PSPP Help Wanted

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PSPP is a statistical analysis program. It is a compatible replacement for the powerful, but very expensive, statistical analysis program SPSS. It currently stands at about 70,000 lines of C code. This is a significant amount. However, it is not even a chip off the iceberg compared to what needs to be written. PSPP needs your help in order to progress!

Several different kinds of people can help out with PSPP development. If you fit any of these categories, or more than one, or if you think you could help out another way, please consider becoming a PSPP developer:

We could use all sorts of advice on how to calculate statistics. The greatest assistance a statistician could give is a precise description of algorithms for calculation of particular statistics. I have a copy of SPSS Statistical Algorithm; a statistician could explain the equations contained therein. To submit statistical code for inclusion to PSPP, please see our instructions for submitting code.
PSPP is a big project. One programmer has little chance to complete all the necessary statistical procedures within his lifetime. Programmers could work to implement statistical procedures. Advice is also needed on certain aspects of PSPP output formats. Programmers could also write GUI frontends, output drivers, or companion programs.
Numerical analyst
Some of the most obvious algorithms for calculating statistics are also dangerous because they are numerically unstable. The services of a numerical analyst are needed in examining PSPP's code to see if it is properly written, and to suggest alternative solutions in the event that it is not.
Every big program always needs a group of people to find bugs. You don't have to be a programmer to find bugs, you just need to know how to use PSPP.
Good quality, tutorial type documentation is currently lacking. We need somebody to take care of this.

In order to join the development effort, please subscribe to the developers mailing list at