GNUe Common: A Developer's Introduction A Guide to Developing Applications with GNUe Common Version 0.4.1 Copyright 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation Written by James Thompson Table of Contents Introduction 2 Basic Concepts 3 Data Sources 3 Application Configuration Files 3 Command Line Arguments 3 Designing for Multiple Architectures 3 Hello World 4 The Initial Code 4 Command Line Option Support 6 Program Debugging Output Support 8 Configuration File Support 9 Appendix A: Trigger Hierarchy 11 Appendix B: Schema Definition Elements 12 Schema Tags 12 Data Tags 12 Tables Tags 13 Import Tags 15 Appendix C: Form Objects 18 Appendix D: Data Objects 19 Introduction The GNUe Common is the base of almost all applications developed in the GNUe project. Like most applications in GNUe however it is designed to be usefull outside of the GNUe project. Before designing an application using GNUe Common, the developer should be somewhat familiar with a few key concepts: * Python - GNUe uses Python for almost all it's applications. There is a short section entitled "A Brief Introduction to Python" in this guide that can serve as a starting point. * Object Oriented Programming - GNUe Common relies heavily upon OOP concepts. Without at least a rudementary grasp of these concepts programming with GNUe Common could prove somewhat difficult in the beginning. More advanced features of GNUe Common will require some familiarity with * XML - GNUe extensively uses XML for its internal storage format. While it is possible to create GNUe applications via Designer without interacting with the XML formats, a good, solid understanding of XML basics would definitely be useful. Basic Concepts TODO Data Sources TODO Application Configuration Files TODO Command Line Arguments TODO Designing for Multiple Architectures TODO Hello World No tutorial for a programming environment would be completely without a functional Hello World application. In this chapter, we will create our hello world application. The Initial Code Lets take a look at our complete helloworld application. Create a file named helloworld with the following contents. # # Setup the environment to know where gnue is installed # import sys,os [1]sys.path.append('/usr/local/gnue/lib/python') os.environ['INSTALL_LIB']='/usr/local/gnue/lib/python' os.environ['INSTALL_PREFIX']='/usr/local/gnue' # #Import the base application support # from gnue.common.GClientApp import * # # Define our application # class Hello(GClientApp): VERSION = "0.0.1" COMMAND = "helloworld" NAME = "Hello World" USAGE = GClientApp.USAGE SUMMARY = _("App to display the text Hello World .") AUTHOR = "GNU Enterprise Project" EMAIL = "[2]" REPORT_BUGS_TO = "Report bugs to [3]" def run(self): print "Hello World!" if __name__ == '__main__': Hello().run() After you have created your helloworld file, proceed to execute it. bash-2.05a$ python helloworld Hello World! bash-2.05a$ That isn't very much output for such a large amout of code. What's going on here? Let's rerun the application using the following command. bash-2.05a$ python helloworld -help Hello World Version 0.0.1 GNUe Common Version 0.4.1a Usage: helloworld [options] App to display the text Hello World . Available command line options: --configuration-options Displays a list of valid configuration file entries, their purpose, and their default values. --connections Specifies the location of the connection definition file. may specify a file name (/usr/local/gnue/etc/connections.conf),or a URL location (http://localhost/connections.conf).If this option is not specified, the environent variable GNUE_CONNECTIONS is checked. --debug-file Sends all debugging messages to a specified file (e.g., "--debug-file trace.log" sends all output to "trace.log") --debug-level Enables debugging messages. Argument specifies the level of messages to display (e.g., "--debug-level 5" displays all debugging messages at level 5 or below.) --generate-man-page Generates a groff-formatted man page as a file in the current directory. --help Displays this help screen. --interactive-debugger Run the app inside Python's built-in debugger --profile Run Python's built-in profiler and display the resulting run statistics. --version Displays the version information for this program. Please report any bugs to [4] bash-2.05a$ Whoa. Do all those options really work? You bet they do. Our helloworld application has already supports an integrated debugger, profiler, and a fair bit of self documention. Now we will look at the various sections of code and explain their function. # # Setup the environment to know where gnue is installed # import sys,os [5]sys.path.append('/usr/local/gnue/lib/python') os.environ['INSTALL_LIB']='/usr/local/gnue/lib/python' os.environ['INSTALL_PREFIX']='/usr/local/gnue' These lines deal with a shortcomming in the GNUe Common library. The current release of GNUe common (0.4.1) is unable to determine where it is installed. This probrem will be addressed in a future release. # #Import the base application support # from gnue.common.GClientApp import * # # Define our application # class Hello(GClientApp): All applications using GNUe Common are based upon one of two different classes, GClientApp or GserverApp. GClientApp should be used when your application will not be required to run as a daemon process. If you have such a requirement then you will use GserverApp. Our helloworld application is based upon GClientApp. VERSION = "0.0.1" COMMAND = "helloworld" NAME = "Hello World" USAGE = GClientApp.USAGE SUMMARY = _("App to display the text Hello World .") AUTHOR = "GNU Enterprise Project" EMAIL = "[6]" REPORT_BUGS_TO = "Report bugs to [7]" These lines are used to set default values displayed on various help screens and documentation formats. Looking closer at the SUMMARY definition you will notice the text string is surrounded by _(). GNUe Common contains full support for i18n[8]1. For now we will not be examining that support, it will be saved for a later chapter. def run(self): print "Hello World!" if __name__ == '__main__': Hello().run() The actual application code. Command Line Option Support Our helloworld is a success but it seem seems to be missing something. GNUe developers are scattered all over the globe, but helloworld only displays it's message english. Lets make a few changes to the code to add the following features * The word world will be replaced with any name that is passed in it on the command line. * An -w(--welcome) option will be added to toggle on the printing of the word Welcome * An -L(--language) option will be added to allow the user to choose the language in which we display our welcome.[9]2 We will support engish and maori[10]3 as our valid languages., as a tribute to all the andrews from New Zealand, maori as our example languages. Here is the new code with the bolded sections containing the altered code. # # Setup the environment to know where gnue is installed # import sys,os sys.path.append('/usr/local/gnue/lib/python') os.environ['INSTALL_LIB']='/usr/local/gnue/lib/python' os.environ['INSTALL_PREFIX']='/usr/local/gnue' # #Import the base application support # from gnue.common.GClientApp import * # # Define our application # class Hello(GClientApp): VERSION = "0.0.1" COMMAND = "helloworld" NAME = "Hello World" COMMAND_OPTIONS = [ ['welcome_option','w','welcome',0,0,None, 'Display the welcome' ], ['lang_option','L','lang',1,'english','language', 'The language to use to print welcome '+ \ 'Valid values: english, maori' ] ] USAGE = GClientApp.USAGE + ' [name]' SUMMARY = _("App to display the text Hello World .") AUTHOR = "GNU Enterprise Project" EMAIL = "[11]" REPORT_BUGS_TO = "Report bugs to [12]" def run(self): greetings = { 'english' : 'Welcome', 'maori' : 'Kia Ora' } if self.ARGUMENTS: print "Hello %s!" % self.ARGUMENTS[0] else: print "Hello World!" if self.OPTIONS['welcome_option']: print greetings[self.OPTIONS['lang_option']]; if __name__ == '__main__': Hello().run() Let's rerun the application using the following command. bash-2.05a$ python helloworld -help You will notice a few more options listed in the help screen and on man pages generated via the -generate-man-page option. --lang , -L The language to use to print thank youValid values: english, maori --welcome, -w Display the welcome Now lets try running helloworld with a few different options. bash-2.05a$ python Hello World! bash-2.05a$ python -w Hello World! Welcome bash-2.05a$ python -w -L maori Hello World! Kia Ora bash-2.05a$ python -w -L maori andrew Hello andrew! Kia Ora bash-2.05a$ The key to adding options is the code COMMAND_OPTIONS = [ ['welcome_option','w','welcome',0,0,None, 'Display the welcome' ], ['lang_option','L','lang',1,'english','language', 'The language to use to print welcome '+ \ 'Valid values: english, maori' ] ] COMMAND_OPTIONS is a list of option entries that will be added to your application's list of valid options. Each option entry is a list with the following format [key name, short option letter, long option (--) name, require argument?, default value, argument name, description] List position Description Key name The key name that will be avaliabe in the self.OPTION dictionary when the application is executing. Short option letter The single letter to assign to this option Long option (--) name The long optoin name. The is prepended with -- on the command line. Require value Does this option require a value to be assigned from the command line. Default value If this option does require an value then this is the default value if the option is not passed in via the command line. Value name This is used when generating the outputing help text. In our example above you will notice --lang . The word 'language' inside the <> is set by this value. description The description of the option displayed in help text. Program Debugging Output Support It is often handy to track what is going on inside a running copy of a program. You could start helloworld using the --interactive-debugger option and be dropped directly into python's debugger. This is a powerfull way to track what is happening inside your applicatoin but it can also be inconvieniet for simple debugging tasks. It is also a bit too much to ask of an end user that is requiring technical assistance.. Let's tweak our program a bit. In the interest of saving trees we'll only show small pieces of code with the new parts in bold. # #Import the base application support # from gnue.common.GClientApp import * from gnue.common inport Gdebug Here we load GNUe Common's Gdebug system. if self.ARGUMENTS: GDebug.printMesg(5,'The value to be printed is %s' % self.ARGUMENTS[0]) print "Hello %s!" % self.ARGUMENTS[0] else: GDebug.printMesg(5,'The default value will be printed') print "Hello World!" Gdebug.printMesg will output to either a screen or a file depending upon the options passed to the program at start. The first argument specifies the debug level required before the text will print. The 5 in the example means that a --debug-level of 5 or higher must be specified on the command line. The GNUe project typically uses values between 1 and 10. However there is no numerical limit to how high you can set the debug level. Configuration File Support It is often nice to allow application options to be set at various levels. GNUe Common supports a configuration file system with the following features * Application default settings in the code. * A systemwide configuration file that can be overridden by individual user configuration files. * A systemwide configuration file that can not be overridden by individual user configuration files. * Auto-documentation support. All GNUe Common apps support a command line option (--configuration-options) that displays all valid configuration file options and their default values. We will now alter our helloworld application to allow users to replace the world Hello with the text of their choice. Here is a complete copy of our application with the required changes in bold. # # Setup the environment to know where gnue is installed # import sys,os sys.path.append('/usr/local/gnue/lib/python') os.environ['INSTALL_LIB']='/usr/local/gnue/lib/python' os.environ['INSTALL_PREFIX']='/usr/local/gnue' # #Import the base application support # from gnue.common.GClientApp import * from gnue.common import Gdebug from gnue.common import Gtypecast # # Define our application # class Hello(GClientApp): VERSION = "0.0.1" COMMAND = "helloworld" NAME = "Hello World" COMMAND_OPTIONS = [ ['welcome_option','w','welcome',0,0,None, 'Display the welcome' ], ['lang_option','L','lang',1,'english','language', 'The language to use to print thank you'+ \ 'Valid values: english, maori' ] ] USAGE = GClientApp.USAGE + ' [name]' SUMMARY = _("App to display the text Hello World .") AUTHOR = "GNU Enterprise Project" EMAIL = "[13]" REPORT_BUGS_TO = "Report bugs to [14]" def __init__(self): ConfigOptions = ( { 'Name' : 'greetingText', 'Type' : 'Setting', 'Comment' : 'Use the basic editor for triggers', 'Description': 'Use the basic editor for triggers', 'Typecast' : Gtypecast.text, 'Default' : 'Hello' }, ) GClientApp.__init__(self, application="helloworld" defaults=ConfigOptions) def run(self): greetings = { 'english' : 'Welcome', 'maori' : 'Kia Ora' } if self.ARGUMENTS: GDebug.printMesg(5,'The value to be printed is %s' % self.ARGUMENTS[0]) print "%s %s!" % (gConfig('greetingText'),self.ARGUMENTS[0]) else: GDebug.printMesg(5,'The default value will be printed') print "%s World!" % gConfig('greetingText') if self.OPTIONS['welcome_option']: print greetings[self.OPTIONS['lang_option']]; if __name__ == '__main__': Hello().run() Appendix A: Trigger Hierarchy Common supports Appendix B: Schema Definition Elements TODO Schema Tags schema No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description author text No description provided description text No description provided title text No description provided version text No description provided Child Nodes data, tables Data Tags data No description provided Child Nodes tabledata row No description provided Child Nodes value rows No description provided Child Nodes row tabledata No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided tablename text No description provided Child Nodes rows value No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description field text No description provided type text text No description provided Tables Tags tables No description provided Child Nodes import-table, table constraint No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided type text No description provided Child Nodes constraintfield, constraintref constraintfield No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided constraintref No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided table text No description provided constraints No description provided Child Nodes constraint field No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided type text No description provided auto Y, N N No description provided default text No description provided defaultwith constant, serial, timestamp constant No description provided description text No description provided length number No description provided nullable Y, N Y No description provided precision number 0 No description provided fields No description provided Child Nodes field, import-field indexes No description provided Child Nodes index indexfield No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided pkfield No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided primarykey No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided Child Nodes pkfield table No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided description text No description provided Child Nodes constraints, fields, import-fields, indexes, primarykey Import Tags import-field No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided name text No description provided type text No description provided auto Y, N N No description provided default text No description provided defaultwith constant, serial, timestamp constant No description provided description text No description provided length number No description provided nullable Y, N Y No description provided precision number 0 No description provided import-fields No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided import-table No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided name text No description provided description text No description provided index No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided unique Y, N N No description provided Child Nodes indexfield Appendix C: ??? Objects Appendix D: Data Objects Alphabetical Index D Designer 2 P Python 2 [15]1Internationalization [16]2True i18n support would be too complicated for our simple example. [17]3A tribute to numerous Andrew's from New Zealand that seem to find their way to our IRC channel. References 1. http://sys.path.append/ 2. 3. 4. 5. http://sys.path.append/ 6. 7. 8. file://localhost/home/jason/cvs/gnue/common/doc/Developers-Guide.html#sdfootnote1sym 9. file://localhost/home/jason/cvs/gnue/common/doc/Developers-Guide.html#sdfootnote2sym 10. file://localhost/home/jason/cvs/gnue/common/doc/Developers-Guide.html#sdfootnote3sym 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. file://localhost/home/jason/cvs/gnue/common/doc/Developers-Guide.html#sdfootnote1anc 16. file://localhost/home/jason/cvs/gnue/common/doc/Developers-Guide.html#sdfootnote2anc 17. file://localhost/home/jason/cvs/gnue/common/doc/Developers-Guide.html#sdfootnote3anc