Coeur : COnvert EUro


Coeur is a simple european currencies converter. Is a simple command line program, associated with an extremely simple graphic front end.

Coeur is a free software, licencied under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL), version 2.0 or later.

The graphic front end need Python and Gtk to work.

Features :

Program examples

Converting from euro to french francs

coeur 100 200 500
eur      -> frf     
100.00   -> 655.96  
200.00   -> 1311.91 
500.00   -> 3279.78

Converting from belgium francs to euro

coeur -f bef 100 200 500
bef      -> eur     
100.00   -> 2.48    
200.00   -> 4.96    
500.00   -> 12.39


Version 0.2 :

To Do


Here, some screenshots from the gcoeur front end program

Converting from euro to francs

gcoeur screenshot 1

Converting from francs to euro

gcoeur screenshot 2


Current version of coeur is 0.2, availabe only in source format, in Download area




You can contact me at hubix.