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7. Getting Libraries via SVN

If you didn't get one of the snapshots, or if you want to be sure to stay on the bleading edge, then you should get the libraries via SVN. Go to for information on how to get the sourcecode.

If you haven't already done so, change to the directory, where you want the source to reside. To get a list of potential modules to check out, type
cvs -z3 checkout -c

For instance, to check our `core', which contains all the GNUstep code libraries:
cvs -z3 checkout core

After you have checked out the source you can compile it as usual. To update the source, go into the directory of the source tree you want to update, for example, go into 'base', and type:

cvs -z3 update -Pd

You don't have to re-checkout after you have the source, just update!

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This document was generated by Adam Fedor on December, 11 2006 using texi2html