
EODatabaseContext Class


Mirko Viviani (mirko.viviani@rccr.cremona.it)
Manuel Guesdon (mguesdon@orange-concept.com)

Version: 21653

Date: 2005-08-17 23:11:40 +0200 (Mit, 17 Aug 2005)

Copyright: (C) 2000-2002,2003,2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Contents -

  1. Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext class
  2. Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext(EOBatchFaulting) category
  3. Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext(EOCooperatingObjectStoreSupport) category
  4. Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext(EODatabaseSnapshotting) category
  5. Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext(EOMultiThreaded) category
  6. Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext(EOObjectStoreSupport) category
  7. Software documentation for the NSObject(EODatabaseContextDelegation) informal protocol
  8. EODatabaseContext types
  9. EODatabaseContext variables

Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext class

EODatabaseContext : EOCooperatingObjectStore

Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

Instance Variables

Method summary


+ (Class) contextClassToRegister;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


+ (EODatabaseContext*) databaseContextWithDatabase: (EODatabase*)database;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

registeredDatabaseContextForModel: editingContext: 

+ (EODatabaseContext*) registeredDatabaseContextForModel: (EOModel*)model editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)editingContext;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


+ (void) setContextClassToRegister: (Class)contextClass;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (EODatabaseChannel*) _availableChannelFromRegisteredChannels;
Availability: OpenStep

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.
returns a non busy channel if any, nil otherwise


- (EOAdaptorContext*) adaptorContext;
Availability: OpenStep

returns the adaptor context


- (EODatabaseChannel*) availableChannel;
Availability: OpenStep

return a non busy channel


- (EOObjectStoreCoordinator*) coordinator;
Availability: OpenStep

returns the coordinator


- (EODatabase*) database;
Availability: OpenStep

returns the database


- (id) delegate;
Availability: OpenStep

Get the delegate


- (void) handleDroppedConnection;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (BOOL) hasBusyChannels;
Availability: OpenStep

Returns YES if we have at least one busy channel


- (id) initWithDatabase: (EODatabase*)database;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) registerChannel: (EODatabaseChannel*)channel;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (NSArray*) registeredChannels;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setDelegate: (id)delegate;
Availability: OpenStep

Set the delegate


- (void) setUpdateStrategy: (EOUpdateStrategy)strategy;
Availability: OpenStep

Set the update strategy to 'strategy' May raise an exception if transaction has began or if you want pessimistic lock when there's already a snapshot recorded


- (void) unregisterChannel: (EODatabaseChannel*)channel;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (EOUpdateStrategy) updateStrategy;
Availability: OpenStep

Get the update strategy

Instance Variables for EODatabaseContext Class


@protected EOAdaptorContext* _adaptorContext;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableDictionary* _batchFaultBuffer;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableDictionary* _batchToManyFaultBuffer;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected EOObjectStoreCoordinator* _coordinator;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected EODatabase* _database;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMapTable* _dbOperationsByGlobalID;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected id _delegate;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected struct ... _delegateRespondsTo;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableArray* _deleteStack;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected EOEditingContext* _editingContext;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected struct ... _flags;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected EOEntity* _lastEntity;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSRecursiveLock* _lock;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSHashTable* _lockedObjects;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSHashTable* _nonPrimaryKeyGenerators;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableArray* _registeredChannels;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableArray* _uniqueArrayStack;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableArray* _uniqueStack;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected EOUpdateStrategy _updateStrategy;
Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.

Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext(EOBatchFaulting) category


Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.
Method summary

batchFetchRelationship: forSourceObjects: editingContext: 

- (void) batchFetchRelationship: (EORelationship*)relationship forSourceObjects: (NSArray*)objects editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)editingContext;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext(EOCooperatingObjectStoreSupport) category


Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.
Method summary


- (void) commitChanges;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) createAdaptorOperationsForDatabaseOperation: (EODatabaseOperation*)dbOpe;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

createAdaptorOperationsForDatabaseOperation: attributes: 

- (void) createAdaptorOperationsForDatabaseOperation: (EODatabaseOperation*)dbOpe attributes: (NSArray*)attributes;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (EODatabaseOperation*) databaseOperationForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (EODatabaseOperation*) databaseOperationForObject: (id)object;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (NSArray*) entitiesOnWhichThisEntityDepends: (EOEntity*)entity;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (NSArray*) entityNameOrderingArrayForEntities: (NSArray*)entities;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (BOOL) handlesFetchSpecification: (EOFetchSpecification*)fetchSpecification;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

insertEntity: intoOrderingArray: withDependencies: processingSet: 

- (void) insertEntity: (EOEntity*)entity intoOrderingArray: (NSMutableArray*)orderingArray withDependencies: (NSDictionary*)dependencies processingSet: (NSMutableSet*)processingSet;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (BOOL) isValidQualifierTypeForAttribute: (EOAttribute*)attribute;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

lockingAttributesForAttributes: entity: 

- (NSArray*) lockingAttributesForAttributes: (NSArray*)attributes entity: (EOEntity*)entity;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (id) lockingNonQualifiableAttributes: (NSArray*)attributes;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

nullifyAttributesInRelationship: sourceObject: destinationObject: 

- (void) nullifyAttributesInRelationship: (EORelationship*)relationship sourceObject: (id)sourceObject destinationObject: (id)destinationObject;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

nullifyAttributesInRelationship: sourceObject: destinationObjects: 

- (void) nullifyAttributesInRelationship: (EORelationship*)relationship sourceObject: (id)sourceObject destinationObjects: (NSArray*)destinationObjects;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (NSArray*) orderAdaptorOperations;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (BOOL) ownsEntityNamed: (NSString*)entityName;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (BOOL) ownsGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (BOOL) ownsObject: (id)object;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) performChanges;
Availability: OpenStep

Constructs EOAdaptorOperations for all EODatabaseOperations constructed in during recordChangesInEditingContext and recordUpdateForObject:changes:. Performs the EOAdaptorOperations on an available adaptor channel. If the save is OK, updates the snapshots in the EODatabaseContext to reflect the new state of the server. Raises an exception is the adaptor is unable to perform the operations.

prepareForSaveWithCoordinator: editingContext: 

- (void) prepareForSaveWithCoordinator: (EOObjectStoreCoordinator*)coordinator editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

primaryKeyAttributesForAttributes: entity: 

- (NSArray*) primaryKeyAttributesForAttributes: (NSArray*)attributes entity: (EOEntity*)entity;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) processSnapshotForDatabaseOperation: (EODatabaseOperation*)dbOpe;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

qualifierForLockingAttributes: primaryKeyAttributes: entity: snapshot: 

- (EOQualifier*) qualifierForLockingAttributes: (NSArray*)attributes primaryKeyAttributes: (NSArray*)primaryKeyAttributes entity: (EOEntity*)entity snapshot: (NSDictionary*)snapshot;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) recordChangesInEditingContext;
Availability: OpenStep

The method overrides the inherited implementation to create a list of EODatabaseOperations for EOEditingContext objects changes (only objects owned by the receiver). It forwards any relationship changes found which are not owned by the receiver to the EOObjectStoreCoordinator. It's invoked during EOObjectStoreCoordinator saving changes (saveChangesInEditingContext:) method. It's invoked after prepareForSaveWithCoordinator:editingContext: and before ownsGlobalID:.


- (void) recordDatabaseOperation: (EODatabaseOperation*)databaseOpe;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) recordDeleteForObject: (id)object;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) recordInsertForObject: (id)object;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

recordUpdateForObject: changes: 

- (void) recordUpdateForObject: (id)object changes: (NSDictionary*)changes;
Availability: OpenStep

Contructs a list of EODatabaseOperations for all changes in the EOEditingContext that are owned by this context. Forward any relationship changes discovered but not owned by this context to the coordinator.

relayAttributesInRelationship: sourceObject: destinationObject: 

- (NSDictionary*) relayAttributesInRelationship: (EORelationship*)relationship sourceObject: (id)sourceObject destinationObject: (id)destinationObject;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

relayAttributesInRelationship: sourceObject: destinationObjects: 

- (void) relayAttributesInRelationship: (EORelationship*)relationship sourceObject: (id)sourceObject destinationObjects: (NSArray*)destinationObjects;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

relayPrimaryKey: object: entity: 

- (void) relayPrimaryKey: (NSDictionary*)pk object: (id)object entity: (EOEntity*)entity;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) rollbackChanges;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

valuesForKeys: object: 

- (NSDictionary*) valuesForKeys: (NSArray*)keys object: (id)object;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

valuesToWriteForAttributes: entity: changedValues: 

- (NSDictionary*) valuesToWriteForAttributes: (NSArray*)attributes entity: (EOEntity*)entity changedValues: (NSDictionary*)changedValues;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext(EODatabaseSnapshotting) category


Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.
Method summary


- (void) _beginTransaction;
Availability: OpenStep

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (void) _commitTransaction;
Availability: OpenStep

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (void) _forceDisconnect;
Availability: OpenStep

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (EODatabaseChannel*) _obtainOpenChannel;
Availability: OpenStep

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (BOOL) _openChannelWithLoginPanel: (EODatabaseChannel*)databaseChannel;
Availability: OpenStep

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (void) _rollbackTransaction;
Availability: OpenStep

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.


- (void) forgetAllLocks;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) forgetLocksForObjectsWithGlobalIDs: (NSArray*)gids;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) forgetSnapshotForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) forgetSnapshotsForGlobalIDs: (NSArray*)gids;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

initializeObject: row: entity: editingContext: 

- (void) initializeObject: (id)object row: (NSDictionary*)row entity: (EOEntity*)entity editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (BOOL) isObjectLockedWithGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (NSDictionary*) localSnapshotForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid;
Availability: OpenStep

Returns the snapshot for the globalID ( nil if there's none). Only searches locally (in the transaction scope), not in the EODatabase.

localSnapshotForSourceGlobalID: relationshipName: 

- (NSArray*) localSnapshotForSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid relationshipName: (NSString*)name;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

recordSnapshot: forGlobalID: 

- (void) recordSnapshot: (NSDictionary*)snapshot forGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

recordSnapshot: forSourceGlobalID: relationshipName: 

- (void) recordSnapshot: (NSArray*)gids forSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid relationshipName: (NSString*)name;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) recordSnapshots: (NSDictionary*)snapshots;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) recordToManySnapshots: (NSDictionary*)snapshots;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) registerLockedObjectWithGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (NSDictionary*) snapshotForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid;
Availability: OpenStep

Returns snapshot for globalID by calling snapshotForGlobalID:after: with EODistantPastTimeInterval as time interval. Searches first locally (in the transaction scope) and after in the EODatabase.

snapshotForGlobalID: after: 

- (NSDictionary*) snapshotForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid after: (NSTimeInterval)ti;
Availability: OpenStep

Returns snapshot for globalID. (nil if there's no snapshot for the globalID or if the corresponding tsimestamp is less than ti). Searches first locally (in the transaction scope) and after in the EODatabase.

snapshotForSourceGlobalID: relationshipName: 

- (NSArray*) snapshotForSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid relationshipName: (NSString*)name;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext(EOMultiThreaded) category


Declared in:
Conforms to:
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.
Method summary


- (void) lock;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) unlock;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

Software documentation for the EODatabaseContext(EOObjectStoreSupport) category


Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.
Method summary

_registerSnapshot: forSourceGlobalID: relationshipName: editingContext: 

- (void) _registerSnapshot: (NSArray*)snapshot forSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID relationshipName: (NSString*)name editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this method indicates that it is private, for internal use only, and you should not use the method in your code.

arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID: relationshipName: editingContext: 

- (NSArray*) arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID relationshipName: (NSString*)relationshipName editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Get an array fault for globalID for relationshipName


- (id) entityForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID;
Availability: OpenStep

return entity corresponding to 'globalID'

faultForGlobalID: editingContext: 

- (id) faultForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Get a fault for 'globalID'

faultForRawRow: entityNamed: editingContext: 

- (id) faultForRawRow: (NSDictionary*)row entityNamed: (NSString*)entityName editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Return a fault for row 'row'

initializeObject: withGlobalID: editingContext: 

- (void) initializeObject: (id)object withGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) invalidateAllObjects;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) invalidateObjectsWithGlobalIDs: (NSArray*)globalIDs;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

isObjectLockedWithGlobalID: editingContext: 

- (BOOL) isObjectLockedWithGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

lockObjectWithGlobalID: editingContext: 

- (void) lockObjectWithGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

objectsForSourceGlobalID: relationshipName: editingContext: 

- (NSArray*) objectsForSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID relationshipName: (NSString*)name editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

objectsWithFetchSpecification: editingContext: 

- (NSArray*) objectsWithFetchSpecification: (EOFetchSpecification*)fetch editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

refaultObject: withGlobalID: editingContext: 

- (void) refaultObject: (id)object withGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.


- (void) saveChangesInEditingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

Software documentation for the NSObject(EODatabaseContextDelegation) informal protocol


Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.
Method summary

databaseContext: didFetchObjects: fetchSpecification: editingContext: 

- (void) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context didFetchObjects: (NSArray*)objects fetchSpecification: (EOFetchSpecification*)fetchSpecification editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)editingContext;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: didSelectObjectsWithFetchSpecification: databaseChannel: 

- (void) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context didSelectObjectsWithFetchSpecification: (EOFetchSpecification*)fetchSpecification databaseChannel: (EODatabaseChannel*)channel;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: failedToFetchObject: globalID: 

- (BOOL) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context failedToFetchObject: (id)object globalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: newPrimaryKeyForObject: entity: 

- (NSDictionary*) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context newPrimaryKeyForObject: (id)object entity: (EOEntity*)entity;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: shouldFetchArrayFault: 

- (BOOL) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)databaseContext shouldFetchArrayFault: (id)fault;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: shouldFetchObjectFault: 

- (BOOL) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)databaseContext shouldFetchObjectFault: (id)fault;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: shouldFetchObjectsWithFetchSpecification: editingContext: 

- (NSArray*) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context shouldFetchObjectsWithFetchSpecification: (EOFetchSpecification*)fetchSpecification editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)editingContext;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: shouldInvalidateObjectWithGlobalID: snapshot: 

- (BOOL) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context shouldInvalidateObjectWithGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalId snapshot: (NSDictionary*)snapshot;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: shouldLockObjectWithGlobalID: snapshot: 

- (BOOL) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)databaseContext shouldLockObjectWithGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID snapshot: (NSDictionary*)snapshot;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: shouldRaiseExceptionForLockFailure: 

- (BOOL) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)databaseContext shouldRaiseExceptionForLockFailure: (NSException*)exception;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: shouldSelectObjectsWithFetchSpecification: databaseChannel: 

- (BOOL) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context shouldSelectObjectsWithFetchSpecification: (EOFetchSpecification*)fetchSpecification databaseChannel: (EODatabaseChannel*)channel;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: shouldUpdateCurrentSnapshot: newSnapshot: globalID: databaseChannel: 

- (NSDictionary*) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context shouldUpdateCurrentSnapshot: (NSDictionary*)currentSnapshot newSnapshot: (NSDictionary*)newSnapshot globalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID databaseChannel: (EODatabaseChannel*)channel;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: shouldUsePessimisticLockWithFetchSpecification: databaseChannel: 

- (BOOL) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context shouldUsePessimisticLockWithFetchSpecification: (EOFetchSpecification*)fetchSpecification databaseChannel: (EODatabaseChannel*)channel;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: willOrderAdaptorOperationsFromDatabaseOperations: 

- (NSArray*) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context willOrderAdaptorOperationsFromDatabaseOperations: (NSArray*)databaseOps;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: willPerformAdaptorOperations: adaptorChannel: 

- (NSArray*) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context willPerformAdaptorOperations: (NSArray*)adaptorOps adaptorChannel: (EOAdaptorChannel*)adaptorChannel;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

databaseContext: willRunLoginPanelToOpenDatabaseChannel: 

- (BOOL) databaseContext: (EODatabaseContext*)context willRunLoginPanelToOpenDatabaseChannel: (EODatabaseChannel*)channel;
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.

EODatabaseContext types


typedef enum ... EOUpdateStrategy;
Description forthcoming.

EODatabaseContext variables

struct _EOTransactionScope

struct _EOTransactionScope struct _EOTransactionScope;
Description forthcoming.
