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D.6 Machine int32 Info Record

There must be no more than one machine int32 info record per system file. Machine int32 info records must follow the variable records and precede the dictionary termination record.

     struct sysfile_machine_int32_info
         /* Header. */
         int32               rec_type;
         int32               subtype;
         int32               size;
         int32               count;
         /* Data. */
         int32               version_major;
         int32               version_minor;
         int32               version_revision;
         int32               machine_code;
         int32               floating_point_rep;
         int32               compression_code;
         int32               endianness;
         int32               character_code;
int32 rec_type;
Record type. Always set to 7.
int32 subtype;
Record subtype. Always set to 3.
int32 size;
Size of each piece of data in the data part, in bytes. Always set to 4.
int32 count;
Number of pieces of data in the data part. Always set to 8.
int32 version_major;
PSPP major version number. In version x.y.z, this is x.
int32 version_minor;
PSPP minor version number. In version x.y.z, this is y.
int32 version_revision;
PSPP version revision number. In version x.y.z, this is z.
int32 machine_code;
Machine code. PSPP always set this field to value to -1, but other values may appear.
int32 floating_point_rep;
Floating point representation code. For IEEE 754 systems this is 1. IBM 370 sets this to 2, and DEC VAX E to 3.
int32 compression_code;
Compression code. Always set to 1.
int32 endianness;
Machine endianness. 1 indicates big-endian, 2 indicates little-endian.
int32 character_code;
Character code. 1 indicates EBCDIC, 2 indicates 7-bit ASCII, 3 indicates 8-bit ASCII, 4 indicates DEC Kanji.