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RE: patch for gnatsweb

> > executive summary of my changes:
> > [...]
> >
> > let me know what you think.
> Two quick reactions, well, actually three:
>  o Cool!

i'm glad you like it.  it's good to find an audience for all that code.

>  o Do you see any chance of splitting this huge patch into smaller,
>  logically self-contained pieces that we could apply iteratively?

i'd rather not try to split the patch.  many of the changes are
interdependent, and it's already been tested (and put into production) as a
whole.  it would take a great deal of work to factor out self-contained
patches, and probably result in a much less stable product.  i realize it's
a lot to swallow at once (heck, the patch is almost as big as the script),
but good things don't *always* come in small packages...

Dirk Bergstrom    
Juniper Networks Inc.,  Engineering Web Guru
Tel: 408.745.3182          Fax: 408.745.8905

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