seems to be very popular with maintainers of web sites and authors of graphical chess programs who need a Chess engine that will give them the necessary freedom to port and integrate it easily and efficiently.

即使有很多免费的国际象棋程序并且你可以获得其中一些的源码,GNU 国际象棋似乎在网站维护人员和图形国际象棋程序作者之间非常流行,他们往往需要一个国际象棋引擎以得到必需的自由来容易而有效的移植和集成它。

According to Simons experience this freedom offered by GNU Chess is a major advantage that is very much valued as he was able to discover by the large amount of patches sent in.

根据 西蒙 的经验,这个由 GNU 国际象棋所赋予的自由是非常重要的一个优势,他可以从大量提交的补丁中发现这一点。

If you just want to play GNU Chess, you can of course do so, but a graphical front end would probably be useful. The best known frontend is probably XBoard [10] by Tim Mann, a graphical frontend under the GNU GPL.

如果你只是希望下 GNU 国际象棋,你当然可以那么做,但是一个图形前端也许会有用。最著名的前端当数 提姆 曼恩 (Tim Mann) 的 XBoard [10] 了,它是一款遵循 GNU GPL 的图形前端。

Scid (国际象棋信息数据库)

Those who know Chess from playing will certainly know the value of a good Chess database - at lease once you reached a certain level of playing strength.

知道如何下国际象棋的人们当然知道一个好的国际象棋数据库的价值 -- 至少在你一旦到达了一定的棋艺水平之后。

Scid ("Shane's chess information database") [11] is such a database, developed by Shane Hudson under the GNU General Public License.

Scid(“肖恩的国际象棋信息数据库”,“Shane's chess information database”)[11] 就是这样的数据库,它由 肖恩 胡德森(Shane Hudson)遵循 GNU 一般公众许可证开发。

Games can easily and quickly be entered in Scid in order to later search in the database for certain search parameters. Since the use of any database is largely determined by the capabilities of maintaining it, this part of the functionality has been given a lot of the attention.

棋局可以容易而快速地加入到 Scid 中,以备日后采用一定的搜索参数在数据库中进行查询。因为任何数据库的使用都很大程度上决定於维护它的能力,这部分功能被给予了相当大的注意。

Also the possibility of training your own playing strength was important to Shane and with the help of a WinBoard-compatible Chess engine you can even use it for analyzing games.

训练你自己棋艺的能力对 肖恩 也同样重要,并且在 WinBoard 兼容的象棋引擎的帮助下你甚至可以用它来分析棋局。

Other than the in this area predominant proprietary and sometimes very expensive programs Scid does not only support Windows but also runs under Unix and has - according to its author - a much easier, cleaner interface.

与在该领域中占统治地位的私权的并且有时非常昂贵的程序不同的是, Scid 不仅仅支持 Windows 而且还可以在 Unix 下面运行,并且据它的作者所说,拥有一个更容易、更干净的界面。

Of course the size of the accompanying game database is also an important factor for the usefulness of such a project. Some proprietary programs have more than 1.000.000 games in their database. From the Scid web site, you can download a high-quality database with over 500.000 games of master level and with little duplicity.

当然相应的棋局数据库的大小也是此类工程可用性的一个重要因素。一些私权程序在它们的数据库中拥有超过 1.000.000 盘棋局。从 Scid 的网站,你可以下载一个高质量的数据库,其中拥有超过 500.000 盘的高手水平的棋局并且很少重复。

The development of Scid began in 1999. Today it is clearly a stable project with translations into 12 languages. As a program language, Shane used C++ with Tcl/k for the graphical user interface.

Scid 的开发始於一九九九年。现在它已经是一个非常稳定的工程,并且已经被翻译成为十二种语言。 肖恩 选择 C++ 作为编程语言,并且图形用户界面采用 Tcl/k 。

Therefore the most important tasks are maintenance of the help pages and the creation of a tutorial for new users. So if you like spending time pondering over Chess, you should risk a look at Scid.

因此最重要的工作就是维护帮助页面以及为新用户编写教程。所以如果你愿意花费一些时间思考国际象棋,你应该尝试一下 Scid 。

GNU oSIP Library (会话初始协议的程序库)

RFC2543 [12] describes the "Session Initiation Protocol" (SIP), a protocol to initiate, modify and terminate multimedia sessions. SIP was invented as a lightweight replacement of H323 in order to allow especially hardware and software internet telephones. Among other things it allows for proxies as gateways between networks and registrars to locate dynamic users.

RFC2543 [12] 描述了“会话初始协议(Session Initiation Protocol)”(SIP),一个用以初始、修改和中断多媒体会话。发明 SIP 是用作 H323 的一个轻量级的替代品以允许特别是硬件和软件的互联网电话。它允许使用代理作为网络和确定动态用户的注册之间的网关。

The protocol bears a - wanted - resemblance to the MAIL and HTTP protocols and just like it is possible today to mail me with the "mailto:greve@gnu.org," SIP will make it possible to call me over the "sip:greve@gnu.org" URL one day.

该协议具有和 MAIL 及 HTTP 协议的(需要的)相似之处,并且正如现在可以通过“mailto:greve@gnu.org”给我发送邮件一样,将来有一天也可以通过“sip:greve@gnu.org”给我打电话。

Given that more and more companies shift from H232 to SIP and given that release 5 of the UMTS protocol is based on SIP, it becomes increasingly important to implement this protocol freely.

基於越来越多的公司从 H232 转移到 SIP 并且 UMTS 协议的第五版是基於 SIP 的事实,自由地实现该协议已经变得越来越重要。

The GNU oSIP ("Omnibus SIP") library [13] by Aymeric Moizard is such a Free implementation under the GNU Lesser General Public License and has recently become part of the GNU-Project.

艾默瑞克 莫伊扎特(Aymeric Moizard)编写的 GNU oSIP(“Omnibus SIP”)库 [13] 就是这样的一个遵循 GNU 较少一般公众许可证的自由工具,并且已经在最近成为了 GNU 工程的一部分。

oSIP was written in C, deliberately limiting dependencies to the libc6 only in order to be able to use it on as many systems as possible. This allows using oSIP in embedded devices and creates the foundation of mobile internet phones based on Free Software.

oSIP 采用 C 编写,有意地限制它的依赖性只在 libc6 上,是为了可以在尽可能多的系统上使用它。这使得可以在嵌入式设备上使用 oSIP ,并为基於自由软件的移动互联网电话奠定了基础。

The major advantages of oSIP compared to proprietary projects are that it is very small, flexible and Free. But to the knowledge of Aymeric, there also no other Free Software SIP C stack that is comparable to oSIP.

oSIP 与私权工程的主要优势在於它很小,很灵活并且是自由的。但是据 艾默瑞克 所知,没有可以与 oSIP 相媲美的其它自由软件的 SIP 的 C 的实现。

It is quite possible that SIP-based internet-telephony will completely replace the current telephone with its well-known players.

很有可能基於 SIP 的互联网电话将会以它著名的播放器(player)完全取代目前的电话。

If one combines the social and economic importance of communication by phone with the tendency of proprietary software to create monopolies, it immediately becomes apparent that communication as to be possible with Free Software in order to help preventing a global monopoly on telecommunication.


So it is easy to understand why oSIP is a seminal contribution to the GNUCOMM project [14] by Aymeric.

所以很容易理解为什么 oSIP 是 艾默瑞克 对 GNUCOMM 工程 [14] 的一个基础性贡献了。

Libferris (虚拟文件系统)

Like the previous project, the Ferris library [15] is also a part that most "normal users" will never come in direct contact with. But even if these features are only immediately useful to developers, I believe it to be useful to have a certain understanding for whats happening "behind the curtains" - even for pure users.

正如上一个工程,Ferris 库 [15] 也是大多数“普通用户”永远不会进行直接接触的一部分。但是即使这些特性只对开发人员有立即的用处,我相信对“幕后”发生的事情有一定的了解也是有帮助的 -- 甚至是对单纯的用户。

The libferris is a "Virtual File System" (VFS) running in user-space. Its function is to provide transparent, easy and consistent access to many different sources of data for programs - and therefore the users.

libferris 是一个在用户空间运行的“虚拟文件系统(Virtual File System)”(VFS)。它的功能是向程序 (从而向用户) 提供对多种不同数据源的透明的、容易的和统一的访问。

The libferris allows to make databases, relational databases, XML, mailboxes, FTP-accounts, sockets, compressed & RPM-archives and SSH2 servers available as transparent directory structures. Also it allows the direct extraction of certain information/data out of different file formats like ID3, MPEG2 and all image formats supported by the Imlib2 or ImageMagick librairies.

libferris 也允许将数据库、关系数据库、 XML 、邮箱、 FTP 帐号、插座连线(sockets)、压缩以及 RPM 的文件以及 SSH2 服务器变为透明的目录结构。它也允许对不同文件格式中的特定信息/数据进行直接提取,例如 ID3 、 MPEG2 和所有 Imlib2 或 ImageMagick 库所支持的图像格式。

Users gain the advantage that it becomes irrelevant where or in which format data is stored, all such details are handled by the libferris.

用户得到的好处是数据在何处以何种格式储存变得无关紧要,所有类似的细节都由 libferris 所处理。

Developers don't have to worry about supporting dozens of file formats and transport layers anymore - all they need to write is a binding to libferris.

开发人员再也不用操心支持几十种文件格式和传输层 -- 所有他们需要编写的就是与 libferris 的绑定。

Ben Martin began working on the libferris in April/May 2001 and already released the first version in June 2001.

本 马丁 (Ben Martin) 在二零零一年四、五月间开始编写 libferris ,并在二零零一年六月发布了第一个版本。

As the programming language for the project he chose C++, since he wanted to make extensive use of the C++ "Standard Template Library" (STL), which is also the reason why he decided against expanding the gnome-vfs for his purposes.

他选择 C++ 作为该工程的编程语言,因为他希望能够充分利用 C++ “标准模板库(Standard Template Library)”(STL),这也是他为什么决定不通过扩展 gnome-vfs 来达到他的目标的原因。

The object and steam orientation of libferris makes its expansion pretty easy and allows writing your own modules to make other sources or formats accessible through the libferris.

libferris 的「面向对象和流」的特性使得它的扩展相当容易,并且允许编写您自己的模块以通过 libferris 访问其它的来源或格式。

Ben is mostly seeking help in form of modules that allow including different protocols or extracting information out of previously unsupported file formats. But he also wouldn't mind being provided with nice, fast hardware as he pointed out.


Even if the technical details could not be discussed here, I still hope you got the basic concept and most important key features. Interested developers should definitely risk a look.



That's enough Brave GNU World for this month. As in every issue, I'd like to encourage you to send mail with ideas, feedback, comments and interesting projects to the usual address. [1] Very often it was the ideas of readers leading to interesting features, so don't hesitate.

本月的《勇敢 GNU 世界》内容已经足够了。正如在每期必提的,鼓励您将想法、反馈、意见和有趣的工程发送电子邮件到通常的地址 [1]。读者的想法经常会产生有趣的〔新的〕功能特色,所以请不要犹豫。

[1] 请将想法、意见和问题送到 《勇敢 GNU 世界》 <column@brave-gnu-world.org>
[2] GNU 工程的主页 http://www.gnu.org/home.cn.html
[3] 乔格的《勇敢 GNU 世界》主页 http://brave-gnu-world.org/
[4] 「GNU 艺廊」原创 http://www.gnu.org/brave-gnu-world/rungnu/rungnu.cn.html
[5] “岩石与钻石”主页 http://www.artsoft.org/rocksndiamonds/
[6] Mirror Magic 主页 http://www.artsoft.org/mirrormagic/
[7] T.E.G. ("Tenes Empanadas Graciela") 主页 http://teg.sourceforge.net
[8] JTEG 主页 http://jteg.sourceforge.net
[9] GNU 象棋主页 http://www.gnu.org/software/chess
[10] XBoard & WinBoard 主页 http://www.tim-mann.org/xboard.html
[11] SCID 主页 http://scid.sourceforge.net
[12] RFC2543 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2543.txt
[13] GNU oSIP 库主页 http://www.gnu.org/software/osip/
[14] GNUCOMM 主页 http://www.gnu.org/software/gnucomm/
[15] Libferris 主页 http://witme.sourceforge.net/libferris.web

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Copyright (C) 2002 Georg C. F. Greve
中文翻译: 梁 萌

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Last modified: Fri Aug 8 15:43:56 CEST 2002