We are pleased to announce a new development release of GNU Classpath.

GNU Classpath, Essential Libraries for Java, is a project to create free
core class libraries for use with virtual machines and compilers for the
java programming language.

GNU Classpath 0.08 can be downloaded from
or one of the ftp.gnu.org mirrors

File: classpath-0.08.tar.gz
MD5sum: 17f200744c31f36fdbe15347745562fb New in GNU Classpath 0.08: * java.util.regexp implementation through gnu.regexp wrappers. * java.net.URI implementation. * Working implementation of javax.swing.undo. * java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D/QuadCurve2D: Can now solve cubic and quadratic equations; implementation adapted from the GNU Scientific Library. * Lots of java.awt and gtk+ peer improvements. Also more Swing work. Start of EmbeddedWindow support. * BufferedReader speed improvements. * Improved useabilty of java.text implementation for several applications. * ObjectInputStream is much faster and more compatible with other implementations. * Fix handling of alias methods, where a method has been deprecated in favour of a new one with the same funtion but a different name. (See Deprecated Methods section in the GNU Classpath Hacking Guide.) * javax.print.attribute.standard added. * Lots of java.nio, java.net, java.io fixes and updates. * Depend on autoconf 2.59+ and automake 1.7+, GCJ 3.3+, jikes 1.18+. VM Interface changes: * Split native methods in java.lang.Runtime into java.lang.VMRuntime. * Resources are now also loaded/needed through the bootstrap classloader (gnu.regexp needs MessageBundle included in glibj.zip Fixed Classpath bugs: wrong results And lots more. Here are answers to some questions you might have about this project and this release. 1). What is required to build/install/run? GNU Classpath requires a working GNU build environment and a byte code compiler such as jikes, gcj or kjc. When creating native code you will also need a working C compiler and up to date Gnome development libraries (gtk+, libart and gdk-pixbuf). More information on the precise version numbers for the tools and libraries can be found in the INSTALL file. A list of virtual machines and compilers known to work with GNU Classpath can be found at our website: http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/stories.htm 2). What platforms are supported? GNU/Linux is the only platform that has been tested. We plan to eventually support many others. 3). Who should use this software? Although GNU Classpath is already capable of supporting many applications written in the java programming language, this is a development release. As such, there are still some unfinished components, and some problems are to be expected. You should install it if you are interested in GNU Classpath development or reporting bugs. We appreciate both. A good overview of the current status can be found on the GNU Classpath at FOSDEM'04 page which describes the last GNU Classpath hacker meeting. It includes reports and presentations on the current status and future plans: http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/events/fosdem04.html 4). Where do I go for more information? The project home page with information on our mailing list can be found http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/.

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Updated: $Date: 2006/12/17 19:53:04 $ $Author: mark $