# This file defines the filenames that should not be mentioned as missing # translations on the autogenerated translation status pages. # Every line in this file is used as a pattern for grep, and any file # containing any of the patterns is left out on the status pages. # Lines start with blank so they only match the start of the filename. # # Name lists (not translated at all) # contact/contact.en.xml about/people/people.en.xml help/thankgnus/donors documents/whyfs-companies documents/wiwo-sig projects/swpat/memorandum.en.xml # # Old news # news/2001 news/2002 news/2003 news/2004 news/2005 news/2006 # # Old news-releated articles # news/article # # Newsletters (FSFE newsletter and Tux&GNU@school column) # news/nl projects/education/tgs/tagatschool # # Old events # events/2004 events/2005 events/2006 # # Historic projects # projects/agnula projects/eucd projects/fp6 projects/mankind projects/swpat documents/fp6 # # Stuff not really important for other languages # about/legal/de about/legal/it help/donate-2002-de help/donate-2002-it # # The boilerplate # boilerplate # # Temporarly locked because it's being worked on # order contribute/booth