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Submitting PR's 'closed' or with predetermined closing time.

Hello all,

I think this feature might be useful in environments where many
administrators file "for-inform" informational PR's in the database.

Is it possible to file new PR's as 'closed'?  At least Gnatsweb doesn't
support this.  The reason?  Because this is informational (of which some
are there for archival purposes only), it might not make sense having to
remember to close the PR and thus sending excess messages to all
concerning parties.

Another interesting feature might be a PR that would automatically close
or change state without sending those informational emails.  This way,
some new announcement would show in open reports for a while, and after
some time (when people have probably seen it), it would be silently

Am I alone here?  Have I missed something?

Just some ideas :)

Pekka Savola                    "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,          not those you stumble over and fall"

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