[% INCLUDE header title = 'GNU GRUB - GRUB 2 FAQ' %]


[% faq = [ { no => 1, question => "Why do you need to rewrite GRUB?", answer => "

Because GRUB Legacy has become unmaintainable, due to messy code and design failures. We got many feature requests, and extended GRUB beyond the original scope, without redesigning the framework. This resulted in the state that it was impossible to extend GRUB any further without rethinking everything from the ground." }, { no => 2, question => "What is the status of GRUB 2?", answer => "

It is usable, but we are still making incompatible changes from time to time. Stabilizing the features is planned in November, 2006. It is working on PC, OpenFirmware-based PowerPC machines (PowerMac and Pegasos) and EFI-based PC (IntelMac), and being ported to RiscOS/ARM and UltraSparc. For more information, please look at the wiki." } ] %]

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[% FOREACH item = faq %]

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