> I've just had my hard drive corrupted by parted (I can't be sure, but You cannot be sure it was the fault of Parted's code, either -- it could be another part in your system that is buggy (which also implies that Parted does not have a work around for it, yet) > very likely something to do with this "resize" issue above) and now > it won't boot. I'm trying to retrieve the data using whatever tools > I can find, but it's very complicated and I could use some guidance. You can get guidance at the lists parted-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org and bug-parted@gnu.org. We know the latter one is quite a spam receptacle, but this is not our fault and we cannot change it. As for topics, anything storage-related is okay. > users can get together and solve each other's problems. Is there > anything like this for Linux data recovery? I am working on the GNU Storage Guide, which also will contain comprehensive information on data recovery. > Given that this software, parted, is extremely dangerous and is very, > very likely to destroy years worth of hard work, I understand that you are upset and fear that all your data is destroyed, but the things you are saying are not correct. First, you don't know what the cause for the problem is. Second, at several locations (documentation, in some cases the program itself) Parted advises you to backup your data before working on the media. Third, the license explicitly says that you are using it on your own risk, as it is usual for free software. If you want professional consulting or safety guarantees, you pay for it. This is not different =66rom commercial software -- the latter one lets you pay doubly, though. I conclude that Parted is not more dangerous than other software, it's just that is touches an area of work that is likely to make the user VERY upset when something goes wrong. > don't you think that > it's maybe a mistake to spread it all over the internet when you > can't give it the attention it deserves? > I think you'd be better off > redirecting people to Partition Magic or something similar, Why do you think Partition Magic is better than GNU Parted? GNU Parted is used by a lot of companies (e.g. SGI and HP) and Linux distributors and is probably one of the best partitioning tools out there. > so they don't make the same mistake I did. I'm not trying to flame you he= re, I hope I can convince you that Parted is not a bug-ridden program straight from hell :) > I'm trying to make a serious suggestion. For example, you could move > your efforts to improving one of the many backup solutions that are > out there, I don't understand what you are trying to say? What do you mean? Should all developers of partitioning programs move to developing backup programs? > and turn it into a user-friendly system that might actually > get used by users. As I explained before, many people already use it and do not experience problems. > As it is, it's far too easy to fall into the trap > of believing parted will actually do what it claims to do. Almost every software has bugs, that's no secret. > don't download parted from your website, instead getting it on a > million different live CDs, so putting disclaimers and warnings on > your site isn't really enough. What do you suggest? We could add some additional warning at start-up. Now let's get straight to your problem! Here's the rough plan for data recovery from the GNU Storage Guide: 1. attempt to list the partitions with Parted works? yes -> go to 2 no -> go to "label recovery" =20 2. file system accessible? yes -> go to 3 no -> go to "file-system recovery" =20 3. files are missing or defective. go to "undeletion". Before starting with 1) you will have to boot up some rescue disk, of cours= e. In your case it is likely that either your partition table is broken (in which case you can fix it with a tool called 'gpart', which is included with many rescue disk as well), your MBR is corrupt or your root file system has been damaged. To help further investigation, please post a detailed problem description to one of the mentioned lists. Best wishes, Leslie --=20 gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x52D70289 http://nic-nac-project.de/~skypher/ --dDRMvlgZJXvWKvBx Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Disposition: inline -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFD5l/Nn/ep3VLXAokRAv7kAKCXkSowjDv9jdQC2DhgZb1wF8K/2wCcD/Rj p+YIEFBMKhRzdUtKzfPfNkc= =FJSB -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --dDRMvlgZJXvWKvBx--