GNUe Forms: A Developer's Introduction A Guide to Programming with GNUe Forms Version 0.5.1 Written by Jason Cater, your tour guide Copyright © 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Structuring the Database 4 Designing the Form 4 Planning for Security 4 Basic Concepts 5 Datasources 5 Blocks and Fields 5 Pages and Visual Elements 5 Triggers 5 Designing for Multiple Interfaces 5 Designing for Multiple Databases 5 Creating your First Form 6 Preliminary Steps 6 Creating the Empty Form 7 Creating the Datasources 7 Creating the Logic Structure 8 Creating the Layout 9 Running the Form 11 Where To Go Next 11 Understanding Datasources 12 Table-Bound Datasources 12 Static Datasources 12 Defining Conditions 13 Linking Datasources via Master/Detail 13 Advanced Relationships 13 Understanding Events and Triggers 14 Form's Event Model 14 Named Triggers verses Embedded Triggers 14 Form-level Triggers 14 Block-level Triggers 15 Field-level Triggers 18 Page-level Triggers 19 Entry-level Triggers 19 Button-Level Triggers 19 Working with Fields 21 Typecasting Fields 21 Default Values 21 Formatting Fields with Masks 21 Dropdown Fields 24 Check boxes 24 A Brief Introduction to Python 25 The Basics 25 Variables and Expressions 25 Control Structures 25 Tuples, Lists, and Dictionaries... oh, my! 26 Exploring Trigger Namespaces 27 Introduction 27 Object Heirarchy 28 Fields and Entries 28 Blocks 28 Datasources 28 Form 29 Creating and Using Libraries 30 Overview 30 Integration with GNUe Tools 31 Running Reports from Forms 31 Running Forms from Navigator 31 Advanced Topics 32 Runtime Parameters 32 External Python Modules 33 Designing for Multiple Interfaces 33 Trigger Recipes 35 Timestamping a Record prior to a Commit 35 Stamping a Record with User's Login prior to a Commit 35 Auto-Populating an Entry from a Sequence 36 Appendix A: Trigger Hierarchy 37 Appendix B: Form Elements 38 Form Tags 38 Connection Tags 38 Datasource Tags 39 Dialog Tags 43 Layout Tags 43 Logic Tags 46 Menu Tags 48 Options Tags 49 Parameter Tags 50 Trigger Tags 50 Import Tags 51 Appendix C: Form Objects 56 Form 56 Datasource 59 Block 60 Entry 62 Appendix D: Data Objects 65 Result Set 65 Record Set 65 Appendix E: Sample Librarian Schema 66 Appendix F: Glossary 67 Appendix G: GNU Free Documentation License 68 Introduction This section briefly introduces the process of designing an application using GNUe Forms. blah, blah, blah... Before designing an application for Forms, the developer should be somewhat familiar with a few key concepts: Database Design - This guide does not delve into database design. It is assumed the developer can either create his own tables, or has an existing set of tables to work with. Python Scripting - GNUe uses Python for scripting/event support. Any level of serious applications programming will likely require some level of Python. There is a short section entitled "A Brief Introduction to Python" in this guide that can serve as a starting point. The average programmer can likely learn enough simply by trying out the examples in this guide. XML - GNUe extensively uses XML for its internal storage format. While it is possible to create GNUe applications via Designer without interacting with the XML formats, a good, solid understanding of XML basics would definitely be useful. Structuring the Database TODO Designing the Form TODO Planning for Security TODO Basic Concepts TODO Datasources Since GNUe Forms was designed from the ground up to manipulate database data, it must have some way to tie the graphical elements to database tables. This is where a datasource comes into play. A datasource provides a link to a database table or some similar data store. [TODO: Expand] Datasources are portable from one GNUe tool to another. A datasource that is usable in forms should also be usable in a report. Blocks and Fields A datasource provides a link to a table, but Forms needs more information than a simple reference to meaningfully interface with an end user. A block is the first step to making datasources suitable for such user interaction. At its most basic level, a block contains instructions on how Forms should interact with a datasource. Any datasources that are to interact with a user must have a single corresponding block. Datasources that are only used internally and not for displaying data will not normally have an associated block, although the developer may choose to do so. A field is .... Pages and Visual Elements TODO Layout Management TODO Triggers TODO Designing for Multiple Interfaces TODO Designing for Multiple Databases TODO Creating your First Form In this chapter, we will create our first full-featured form -- a postal code lookup table. [TODO: Expand] [TODO: Replace the postal code example with librarian] We are going to create a form that looks something like: 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 |---------+---------+---------+---------| Zip Code: [___] City Name: [_______________________] State: [__] The ruler is simply for our layout reference. We will come back to it later. [TODO: expand] Preliminary Steps [TODO: Intro] The following two steps may need to be performed by your database or systems administrator. First, we need to create a test table. Using your database of choice, create a table named zipcodes, with three appropriately sized fields, zipcode, city, and state. In PostgreSQL, SAP-DB, and others, the following statement will work: create table zipcodes ( zipcode varchar(5), city varchar(30), state varchar(2) ); For other databases, create a similarly structured table. Next, if you have not done so yet, setup your connections.conf file to point to your database. Our examples will use a connection called tutorial. An example entry: [tutorial] comment = Tutorial Database provider = psycopg host = localhost dbname = mydb Of course, your entry will probably look different. This example is using the PostgreSQL psycopg driver, connecting to a database named mydb running on the local machine. See the Forms Installation Guide for information on the location and syntax of this file. If you already have a connection for the database you will be using, simply add an alias = tutorial line to the appropriate section. Example: [dev] comment = Foobar Development provider = psycopg host = dbserver dbname = mydb alias = tutorial Creating the Empty Form By default, GNUe Designer will start up with an empty form. You may also create a new form by selecting File | New | Form. [TODO: change the title of the form] Creating the Datasource Our sample form will use a single table - zipcodes. To access this table in Forms, we need to associate it with a datasource. We will call this datasource MyDS. From the menu, select Edit | Insert | Datasource... to run the datasource wizard. The first step of the datasource wizard asks for your connection. Select tutorial. This is the connection we setup in the first part of this section. Click Next... You may be asked to log in. Provide a valid database username and password. It will need three attributes: name, connection, and table. name: All referencable objects in GNUe need a unique name. We will name our datasource MyDS. connection: This is the name of the connection we set up in the first part of this section. If you used our example entry, then this is called tutorial. table: This should be the name of the table we will be referencing. Once again, if you used our example table create script, this will be zipcodes. Creating the Logic Structure [TODO: Explain the logic section and tag] Blocks are the display equivalent of datasources. Since we are working with a single datasource, we will have a corresponding single block. Since this is tied to the zipcodes table, we will call this block ZipBlock. Block-specific attributes: name: Set this to a unique name that we will later refer back to. datasource: The name of the datasource that this block is tied back to. If no datasource is specified, then the block will be considered an unbound block. Field-specific attributes: name: Set this to a unique name that we will later refer back to. field: Set this to the name of the corresponding field in the database. case: This can be set to any one of mixed, upper, or lower to force case convention. For example, if set to upper, then all lower case input characters will be converted to uppercase. Note that this only applies to data input from the user. Setting this field will not convert existing data that is queried. The default value is mixed. ..... Creating the Layout Forms contains its layout logic in units called pages. Only a single page is normally seen any given time by the end user. Our simple form will need one page. We will call it MyPage. Given the layout grid we created earlier, we see that our form will be 40 characters wide and 7 lines high. For simplicity's sake, we are using a simple character based layout, identified as GNUe:Layout:Char. In the future, forms will support other layout styles. Again, looking back at our earlier layout grid, we have three labels and three entries. Each label starts in column two and each entry starts in column 13. Each pair of label/entry skips a row, with the first pair being on row 1. This gives us enough information to create our display layout. Via GNUe Designer: An empty form created by GNUe Designer automatically has a single, empty page. If we were to add more pages, this could be accomplished by selecting Edit | Insert | Page. However, this example uses a single page, so we do not need to do anything for this step. [TODO] Running the Form TODO [TODO: Insert pic of Win32 form] [TODO: Insert pic of HTML form] Where To Go Next [TODO: Well, home *is* where the heart's at] Understanding Datasources A Datasource links data to our form. Usually, a datasource points to a table if using a relational database, or a data object if using an object database. A form can have several datasources if pulling data from multiple locations, or no datasources at all if the form does not reference outside data. If a form does not have a datasource, a virtual datasource is created. The commit, rollback, and query functions do not serve a purpose against virtual datasources. This is particularly useful for action forms that simply cause actions to occur, but do not directly manipulate data. Datasources can be linked to each other in a master/detail fashion via a foreign key. In essence, each time the master datasource changes, the detail datasource is automatically requeried to bring up records related to the master. See the section on master/detail relationships for more information. Table-Bound Datasources The most common datasource is one that is bound to an individual table or view. Static Datasources TODO TODO Defining Conditions Form's datasources support conditions. Conditions place restrictions on the records returned by a datasource. For those familiar with SQL, a condition translates directly into a WHERE clause. In this example, we are basically only allowing records from the reps table where the representative is either active (active = 'Y') or had sales this year. Linking Datasources via Master/Detail Quite often, you will want a second datasource's behavior to be tied to a primary datasource. If a new record is queried in the first datasource, all corresponding records in the second datasource should automatically appear. Likewise, creating a new record in the first datasource should clear out the second datasource and any subsequent new records in this second datasource will be automatically associated with the new primary record. In GNUe, we call this relationship a Master/Detail relationship. It closely mirrors the concept of primary/foreign keys in relational databases. Master/detail relationships have the following properties: When a new record is created in the master datasource, the detail datasource will have no records. When the master source is queried, a new set of records is queried in the child datasource for each record in the master source. This happens on an as-needed basis so as not to waste resources. A master record cannot be deleted while detail records exist. On posting, or saving, a detail record, its "foreign key" is automatically populated with the "primary key" of the master record. Defining Master/Detail Datasources There are no special attributes for a master datasource to indicate its role as master. The detail datasource, on the other hand, has three special attributes that must be provided: master, masterlink, and detaillink. master: This should be the name of the master datasource. masterlink: This is the name of the field or fields in the master datasource that links it to the child datasource. If there are multiple fields, i.e., the master primary key is "composite", then masterlink should be a comma-separated list of field names. detaillink: This is the name of the field or fields in the detail datasource that links it to the child datasource. If there are multiple fields, i.e., the master primary key is "composite", then detaillink should be a comma-separated list of field names with the order of the fields corresponding to the order provided in masterlink. Master/Detail Considerations TODO Advanced Relationships TODO Master/Detail/Detail TODO Reverse Master/Detail TODO Understanding Events and Triggers TODO Form's Event Model TODO Named Triggers verses Embedded Triggers TODO Form-level Triggers A Form-level trigger is defined as an object that is activated at the form-level and is defined as a child of the form object. The following form level triggers are defined. On-Startup The On-Startup trigger is executed once during the lifetime of a Form's instance. This happens after all the objects have been initialized and initially populated. Suggested uses for On-Startup: Setting initial flags. Marking variables or common functions/modules as: On-Activate The On-Activate trigger is executed each time a form or dialog is activated. For a normal form, the difference between On-Activate and On-Startup is very nominal. However, for dialog-style forms, the difference is more pronounced. On-Startup will only be executed once in the form's life, whereas On-Activate is called every time the dialog is instantiated and displayed. For non-dialog forms, we recommend you use On-Startup. Suggested used for On-Activate: Useful for adjusting dialogs based upon parameters passed in by the calling form. On-Exit The On-Exit trigger is executed when either the user or a trigger requests that a form closes. Suggested uses for On-Exit: Wishing the user best of luck? Pre-Commit The Pre-Commit trigger is executed before a form-level commit occurs. Suggested uses for Pre-Commit: Perform form-level validation of data (??) [ TODO: ??? ] Post-Commit The Post-Commit trigger is executed after a form-level commit occurs. Suggested uses for Post-Commit: [ TODO: ??? ] Block-level Triggers All block-level triggers are executed on a per-record basis. That is, a trigger would get executed once for every applicable record, not just once for the entire block. Pre-Query The Pre-Query trigger is executed before a query against the database occurs. This trigger is unique from all other triggers in that it is called while the form is in query mode -- ie., the same mode as selecting Data | Enter Query from the menu. This means that any field changes made by this trigger don't actually modify a record, but instead are used as query conditionals. Suggested uses for a block-level Pre-Query trigger: Adding custom conditions to a query that are more complex than can be represented by a field's queryDefault property. Post-Query The Post-Query trigger is executed after a query occurs on a record. A block-level Post-Query is executed once for each record that was loaded from a database. Post-Query is the counter-part to On-NewRecord in that one or the other should be executed for every displayed record. NOTE: Post-Query is only fired as a record is loaded from the database. This implies that, with GNUe's caching system, if only 10 records are displayed on screen at a time out of a table of 100 records, then only the first 10 or so records will have Post-Query fired. It is guaranteed, however, that by the time a the user can see a loaded record or before another trigger can be fired against a loaded record, Post-Query has already been called. It is possible to get around this by, at some point [TODO: where?], calling block.lastRecord() and (optionally, if needed) block.firstRecord(). Suggested uses for a block-level Post-Query trigger: Populating non-database (automaticall calculated) fields. Resetting user-defined flags Pre-Change The Pre-Change trigger is executed before a record is initially modified -- i.e., when the first field of a record is set to a new value. At the time the Pre-Change record is called, the modified field will still contain the old value. Suggested uses for a block-level Pre-Change trigger: [TODO: a good example?] Pre-Insert The Pre-Insert trigger is executed before a commit occurs on a record that is pending an insertion. A block-level Pre-Insert is executed once for each inserted record and is fired prior to the Pre-Commit trigger. Suggested uses for a block-level Pre-Insert trigger: Stamping records with a creation date or created-by value Setting a primary key's value Setting other hidden, but pertinent, fields with default or pre-calculated values Storing historical information in transaction tables Pre-Update The Pre-Update trigger is executed before a commit occurs on a record that is pending an update. A new or deleted record is not considered "updated" for the purpose of this trigger. A block-level Pre-Commit is executed once for each changed record and is fired prior to the Pre-Commit trigger. Suggested uses for a block-level Pre-Update trigger: Stamping records with a modification date or modified-by value Setting hidden, but pertinent, fields with default or pre-calculated values Storing historical information in transaction tables Pre-Delete The Pre-Delete trigger is executed before a commit occurs on a record that is pending a deletion. A block-level Pre-Commit is executed once for each record that has pending deletion. A block-level Pre-Delete fires prior to a Pre-Commit trigger. Suggested uses for a block-level Pre-Delete trigger: [TODO: a good example?] Storing historical information in transaction tables Pre-Commit The Pre-Commit trigger is executed before a commit occurs on a record. A block-level Pre-Commit is executed once for each record that has pending changes, including new and deleted records. A block-level Pre-Commit fires prior to a Field's Pre-Commit trigger, but after the Pre-Insert, Pre-Update, and Pre-Delete triggers. Suggested uses for a block-level Pre-Commit trigger: Stamping modified records with a date or modified-by value Setting hidden, but pertinent, fields with default or pre-calculated values Storing historical information in transaction tables Post-Commit The Post-Commit trigger is executed after a commit occurs on a record. A block-level Post-Commit is executed once for each record that had pending changes, including new and deleted records. A block-level Post-Commit fires after a Field's Post-Commit trigger. If a Post-Commit trigger modifies the values in a record, then the record will be, once again, pending changes. Typically a Post-Commit trigger would not modify any values and you could create an unsavable form. Suggested uses for a block-level Post-Commit trigger: Resetting user-defined flags or non-database fields. On-NewRecord The On-NewRecord trigger is executed when a record is initially created. This trigger is executed once for each new record at the time of creation in the form. Suggested uses for a block-level On-NewRecord trigger: Setting default values Pre-FocusIn The Pre-FocusIn trigger is executed as a new record is focused in a block. It is recommended that unless you have a specified understanding of the intention of forms, use Post-FocusIn instead of Pre-FocusIn as the latter trigger's behavior may change at some point to better reflect record focus. Suggested uses for a block-level Pre-FocusIn trigger: [ TODO: ??? ] Post-FocusIn The Post-FocusIn trigger is executed as a new record is focused in a block. This may be triggered by a user navigating to a different record or by creating a new record. The actual record change has occurred when this trigger is fired. Suggested uses for a block-level Post-FocusIn trigger: [ TODO: ??? ] Pre-FocusOut The Pre-FocusOut trigger is executed as a different record is about to be focused in a block. This may be triggered by a user navigating to a different record or by creating a new record. The actual record change has not occurred when this trigger is fired. Suggested uses for a block-level Pre-FocusOut trigger: [ TODO: ??? ] Post-FocusOut The Post-FocusOut trigger is executed as a new record is focused in a block. It is recommended that unless you have a specified understanding of the internals of forms, use Pre-FocusOut instead of Post-FocusOut as the latter trigger's behavior may change at some point to better reflect record focus. Suggested uses for a block-level Post-FocusOut trigger: [ TODO: ??? ] Field-level Triggers TODO Pre-FocusIn TODO Post-FocusIn TODO Pre-FocusOut TODOglimpse Post-FocusOut TODO Post-Query TODO Pre-Modify TODO Pre-Insert TODO Pre-Update TODO Pre-Delete TODO Pre-Commit TODO Post-Commit TODO Pre-Change TODO Post-Change TODO Page-level Triggers TODO Pre-FocusIn TODO Post-FocusIn TODO Pre-FocusOut TODO Post-FocusOut TODO Entry-level Triggers TODO Pre-FocusIn TODO Post-FocusIn TODO Pre-FocusOut TODO Post-FocusOut TODO Button-Level Triggers Buttons have a special relationship with triggers. On-Action This trigger is run when the user activates (e.g., clicks) a button. Suggested uses for an On-Action trigger: Perform a calculation Navigate to another section of the form Open another form Pre-FocusIn TODO Post-FocusIn TODO Pre-FocusOut TODO Post-FocusOut TODO Post-Change TODO Working with Fields TODO Typecasting Fields TODO Default Values TODO Formatting Fields with Masks [ NOTE: Format Masks are not yet completely functional! This section reflects the intended support ] Forms supports two types of format masks: display masks and input masks. A display mask defines how the field data will be formatted for display. An input mask defines how the user will edit a field's value. Input mask elements are a subset of display mask elements -- in other words, all input masks can also be used as display masks, but not all display masks can be used as input masks. Note: if first character of a format is '&', then rest of date defines a preset format (settable by developer? in gnue.conf or geas?). e.g., in gnue.conf: FormatDate_longdate = "A, b d, Y" Then, in the client, the format string could be: &longdate This allows reuse of common format masks throughout the application. Formatting Numeric Fields TODO Formatting Date/Time Fields Element Input? Description \ Yes Next character is a literal a Yes Abbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat) A Full weekday name (Sunday..Saturday) b Yes Abbreviated month name (Jan..Dec) B Full month name (January..December) c Century (20,21) d Yes Day of month, left padded with zeros (01..31) D Day of month, non-padded (1..31) h Yes Hour (24-hour format), left padded with zeros (00..23) H Hour (24-hour format), non-padded (0..23) g Yes Hour (12-hour format), left padded with zeros (01..12) G Hour (12-hour format), non-padded (1..12) j Yes Day of year, left padded with zeros (001..366) J Day of year, non-padded (1..366) m Yes Month, left padded with zeros (01..12) M Month, non-padded (1..12) i Yes Minute, left padded with zeros (01..59) I Minute, non-padded (1..59) p Yes am/pm designation (lowercase) P AM/PM designation (uppercase) s Yes Seconds, left padded with zeros (00..59) S Seconds, non-padded (0..59) u Yes Week number of year with Sunday as first day of week, left padded with zeros (01..52) U Week number of year with Sunday as first day of week, non-padded (1..52) v Yes Week number of year with Monday as first day of week, left padded with zeros (01..52) V Week number of year with Monday as first day of week, non-padded (1..52) w Yes Day of week with Sunday as first day of week (0=Sunday) (0..6) W Yes Day of week with Monday as first day of week (0=Monday) (0..6) y Yes Year (1900..2100) Y Yes Year, using 2-digit notation (00..99) When used as an input mask, forms tries to reasonably guess the century. (TODO: Elaborate) Predefined literals: "/-.:, " Examples: 01/01/2001: "m/d/y" Friday, June 1, 2001: "A, b d, Y" Formatting Text Fields TODO Dropdown Fields TODO Check boxes TODO A Brief Introduction to Python While GNUe Forms will eventually support a plethora of scripting languages, the default, and best-supported, language will always be Python. Python is a ........... If you do not know Python, don't worry! Python is one of the simplest languages to pick up. ............. Once multi-language support is added, the developer will be able to write triggers in Python, Perl, Ruby, Scheme, or possibly even Basic. ............. While Python is easy to learn, this section assumes that you know at least one programming language. It is beyond the scope of this guide to cover basic programming concepts. There are several excellent Python tutorials for those beginning programming available on the Web. Go to for a listing of available tutorials. They have docs for every stage of python programming, from new-to-programming to seasoned veteran. The Basics The first thing most people notice about Python is its reliance on whitespace for grouping. Variables and Expressions x = 1 Control Structures if x == 1: print "Yip" for f in (1,2,3): print f for f in range(4): print f n = 1 while n < 10: n += 1 Tuples, Lists, and Dictionaries... oh, my! TODO Exploring Trigger Namespaces Introduction TODO Global Names GNUe Forms supports the Python global construct, which can be used by the developer to define global variables and methods, or import modules globally. For example, assume the following code chunk is a form's On-Startup trigger: ## ## On-Startup [Form] ## # We want to give our other triggers # access to these three objects. global math, myfunc, DEBUG # We will use the math module a lot # in our other triggers import math # A handy function def myfunc(n1,n2): return n1+n2 # Are we in DEBUG mode? # Enquiring triggers want to know... DEBUG = 1 # This is an example of a non-global name. # Only our On-Startup trigger sees this. test = 2 Because Forms executes On-Startup before any other triggers, all other triggers within this form can now see math, myfunc, and DEBUG. For example, an On-Change trigger could now do: ## ## On-Change (MyEntry) ## if DEBUG: print "Starting value: %s" % self.get() computed = myfunc(self.get(), 12) AnotherEntry.set(math.floor(computed)) Note that if another trigger wanted to globally change the values of math, myfunc, or DEBUG, they would also have to use the global construct. The following section of code would only change DEBUG for this single execution of On-Change: ## ## On-Change (MyEntry) ## DEBUG = 0 # ... other code ... The other code in this example would see DEBUG as being 0, but once the trigger was completed, DEBUG would return to being 1 for all future triggers. Now, suppose the trigger had instead looked like: ## ## On-Change (MyEntry) ## global DEBUG DEBUG = 0 # ... other code ... Now, this trigger and all future triggers will see DEBUG as 0. Object Heirarchy TODO Fields and Entries TODO Blocks TODO Datasources Datasource objects The datasource objects, in addition to providing sensible methods for data access and manipulation, also act as python container objects whenever possible. For example, a recordset can behave as a python dictionary, and resultsets behave as tuples. Any container-related behavior will be discussed after the supported methods are detailed. Datasource ResultSet RecordSet Examples TODO resultset = MyDataSource.createResultSet({'id':1}) recordset = resultset.nextRecord() if recordset: DescrField.set(recordset['description']) TODO resultset = MyDataSource.createResultSet() recordset = resultset.createRecord() recordset['id'] = 1 recordset['description'] = 'Test Record' recordset['amount'] = 10.00 TODO resultset = MyDataSource.createResultSet({'id':1}) recordset = resultset.nextRecord() # Delete the last record recordset.deleteRecord() TODO # Query all records where amount is 5.00 resultset = MyDataSource.createResultSet({'amount':5}) for recordset in resultset: recordset['queue'] = 'Y' TODO Form Creating and Using Libraries Overview TODO Integration with GNUe Tools Running Reports from Forms TODO Running Forms from Navigator TODO Advanced Topics This section describes advanced forms concepts. [TODO: expand] Runtime Parameters Forms supports runtime parameters that can be passed to a form instance at startup. Parameters are mainly useful for specifying conditions in datasources, but can also be accessed via triggers. This allows the perceived behavior of a form to be altered only by passing a parameter. A good example is a form designed to service two divisions of a company. While you could offer an opening dialog that asks the user which division he wants to work on, an alternative is to modify his startup script to tell the form which division he works with. This especially works well when the worker only belongs in one division and will never need access to any others. Note that in the above example, though, parameters are not a good substitute for access security. This example would strictly be for convenience, not security. Parameters must be defined, with a default value, using the tag:
... Once defined, parameters can be passed to forms in one of two ways. The first is via the command line. Parameters can be passed in the format parameter=value on the command line appearing after the name of the form. For example: gnue-forms myform.gfd division=101 Alternately, if the form is being called from another form, the trigger would look like: ## Run "myform.gfd" form.runForm( 'myform.gfd', { 'division' : 101 } ) That is, the parameters would be passed to runForm as a Python dictionary. Once passed to the form, parameters can be used in one of two ways: via trigger code or as a parameter to a datasource condition. First, triggers can access parameters using the form.getParameter() method. This method takes one argument, the case-insensitive parameter name. It returns the requsested parameter, or the default value if no parameter was passed on startup. ## Get the "company" parameter division = form.getParameter('division') Conditions are also a good place for parameters. Take the following fragment: With this in place, whenever the table sales is queried, the only records returned are the ones where the field division matches the parameter division. Note that if this datasource will also be used for inserting new rows, a Pre-Insert trigger is needed to set the division field: ## ## Pre-Insert [SalesBlock] DivisionEntry.set(form.getParameter('division')) External Python Modules Python triggers have full access to your installed Python modules. For example, if your project needs the twofish cryptographic module, you can install it normally and do an import twofish in your triggers. Alternately, GNUe's gnue.conf file supports an ImportPath directive. You can have this point to a directory containing your custom python modules. Designing for Multiple Interfaces A form definition, when designed within reasonable guidelines, can be run on a plethora of system architectures and a wide variety of user interfaces. By using the approach taken in this guide, most of your forms will, by default, run on a graphical workstation (X11, Windows, Mac), in a text-based session (telnet or ssh), or via a web browser (HTML). This section highlights a few key compatibility issues. This list, while not exhaustive, should give you a good idea of common portability pitfalls. As with all things in GNUe, you will always have a choice on how to implement your application. GNUe is not about forcing rules on developers, but about providing viable options. There will be instances where the following suggestions simply are not feasible or practical. In any event, these are simply suggestions on getting the most out of Forms. Images Do not make your application dependent on displayed images. It would be acceptable, and appropriate, to display pictures for informational purposes. For example, when doing parts lookups, it would be appropriate to display a picture of the part for reference use. However, it would be normally be inappropriate to prevent the form from working if this image could not be displayed. (TODO: Better example?) OS-specific trigger code Python, the default trigger language, provides an extensive library of cross-platform functions. For example, it provides a library of file-access routines that work on all its supported platforms. This is really a broad category as trigger code has all the power of Python behind it. Custom widgets It is often tempting to use a new whiz-bang widget available on a certain platform/widget set. This will surely make your application hard to migrate to other platforms/interfaces, as well as restrict your ability to upgrade to a newer Forms version. Form's widget-set was carefully selected to be as multi-platform-friendly as possible, while still providing all the functionality most forms will need. If your application widgets are not supported by forms, there's a good chance that your form could be more functional with a slight rethinking of its design. Remember: a goal of Forms is to be usable on as many platforms as possible, not to exploit all the features of a particular platform. Trigger Recipes Over the coarse of writing a complex application, you will encounter a few situations where you will need a trigger to perform a common task. This section lists several Timestamping a Record prior to a Commit To automatically fill an entry with a timestamp retrieved from the database, you can use the datasource extension getTimestamp(). create a Pre-Commit trigger on that block. For example, ## ## Pre-Commit [MyBlock] ## self.MyTimeField.set(MyDS.extensions.getTimestamp()) This example assumes your entry is named MyTimeField and your datasource is called MyDS. As noted elsewhere in this guide, Pre-Commit is run prior to saving changes to the database regardless of whether the record in question is being inserted, updated, or deleted. If you want to timestamp only new records, you can use the same code listed above, only inside a Pre-Insert trigger. Similarly, if you only want to timestamp modifications, you can use a Pre-Update trigger. At this point, you may be asking why did we go through MyDS to get to a database timestamp. After all, MyDS corresponds to a table, not to a database. [TODO: Provide an explanation] By using a timestamp retrieved from the database server, you do not have to worry about differences in the client machines' times. If you would prefer to have the client's time, you can use python's time module. Stamping a Record with User's Login prior to a Commit To automatically fill an entry with a the user's login name, you can use form.getAuthenticatedUser() and creating a Pre-Insert trigger on that block. For example, ## ## Pre-Insert [MyBlock] ## self.CreatedBy.set(form.getAuthenticatedUser()) This example assumes your entry is named CreatedBy. As noted elsewhere in this guide, Pre-Insert is run prior to saving a new record to the database. This method is commonly called alongside the timestamping recipe above. Together, a Pre-Insert trigger to stamp a new record might look like: ## ## Pre-Insert [MyBlock] ## self.CreatedBy.set(form.getAuthenticatedUser()) self.CreatedOn.set(MyDS.extensions.getTimestamp()) See the recipe for timestamping for more information on usage of getTimestamp(). Auto-Populating an Entry from a Sequence To automatically fill an entry with a value from a sequence, you can create a Pre-Insert trigger on that entry. For example, ## ## Pre-Insert [MyEntry] ## self.set(MyDS.extensions.getSequence("MySequence")) This example assumes your entry is named MyEntry, your datasource is called MyDS, and the sequence name as stored in the database is MySequence. Note that MyEntry and MyDS are both names originating in your form, whereas MySequence is a name originating in your database. At this point, you may be asking why did we go through MyDS to get to a database sequence. After all, MyDS corresponds to a table, not to a database. [TODO: Provide an explanation] Appendix A: Trigger Hierarchy Forms supports Appendix B: Form Elements [TODO: Introduction] Form Tags form No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text A unique ID for the form. readonly Y, N N If set to Y, then no modifications to data by the end user will be allowed. The form will become a query-only form. style dialog No description provided title text Untitled Form The title of the form. Child Nodes connection, datasource, dialog, import-datasource, import-dialog, import-layout, import-logic, import-trigger, layout, logic, menu, options, parameter, trigger Connection Tags connection No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided provider text No description provided comment text No description provided dbname text No description provided host text No description provided service text No description provided Datasource Tags datasource No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided cache number 5 No description provided connection text No description provided detaillink text No description provided distinct Y, N N No description provided explicitfields text No description provided master text No description provided masterlink text No description provided order_by text No description provided prequery Y, N N No description provided primarykey text No description provided table text No description provided type text object No description provided Child Nodes condition, staticset add No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub and No description provided Child Nodes and, between, conditions, eq, ge, gt, le, like, lt, ne, negate, not, notbetween, notlike, notnull, null, or between No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub cconst No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description value text No description provided cfield No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided condition No description provided Child Nodes and, between, eq, ge, gt, le, like, lt, ne, negate, not, notbetween, notlike, notnull, null, or cparam No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided div No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub eq No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub ge No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub gt No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub le No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub like No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub lt No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub mul No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub ne No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub negate No description provided Child Nodes and, between, conditions, eq, ge, gt, le, like, lt, ne, negate, not, notbetween, notlike, or not No description provided Child Nodes and, between, conditions, eq, ge, gt, le, like, lt, ne, negate, not, notbetween, notlike, notnull, null, or notbetween No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub notlike No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub notnull No description provided null No description provided or No description provided Child Nodes and, between, conditions, eq, ge, gt, le, like, lt, ne, negate, not, notbetween, notlike, notnull, null, or staticset No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description fields text No description provided Child Nodes staticsetrow staticsetfield No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided value text No description provided staticsetrow No description provided Child Nodes staticsetfield sub No description provided Child Nodes add, cconst, cfield, cparam, div, mul, sub Dialog Tags dialog No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text A unique ID for the form. readonly Y, N N If set to Y, then no modifications to data by the end user will be allowed. The form will become a query-only form. style dialog dialog No description provided title text Untitled Form The title of the form. Layout Tags layout No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description tabbed bottom, left, right, top Allows a form to convert it's pages as notebook tabs. Allowed values are left, right, bottom, top. Child Nodes import-page, page box No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description focusorder number No description provided label text An optional text label that will be displayed on the border. name text No description provided button No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description focusorder number No description provided label text The text that should appear on the button name text A unique ID for the widget. Useful for importable buttons. entry An entry is the visual counterpart to a field. Attributes Attribute Values Default Description block text The name of the block that this ties to. field text The name of the field that this ties to. focusorder number No description provided hidden Y, N N If defined the entry widget will not be displayed on the form. This is usefull for fields the user doesn't need to know about that you wish to update via triggers. name text The unique ID of the entry. navigable Y, N Y It false, the user will be unable to navigate to this entry. Triggers can still alter the value. rowSpacer number No description provided rows number No description provided style checkbox, default, dropdown, label, password default The style of entry widget requested. Currently either text, label, checkbox, or dropdown. To use dropdown you are required to use both the fk_source, fk_key, and fk_description attributes. The label style implies the readonly attribute. image No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description block text The name of the block that this ties to. field text The name of the field that this ties to. focusorder number No description provided name text No description provided type BINARY, URL URL No description provided label No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description text text The text to be displayed. alignment center, left, right left The justification of the label. Can be one of the following: left, right, or center. Requires that the width attribute be set. name text The unique ID of the label. rowSpacer number Overriders the rowSpace setting defined at the block level. rows number Overrides the rows setting defined at the block level. page No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description caption text For tabbed or popup pages, this contains the caption to use for the page. name text A unique ID for the widget. This is only useful when importing pages from a library. style normal normal The type of page when importing pages from a library. transparent Y, N N If set, then you can tab out of the page via next- or previous-field events. Makes navigation in mutlipage forms easier. If false, focus stays within a page until user explicitly moves to another page Child Nodes box, button, entry, image, import-button, label, scrollbar scrollbar No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description block text The block to which this scrollbar scrolls. Logic Tags logic No description provided Child Nodes block, import-block block No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text A unique ID for the widget.The name of the widget. No blocks can share the same name without causing namespace collisions in user triggers. datasource text The name of a datasource (defined in by a tag.) that provides this block with it's data. restrictDelete Y, N N If set then the user will be unable to request that a record be deleted via the user interface. restrictInsert Y, N N If set then the user will be unable to request that new records be inserted into the block. rowSpacer number Adjusts the vertical gap of this number of rows between duplicated widgets. Serves the same purpose as some of the gap attributes on individual widgets. rows number Any widgets inside the block will display this number of copies in a verticle column. Simulates a grid entry system. transparent Y, N Y If set, then you can tab out of the block via next- or previous-field events. Makes navigation in mutliblock forms easier. If false, focus stays within a block until user explicitly moves to another block Child Nodes field, import-field field No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text The unique ID of the entry. Referenced in master/detail setups as well as triggers. case lower, mixed, upper mixed No description provided default text The default value for any new records created. If the field is visible the user can override the value. displaymask text No description provided editOnNull Y, N N No description provided field text The name of the field in the datasource to which this widget is tied. fk_description text No description provided fk_key text No description provided fk_refresh change, commit, startup startup No description provided fk_source text No description provided formatmask text No description provided ignoreCaseOnQuery Y, N N If defined the entry widget ignores the case of the information entered into the query mask. inputmask text No description provided ltrim Y, N N Trim extraneous space at beginning of user input. max_length number The maximum number of characters the user is allowed to enter into the entry. min_length number 0 The minimum number of characters the user must enter into the entry. queryDefault text The form will be populated with this value automatically when a query is requested. If the field is visible the user can still override the value. readonly Y, N N It defined the user will be unable to alter the contents of this entry. Triggers can still alter the value. required Y, N N This object cannot have an empty value prior to a commit. rtrim Y, N Y Trim extraneous space at end of user input. sloppyQuery text When set, whatever value the user enters for the query mask is rewritten with % between each character. Thus example would be queried as %e%x%a%m%p%l%e% typecast date, number, text text The type of data the entry widget will accept. Possible values are text, number, date. value text No description provided Menu Tags menu No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided enabled Y, N N No description provided event text No description provided label text No description provided leader text No description provided location text No description provided trigger text No description provided type text No description provided Options Tags options No description provided Child Nodes author, description, name, option, tip, title, version author No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name author author No description provided value text No description provided description No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name description description No description provided value text No description provided name No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name name name No description provided value text No description provided option No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided value text No description provided tip No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name tip tip No description provided value text No description provided version No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name version version No description provided value text No description provided Parameter Tags parameter No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description name text No description provided default text No description provided description text No description provided required Y, N N No description provided type text char No description provided Trigger Tags trigger No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description language python python No description provided name text No description provided src text No description provided type text No description provided Import Tags import-block No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided name text A unique ID for the widget.The name of the widget. No blocks can share the same name without causing namespace collisions in user triggers. datasource text The name of a datasource (defined in by a tag.) that provides this block with it's data. restrictDelete Y, N N If set then the user will be unable to request that a record be deleted via the user interface. restrictInsert Y, N N If set then the user will be unable to request that new records be inserted into the block. rowSpacer number Adjusts the vertical gap of this number of rows between duplicated widgets. Serves the same purpose as some of the gap attributes on individual widgets. rows number Any widgets inside the block will display this number of copies in a verticle column. Simulates a grid entry system. transparent Y, N Y If set, then you can tab out of the block via next- or previous-field events. Makes navigation in mutliblock forms easier. If false, focus stays within a block until user explicitly moves to another block import-button No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided focusorder number No description provided label text The text that should appear on the button name text A unique ID for the widget. Useful for importable buttons. import-datasource No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided name text No description provided cache number 5 No description provided connection text No description provided detaillink text No description provided distinct Y, N N No description provided explicitfields text No description provided master text No description provided masterlink text No description provided order_by text No description provided prequery Y, N N No description provided primarykey text No description provided table text No description provided type text object No description provided import-dialog No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided name text A unique ID for the form. readonly Y, N N If set to Y, then no modifications to data by the end user will be allowed. The form will become a query-only form. style dialog dialog No description provided title text Untitled Form The title of the form. import-field No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided name text The unique ID of the entry. Referenced in master/detail setups as well as triggers. case lower, mixed, upper mixed No description provided default text The default value for any new records created. If the field is visible the user can override the value. displaymask text No description provided editOnNull Y, N N No description provided field text The name of the field in the datasource to which this widget is tied. fk_description text No description provided fk_key text No description provided fk_refresh change, commit, startup startup No description provided fk_source text No description provided formatmask text No description provided ignoreCaseOnQuery Y, N N If defined the entry widget ignores the case of the information entered into the query mask. inputmask text No description provided ltrim Y, N N Trim extraneous space at beginning of user input. max_length number The maximum number of characters the user is allowed to enter into the entry. min_length number 0 The minimum number of characters the user must enter into the entry. queryDefault text The form will be populated with this value automatically when a query is requested. If the field is visible the user can still override the value. readonly Y, N N It defined the user will be unable to alter the contents of this entry. Triggers can still alter the value. required Y, N N This object cannot have an empty value prior to a commit. rtrim Y, N Y Trim extraneous space at end of user input. sloppyQuery text When set, whatever value the user enters for the query mask is rewritten with % between each character. Thus example would be queried as %e%x%a%m%p%l%e% typecast date, number, text text The type of data the entry widget will accept. Possible values are text, number, date. value text No description provided import-layout No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided tabbed bottom, left, right, top Allows a form to convert it's pages as notebook tabs. Allowed values are left, right, bottom, top. import-logic No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided import-page No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided caption text For tabbed or popup pages, this contains the caption to use for the page. name text A unique ID for the widget. This is only useful when importing pages from a library. style normal normal The type of page when importing pages from a library. transparent Y, N N If set, then you can tab out of the page via next- or previous-field events. Makes navigation in mutlipage forms easier. If false, focus stays within a page until user explicitly moves to another page import-trigger No description provided Attributes Attribute Values Default Description library text No description provided language python python No description provided name text No description provided src text No description provided type text No description provided Appendix C: Form Objects TODO Form getParameter() Syntax: getParameter(parameter) Description: Returns a runtime parameter, or the default value of such if the user did not pass the requested runtime parameter. See Runtime Parameters on page 31 for more information. Example: # Get the runtime parameter "company" company = form.getParameter("company") setParameter() Syntax: setParameter(parameter,value) Description: Changes the value of a runtime parameter. See Runtime Parameters on page 31 for more information. Example: # Set the runtime parameter "company" to "101" form.setParameter("company","101") getFocus() Syntax: getFocus(object) Description: Request that the current focus be given to object. If object is a block or a page, then focus will be given to the first navigable entry on that page or block. All appropriate Pre-FocusOut, Pre-FocusIn, Post-FocusOut, and Post-FocusIn triggers will be executed. If setFocus is called on a non-navigable item (such as a label), the call is ignored and focus does not change. Example: # Request that MyEntry gets the current focus form.setFocus(MyEntry) setFocus() Syntax: setFocus(object) Description: Request that the current focus be given to object. If object is a block or a page, then focus will be given to the first navigable entry on that page or block. All appropriate Pre-FocusOut, Pre-FocusIn, Post-FocusOut, and Post-FocusIn triggers will be executed. If setFocus is called on a non-navigable item (such as a label), the call is ignored and focus does not change. Example: # Request that MyEntry gets the current focus form.setFocus(MyEntry) setStatusText() Syntax: setStatusText(text) Description: For user interfaces that support a status bar, or some textual equivalent, set the displayed text. For interfaces without a status bar equivalent, this function is meaningless. Example: # Tell the user how great they are form.setStatusText("Dude, you are the best user ever!") showMessage() Syntax: showMessage(text) Description: Description goes here. Example: # Code Sample commit() Syntax: commit() Description: Description goes here. Example: # Code Sample close() Syntax: close() Description: Description goes here. Example: # Exit the current form form.close() getAuthenticatedUser() Syntax: getAuthenticatedUser([connection]) Description: Description goes here. Example: # Set "modified_by" to the current user's login modified_by.set(form.getAuthenticatedUser()) Datasource createResultSet() Syntax: createResultSet([conditions], [readOnly] ) Description: Description goes here. Example: # Code Sample simpleQuery() Syntax: simpleQuery(dictionary) Description: Description goes here. Example: # Code Sample delete() Syntax: delete() Description: Description goes here. Example: # Code Sample Block clear() Syntax: clear() Description: Clears the current block with an empty result set. Example: # Clear out MyBlock MyBlock.clear() gotoRecord() Syntax: gotoRecord(index) Description: Move to the record indicated by index. If index is negative, then move relative to the last record. Records are numbered beginning with 0. Example: # Go to the second record in this block MyBlock.gotoRecord(1) # Go to the last record in this block MyBlock.gotoRecord(-1) newRecord() Syntax: newRecord() Description: Inserts a new record immediately following the current record. This new record will then become the current record. The On-NewRecord trigger is executed for the newly created record and any default values are recorded. Example: # Code Sample MyBlock.newRecord() nextRecord() Syntax: nextRecord() Description: Navigate to the next record. If the block is currently on the last record, then this method returns 0 (false). Otherwise it returns 1 (true). Example: # Move to the next record MyBlock.nextRecord() prevRecord() Syntax: prevRecord() Description: Navigate to the previous record. If the block is currently on the first record, then this method returns 0 (false). Otherwise it returns 1 (true). Example: # Move to the previous record MyBlock.prevRecord() deleteRecord() Syntax: deleteRecord() Description: Mark the current record as deleted. On the next save, this record will be permanently removed. Example: # Code Sample MyBlock.deleteRecord() parent Description: This read-only property contains the parent container of this block. The parent container is usually a page. Example: # Get MyBlock's parent page page = MyBlock.parent Entry allowedValues() Syntax: allowedValues() Description: Returns a tuple containing valid values for this entry. This call will only return a set when a fk_source has been specified for the entry. Example: # Code Sample if 'Test' not in MyEntry.allowedValues(): MyEntry.set(None) autofillBySequence() Syntax: autofillBySequence(sequence) Description: Description goes here. Example: # Code Sample isEmpty() Syntax: isEmpty() Description: Returns true if the current entry is considered empty. Empty is usually associated with a blank, or null, value. Example: # Set MyEntry to 0 if it has no other value. if MyEntry.isEmpty(): MyEntry.set(0) set() Syntax: set(value) Description: Description goes here. Example: # Code Sample get() Syntax: get() Description: Description goes here. Example: # Code Sample resetForeignKey() Syntax: resetForeignKey() Description: Description goes here. Example: # Code Sample parent Description: This read-only property contains the parent container of this entry. The parent container will typically be a block, unless container boxes are used. Example: # Get this entry's parent block block = self.parent readonly Description: Description goes here. Example: # Set MyEntry to be readonly if not already if not MyEntry.readonly: MyEntry.readonly = 1 Appendix D: Data Objects TODO Result Set xxxx() Syntax: getParameter(parameter) Description: Description.... Example: # Get the runtime parameter "company" company = form.getParameter("company") Record Set xxxx() Syntax: getParameter(parameter) Description: Description.... Example: # Get the runtime parameter "company" company = form.getParameter("company") Appendix E: Sample Librarian Schema [TODO: Add example schema explanations] Appendix F: Glossary database datasource entry field python Appendix G: GNU Free Documentation License GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.2, November 2002 Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. 0. PREAMBLE The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. 1. APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The "Document", below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you". You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law. 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It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document. 4. MODIFICATIONS You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version: a)Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission. b)List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement. c)State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher. d)Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. e)Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices. f)Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. g)Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice. h)Include an unaltered copy of this License. i)Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence. j)Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission. k)For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein. l)Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles. m)Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version. n)Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section. o)Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers. If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one. The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version. 5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers. The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History" in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements". 6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects. You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document. 7. AGGREGATION WITH INDEPENDENT WORKS A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document. If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate. 8. TRANSLATION Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warrany Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail. If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title. 9. TERMINATION You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. Alphabetical Index C CUSTOM WIDGETSustom widgets 33 D DATASOURCEatasource 10-13, 35, 36 DESIGNEResigner 7, 10-12 G GETSEQUENCEetSequence 36 GETTIMESTAMPetTimestamp 35 P PRE-COMMITre-Commit 35 PRE-INSERTre-Insert 35, 36 PYTHONython 7, 32-34 S SEQUENCEequence 36 T TIMESTAMPimestamp 35 X XMLml 12, 13