Package javax.xml.transform

Base "TRAX" API for XSLT transformers.

Interface Summary

ErrorListener Error reporting callback handler.
Result The result of an XSL transformation.
Source An XML input source.
SourceLocator The location in an XML resource at which an event occurred.
Templates A compiled, reusable XSL transformation.
URIResolver Callback that can resolve a URI into source XML for transformation.

Class Summary

OutputKeys Constants for XSLT output attributes.
Transformer An XSL transformation.
TransformerConfigurationException An exception occurred during configuration of the transformer.
TransformerException An exception occurred during the transformation process.
TransformerFactory Factory for obtaining transformation contexts.
TransformerFactoryConfigurationError An error occurred during configuration of the transformer factory.
Base "TRAX" API for XSLT transformers. This API borrows many structural notions from SAX, such as the way error handling and external entity resolution are handled, although it does not reuse the corresponding SAX classes. To use XSLT transformers:

The OutputKeys class holds constants that can be used to configure output properties used with Result objects, as if they were specified in xslt:output attributes in the stylesheet specifying the transform.

The Templates class accomodates the notion of "compiled" transforms.