Table Name | Field Name | Descriptive Name | Field Type | Theory of operation |
GL | gl_id | General ledger Identification | numeric | A serial number assigned by the system not visible to the user Primary key to link to other tables |
GL | org_id | Organization Identification | numeric | |
GL | gl_acct | General Ledger Account | alpha 30 | Key for the user to access the account, can be updated by the user |
GL | gl_title | General Ledger Account Title | alpha 60 | |
GL | gl_status | GL Account Activity Status | alpha 1 | (A)ctive, (I)nactive, (D)eactivated |
GL | sj_posting | Sales Journal posting to GL | Alpha 1 | (S)ummarized or (D)etailed Defaulted from the GLPARAM. The user can change the defaulted values |
GL | cr_posting | Cash Receipt posting to GL | Alpha 1 | (S)ummarized or (D)etailed |
GL | pj_posting | Purchase Journal posting to GL | Alpha 1 | (S)ummarized or (D)etailed |
GL | cd_posting | Cash Disbursement posting to GL | Alpha 1 | (S)ummarized or (D)etailed |
GL | ic_posting | Stocks Receiving posting to GL | Alpha 1 | (S)ummarized or (D)etailed |
GL | pr_posting | Payroll posting to GL | Alpha 1 | (S)ummarized or (D)etailed |
GL | br_posting | Bank reconciliation posting to GL | Alpha 1 | (S)ummarized or (D)etailed |
GL | uom_id | Unit Of Measure for this account | numeric | Hours for Salary accounts Kilometers or miles for Traveling Expense accounts Kilowatts for Electicity accounts, etc. |
GL |