
00001 /***********************************************************************************
00002  * VTKwrap - Simple VTK wrappers                                                   *
00003  * Copyright (C) 2005 Dorival de Moraes Pedroso <dorival.pedroso at>     *
00004  *                                                                                 *
00005  * This file is part of VTKwrap.                                                   *
00006  *                                                                                 *
00007  * VTKwrap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under        *
00008  * the  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software  *
00009  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later      *
00010  * version.                                                                        *
00011  *                                                                                 *
00012  * VTKwrap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY      *
00013  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A *
00014  * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.        *
00015  *                                                                                 *
00016  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with    *
00017  * VTKwrap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin       *
00018  * Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA                                 *
00019  ***********************************************************************************/
00021 #ifndef VTKWRAP_COLORS_H
00022 #define VTKWRAP_COLORS_H
00024 #include <map>
00025 #include "vtkLookupTable.h"
00027 struct RGBcolor { double C[4]; };
00029 std::map<std::string, RGBcolor> CLR;
00031 int __init_colors__()
00032 {
00033     RGBcolor c; c.C[0]=0.0; c.C[1]=0.0; c.C[2]=0.0; c.C[3]=1.0;
00035     //  Whites
00036     c.C[0]=0.9804; c.C[1]=0.9216; c.C[2]=0.8431; CLR["antique_white"]        = c; 
00037     c.C[0]=0.9412; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["azure"]                = c; 
00038     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.8941; c.C[2]=0.7686; CLR["bisque"]               = c; 
00039     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.9216; c.C[2]=0.8039; CLR["blanched_almond"]      = c; 
00040     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.9725; c.C[2]=0.8627; CLR["cornsilk"]             = c; 
00041     c.C[0]=0.9900; c.C[1]=0.9000; c.C[2]=0.7900; CLR["eggshell"]             = c; 
00042     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.9804; c.C[2]=0.9412; CLR["floral_white"]         = c; 
00043     c.C[0]=0.8627; c.C[1]=0.8627; c.C[2]=0.8627; CLR["gainsboro"]            = c; 
00044     c.C[0]=0.9725; c.C[1]=0.9725; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["ghost_white"]          = c; 
00045     c.C[0]=0.9412; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.9412; CLR["honeydew"]             = c; 
00046     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.9412; CLR["ivory"]                = c; 
00047     c.C[0]=0.9020; c.C[1]=0.9020; c.C[2]=0.9804; CLR["lavender"]             = c; 
00048     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.9412; c.C[2]=0.9608; CLR["lavender_blush"]       = c; 
00049     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.9804; c.C[2]=0.8039; CLR["lemon_chiffon"]        = c; 
00050     c.C[0]=0.9804; c.C[1]=0.9412; c.C[2]=0.9020; CLR["linen"]                = c; 
00051     c.C[0]=0.9608; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.9804; CLR["mint_cream"]           = c; 
00052     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.8941; c.C[2]=0.8824; CLR["misty_rose"]           = c; 
00053     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.8941; c.C[2]=0.7098; CLR["moccasin"]             = c; 
00054     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.8706; c.C[2]=0.6784; CLR["navajo_white"]         = c; 
00055     c.C[0]=0.9922; c.C[1]=0.9608; c.C[2]=0.9020; CLR["old_lace"]             = c; 
00056     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.9373; c.C[2]=0.8353; CLR["papaya_whip"]          = c; 
00057     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.8549; c.C[2]=0.7255; CLR["peach_puff"]           = c; 
00058     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.9608; c.C[2]=0.9333; CLR["seashell"]             = c; 
00059     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.9804; c.C[2]=0.9804; CLR["snow"]                 = c; 
00060     c.C[0]=0.8471; c.C[1]=0.7490; c.C[2]=0.8471; CLR["thistle"]              = c; 
00061     c.C[0]=0.9900; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.9400; CLR["titanium_white"]       = c; 
00062     c.C[0]=0.9608; c.C[1]=0.8706; c.C[2]=0.7020; CLR["wheat"]                = c; 
00063     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["white"]                = c; 
00064     c.C[0]=0.9608; c.C[1]=0.9608; c.C[2]=0.9608; CLR["white_smoke"]          = c; 
00065     c.C[0]=0.9900; c.C[1]=0.9700; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["zinc_white"]           = c; 
00067     // Greys
00068     c.C[0]=0.5000; c.C[1]=0.5400; c.C[2]=0.5300; CLR["cold_grey"]            = c;
00069     c.C[0]=0.4118; c.C[1]=0.4118; c.C[2]=0.4118; CLR["dim_grey"]             = c; 
00070     c.C[0]=0.7529; c.C[1]=0.7529; c.C[2]=0.7529; CLR["grey"]                 = c; 
00071     c.C[0]=0.8275; c.C[1]=0.8275; c.C[2]=0.8275; CLR["light_grey"]           = c; 
00072     c.C[0]=0.4392; c.C[1]=0.5020; c.C[2]=0.5647; CLR["slate_grey"]           = c; 
00073     c.C[0]=0.1843; c.C[1]=0.3098; c.C[2]=0.3098; CLR["slate_grey_dark"]      = c; 
00074     c.C[0]=0.4667; c.C[1]=0.5333; c.C[2]=0.6000; CLR["slate_grey_light"]     = c; 
00075     c.C[0]=0.5000; c.C[1]=0.5000; c.C[2]=0.4100; CLR["warm_grey"]            = c; 
00077     // Blacks
00078     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=0.0000; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["black"]                = c;
00079     c.C[0]=0.1600; c.C[1]=0.1400; c.C[2]=0.1300; CLR["ivory_black"]          = c; 
00080     c.C[0]=0.1800; c.C[1]=0.2800; c.C[2]=0.2300; CLR["lamp_black"]           = c; 
00082     // Reds
00083     c.C[0]=0.8900; c.C[1]=0.1500; c.C[2]=0.2100; CLR["alizarin_crimson"]     = c;
00084     c.C[0]=0.6100; c.C[1]=0.4000; c.C[2]=0.1200; CLR["brick"]                = c; 
00085     c.C[0]=0.8900; c.C[1]=0.0900; c.C[2]=0.0500; CLR["cadmium_red_deep"]     = c; 
00086     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.4980; c.C[2]=0.3137; CLR["coral"]                = c; 
00087     c.C[0]=0.9412; c.C[1]=0.5020; c.C[2]=0.5020; CLR["coral_light"]          = c; 
00088     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.0784; c.C[2]=0.5765; CLR["deep_pink"]            = c; 
00089     c.C[0]=0.8300; c.C[1]=0.2400; c.C[2]=0.1000; CLR["english_red"]          = c; 
00090     c.C[0]=0.6980; c.C[1]=0.1333; c.C[2]=0.1333; CLR["firebrick"]            = c; 
00091     c.C[0]=0.8900; c.C[1]=0.0700; c.C[2]=0.1900; CLR["geranium_lake"]        = c; 
00092     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.4118; c.C[2]=0.7059; CLR["hot_pink"]             = c; 
00093     c.C[0]=0.6900; c.C[1]=0.0900; c.C[2]=0.1200; CLR["indian_red"]           = c; 
00094     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.6275; c.C[2]=0.4784; CLR["light_salmon"]         = c; 
00095     c.C[0]=0.8900; c.C[1]=0.1800; c.C[2]=0.1900; CLR["madder_lake_deep"]     = c; 
00096     c.C[0]=0.6902; c.C[1]=0.1882; c.C[2]=0.3765; CLR["maroon"]               = c; 
00097     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.7529; c.C[2]=0.7961; CLR["pink"]                 = c; 
00098     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.7137; c.C[2]=0.7569; CLR["pink_light"]           = c; 
00099     c.C[0]=0.5300; c.C[1]=0.1500; c.C[2]=0.3400; CLR["raspberry"]            = c; 
00100     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.0000; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["red"]                  = c; 
00101     c.C[0]=0.8900; c.C[1]=0.2100; c.C[2]=0.2200; CLR["rose_madder"]          = c; 
00102     c.C[0]=0.9804; c.C[1]=0.5020; c.C[2]=0.4471; CLR["salmon"]               = c; 
00103     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.3882; c.C[2]=0.2784; CLR["tomato"]               = c; 
00104     c.C[0]=0.8300; c.C[1]=0.1000; c.C[2]=0.1200; CLR["venetian_red"]         = c; 
00106     // Browns
00107     c.C[0]=0.6400; c.C[1]=0.5800; c.C[2]=0.5000; CLR["beige"]                = c;
00108     c.C[0]=0.5000; c.C[1]=0.1647; c.C[2]=0.1647; CLR["brown"]                = c; 
00109     c.C[0]=0.8600; c.C[1]=0.1600; c.C[2]=0.1600; CLR["brown_madder"]         = c; 
00110     c.C[0]=0.5300; c.C[1]=0.2600; c.C[2]=0.1200; CLR["brown_ochre"]          = c; 
00111     c.C[0]=0.8706; c.C[1]=0.7216; c.C[2]=0.5294; CLR["burlywood"]            = c; 
00112     c.C[0]=0.5400; c.C[1]=0.2100; c.C[2]=0.0600; CLR["burnt_sienna"]         = c; 
00113     c.C[0]=0.5400; c.C[1]=0.2000; c.C[2]=0.1400; CLR["burnt_umber"]          = c; 
00114     c.C[0]=0.8235; c.C[1]=0.4118; c.C[2]=0.1176; CLR["chocolate"]            = c; 
00115     c.C[0]=0.4500; c.C[1]=0.2400; c.C[2]=0.1000; CLR["deep_ochre"]           = c; 
00116     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.4900; c.C[2]=0.2500; CLR["flesh"]                = c; 
00117     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.3400; c.C[2]=0.1300; CLR["flesh_ochre"]          = c; 
00118     c.C[0]=0.7800; c.C[1]=0.4700; c.C[2]=0.1500; CLR["gold_ochre"]           = c; 
00119     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.2400; c.C[2]=0.0500; CLR["greenish_umber"]       = c; 
00120     c.C[0]=0.9412; c.C[1]=0.9020; c.C[2]=0.5490; CLR["khaki"]                = c; 
00121     c.C[0]=0.7412; c.C[1]=0.7176; c.C[2]=0.4196; CLR["khaki_dark"]           = c; 
00122     c.C[0]=0.9608; c.C[1]=0.9608; c.C[2]=0.8627; CLR["light_beige"]          = c; 
00123     c.C[0]=0.8039; c.C[1]=0.5216; c.C[2]=0.2471; CLR["peru"]                 = c; 
00124     c.C[0]=0.7373; c.C[1]=0.5608; c.C[2]=0.5608; CLR["rosy_brown"]           = c; 
00125     c.C[0]=0.7800; c.C[1]=0.3800; c.C[2]=0.0800; CLR["raw_sienna"]           = c; 
00126     c.C[0]=0.4500; c.C[1]=0.2900; c.C[2]=0.0700; CLR["raw_umber"]            = c; 
00127     c.C[0]=0.3700; c.C[1]=0.1500; c.C[2]=0.0700; CLR["sepia"]                = c; 
00128     c.C[0]=0.6275; c.C[1]=0.3216; c.C[2]=0.1765; CLR["sienna"]               = c; 
00129     c.C[0]=0.5451; c.C[1]=0.2706; c.C[2]=0.0745; CLR["saddle_brown"]         = c; 
00130     c.C[0]=0.9569; c.C[1]=0.6431; c.C[2]=0.3765; CLR["sandy_brown"]          = c; 
00131     c.C[0]=0.8235; c.C[1]=0.7059; c.C[2]=0.5490; CLR["tan"]                  = c; 
00132     c.C[0]=0.3700; c.C[1]=0.1500; c.C[2]=0.0200; CLR["van_dyke_brown"]       = c; 
00134     // Oranges
00135     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.3800; c.C[2]=0.0100; CLR["cadmium_orange"]       = c;
00136     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.0100; c.C[2]=0.0500; CLR["cadmium_red_light"]    = c; 
00137     c.C[0]=0.9300; c.C[1]=0.5700; c.C[2]=0.1300; CLR["carrot"]               = c; 
00138     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.5490; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["dark_orange"]          = c; 
00139     c.C[0]=0.5900; c.C[1]=0.2700; c.C[2]=0.0800; CLR["mars_orange"]          = c; 
00140     c.C[0]=0.8900; c.C[1]=0.4400; c.C[2]=0.1000; CLR["mars_yellow"]          = c; 
00141     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.5000; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["orange"]               = c; 
00142     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.2706; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["orange_red"]           = c; 
00143     c.C[0]=0.8900; c.C[1]=0.5100; c.C[2]=0.0900; CLR["yellow_ochre"]         = c; 
00145     // Yellows
00146     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.6600; c.C[2]=0.1400; CLR["aureoline_yellow"]     = c;
00147     c.C[0]=0.8900; c.C[1]=0.8100; c.C[2]=0.3400; CLR["banana"]               = c; 
00148     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.8900; c.C[2]=0.0100; CLR["cadmium_lemon"]        = c; 
00149     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.6000; c.C[2]=0.0700; CLR["cadmium_yellow"]       = c; 
00150     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.6900; c.C[2]=0.0600; CLR["cadmium_yellow_light"] = c; 
00151     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.8431; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["gold"]                 = c; 
00152     c.C[0]=0.8549; c.C[1]=0.6471; c.C[2]=0.1255; CLR["goldenrod"]            = c; 
00153     c.C[0]=0.7216; c.C[1]=0.5255; c.C[2]=0.0431; CLR["goldenrod_dark"]       = c; 
00154     c.C[0]=0.9804; c.C[1]=0.9804; c.C[2]=0.8235; CLR["goldenrod_light"]      = c; 
00155     c.C[0]=0.9333; c.C[1]=0.9098; c.C[2]=0.6667; CLR["goldenrod_pale"]       = c; 
00156     c.C[0]=0.9333; c.C[1]=0.8667; c.C[2]=0.5098; CLR["light_goldenrod"]      = c; 
00157     c.C[0]=0.8900; c.C[1]=0.6600; c.C[2]=0.4100; CLR["melon"]                = c; 
00158     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.6600; c.C[2]=0.0700; CLR["naples_yellow_deep"]   = c; 
00159     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["yellow"]               = c; 
00160     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.8784; CLR["yellow_light"]         = c; 
00162     // Greens
00163     c.C[0]=0.4980; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["chartreuse"]           = c;
00164     c.C[0]=0.4000; c.C[1]=0.5000; c.C[2]=0.0800; CLR["chromeoxidegreen"]     = c; 
00165     c.C[0]=0.3800; c.C[1]=0.7000; c.C[2]=0.1600; CLR["cinnabar_green"]       = c; 
00166     c.C[0]=0.2400; c.C[1]=0.5700; c.C[2]=0.2500; CLR["cobalt_green"]         = c; 
00167     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=0.7900; c.C[2]=0.3400; CLR["emerald_green"]        = c; 
00168     c.C[0]=0.1333; c.C[1]=0.5451; c.C[2]=0.1333; CLR["forest_green"]         = c; 
00169     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["green"]                = c; 
00170     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=0.3922; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["green_dark"]           = c; 
00171     c.C[0]=0.5961; c.C[1]=0.9843; c.C[2]=0.5961; CLR["green_pale"]           = c; 
00172     c.C[0]=0.6784; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.1843; CLR["green_yellow"]         = c; 
00173     c.C[0]=0.4863; c.C[1]=0.9882; c.C[2]=0.0000; CLR["lawn_green"]           = c; 
00174     c.C[0]=0.1961; c.C[1]=0.8039; c.C[2]=0.1961; CLR["lime_green"]           = c; 
00175     c.C[0]=0.7400; c.C[1]=0.9900; c.C[2]=0.7900; CLR["mint"]                 = c; 
00176     c.C[0]=0.2300; c.C[1]=0.3700; c.C[2]=0.1700; CLR["olive"]                = c; 
00177     c.C[0]=0.4196; c.C[1]=0.5569; c.C[2]=0.1373; CLR["olive_drab"]           = c; 
00178     c.C[0]=0.3333; c.C[1]=0.4196; c.C[2]=0.1843; CLR["olive_green_dark"]     = c; 
00179     c.C[0]=0.0400; c.C[1]=0.7900; c.C[2]=0.1700; CLR["permanent_green"]      = c; 
00180     c.C[0]=0.1900; c.C[1]=0.5000; c.C[2]=0.0800; CLR["sap_green"]            = c; 
00181     c.C[0]=0.1804; c.C[1]=0.5451; c.C[2]=0.3412; CLR["sea_green"]            = c; 
00182     c.C[0]=0.5608; c.C[1]=0.7373; c.C[2]=0.5608; CLR["sea_green_dark"]       = c; 
00183     c.C[0]=0.2353; c.C[1]=0.7020; c.C[2]=0.4431; CLR["sea_green_medium"]     = c; 
00184     c.C[0]=0.1255; c.C[1]=0.6980; c.C[2]=0.6667; CLR["sea_green_light"]      = c; 
00185     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.4980; CLR["spring_green"]         = c; 
00186     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=0.9804; c.C[2]=0.6039; CLR["spring_green_medium"]  = c; 
00187     c.C[0]=0.2200; c.C[1]=0.3700; c.C[2]=0.0600; CLR["terre_verte"]          = c; 
00188     c.C[0]=0.4300; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.4400; CLR["viridian_light"]       = c; 
00189     c.C[0]=0.6039; c.C[1]=0.8039; c.C[2]=0.1961; CLR["yellow_green"]         = c; 
00191     // Cyans
00192     c.C[0]=0.4980; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=0.8314; CLR["aquamarine"]           = c;
00193     c.C[0]=0.4000; c.C[1]=0.8039; c.C[2]=0.6667; CLR["aquamarine_medium"]    = c; 
00194     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["cyan"]                 = c; 
00195     c.C[0]=0.8784; c.C[1]=1.0000; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["cyan_white"]           = c; 
00196     c.C[0]=0.2510; c.C[1]=0.8784; c.C[2]=0.8157; CLR["turquoise"]            = c; 
00197     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=0.8078; c.C[2]=0.8196; CLR["turquoise_dark"]       = c; 
00198     c.C[0]=0.2824; c.C[1]=0.8196; c.C[2]=0.8000; CLR["turquoise_medium"]     = c; 
00199     c.C[0]=0.6863; c.C[1]=0.9333; c.C[2]=0.9333; CLR["turquoise_pale"]       = c; 
00201     // Blues
00202     c.C[0]=0.9412; c.C[1]=0.9725; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["alice_blue"]           = c;
00203     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=0.0000; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["blue"]                 = c; 
00204     c.C[0]=0.6784; c.C[1]=0.8471; c.C[2]=0.9020; CLR["blue_light"]           = c; 
00205     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=0.0000; c.C[2]=0.8039; CLR["blue_medium"]          = c; 
00206     c.C[0]=0.3725; c.C[1]=0.6196; c.C[2]=0.6275; CLR["cadet"]                = c; 
00207     c.C[0]=0.2400; c.C[1]=0.3500; c.C[2]=0.6700; CLR["cobalt"]               = c; 
00208     c.C[0]=0.3922; c.C[1]=0.5843; c.C[2]=0.9294; CLR["cornflower"]           = c; 
00209     c.C[0]=0.0200; c.C[1]=0.7200; c.C[2]=0.8000; CLR["cerulean"]             = c; 
00210     c.C[0]=0.1176; c.C[1]=0.5647; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["dodger_blue"]          = c; 
00211     c.C[0]=0.0300; c.C[1]=0.1800; c.C[2]=0.3300; CLR["indigo"]               = c; 
00212     c.C[0]=0.0100; c.C[1]=0.6600; c.C[2]=0.6200; CLR["manganese_blue"]       = c; 
00213     c.C[0]=0.0980; c.C[1]=0.0980; c.C[2]=0.4392; CLR["midnight_blue"]        = c; 
00214     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=0.0000; c.C[2]=0.5020; CLR["navy"]                 = c; 
00215     c.C[0]=0.2000; c.C[1]=0.6300; c.C[2]=0.7900; CLR["peacock"]              = c; 
00216     c.C[0]=0.6902; c.C[1]=0.8784; c.C[2]=0.9020; CLR["powder_blue"]          = c; 
00217     c.C[0]=0.2549; c.C[1]=0.4118; c.C[2]=0.8824; CLR["royal_blue"]           = c; 
00218     c.C[0]=0.4157; c.C[1]=0.3529; c.C[2]=0.8039; CLR["slate_blue"]           = c; 
00219     c.C[0]=0.2824; c.C[1]=0.2392; c.C[2]=0.5451; CLR["slate_blue_dark"]      = c; 
00220     c.C[0]=0.5176; c.C[1]=0.4392; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["slate_blue_light"]     = c; 
00221     c.C[0]=0.4824; c.C[1]=0.4078; c.C[2]=0.9333; CLR["slate_blue_medium"]    = c; 
00222     c.C[0]=0.5294; c.C[1]=0.8078; c.C[2]=0.9216; CLR["sky_blue"]             = c; 
00223     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=0.7490; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["sky_blue_deep"]        = c; 
00224     c.C[0]=0.5294; c.C[1]=0.8078; c.C[2]=0.9804; CLR["sky_blue_light"]       = c; 
00225     c.C[0]=0.2745; c.C[1]=0.5098; c.C[2]=0.7059; CLR["steel_blue"]           = c; 
00226     c.C[0]=0.6902; c.C[1]=0.7686; c.C[2]=0.8706; CLR["steel_blue_light"]     = c; 
00227     c.C[0]=0.0000; c.C[1]=0.7800; c.C[2]=0.5500; CLR["turquoise_blue"]       = c; 
00228     c.C[0]=0.0700; c.C[1]=0.0400; c.C[2]=0.5600; CLR["ultramarine"]          = c; 
00230     // Magentas
00231     c.C[0]=0.5412; c.C[1]=0.1686; c.C[2]=0.8863; CLR["blue_violet"]          = c;
00232     c.C[0]=0.5700; c.C[1]=0.1300; c.C[2]=0.6200; CLR["cobalt_violet_deep"]   = c; 
00233     c.C[0]=1.0000; c.C[1]=0.0000; c.C[2]=1.0000; CLR["magenta"]              = c; 
00234     c.C[0]=0.8549; c.C[1]=0.4392; c.C[2]=0.8392; CLR["orchid"]               = c; 
00235     c.C[0]=0.6000; c.C[1]=0.1961; c.C[2]=0.8000; CLR["orchid_dark"]          = c; 
00236     c.C[0]=0.7294; c.C[1]=0.3333; c.C[2]=0.8275; CLR["orchid_medium"]        = c; 
00237     c.C[0]=0.8600; c.C[1]=0.1500; c.C[2]=0.2700; CLR["permanent_red_violet"] = c; 
00238     c.C[0]=0.8667; c.C[1]=0.6275; c.C[2]=0.8667; CLR["plum"]                 = c; 
00239     c.C[0]=0.6275; c.C[1]=0.1255; c.C[2]=0.9412; CLR["purple"]               = c; 
00240     c.C[0]=0.5765; c.C[1]=0.4392; c.C[2]=0.8588; CLR["purple_medium"]        = c; 
00241     c.C[0]=0.3600; c.C[1]=0.1400; c.C[2]=0.4300; CLR["ultramarine_violet"]   = c; 
00242     c.C[0]=0.5600; c.C[1]=0.3700; c.C[2]=0.6000; CLR["violet"]               = c; 
00243     c.C[0]=0.5804; c.C[1]=0.0000; c.C[2]=0.8275; CLR["violet_dark"]          = c; 
00244     c.C[0]=0.8157; c.C[1]=0.1255; c.C[2]=0.5647; CLR["violet_red"]           = c; 
00245     c.C[0]=0.7804; c.C[1]=0.0824; c.C[2]=0.5216; CLR["violet_red_medium"]    = c; 
00246     c.C[0]=0.8588; c.C[1]=0.4392; c.C[2]=0.5765; CLR["violet_red_pale"]      = c; 
00248     return 0;
00249 }
00251 int __colors_dummy__ = __init_colors__();
00253 class ContrastTable
00254 {
00255 public:
00256     ContrastTable()
00257     {
00258         _table = vtkLookupTable ::New();
00259         _table->SetNumberOfColors(64);
00260         _table->Build();
00261         _table->SetTableValue(0  ,CLR["coral"].C     );
00262         _table->SetTableValue(1  ,CLR["black"].C     );
00263         _table->SetTableValue(2  ,CLR["peacock"].C   );
00264         _table->SetTableValue(3  ,CLR["black"].C     );
00265         _table->SetTableValue(4  ,CLR["orchid"].C    );
00266         _table->SetTableValue(5  ,CLR["black"].C     );
00267         _table->SetTableValue(6  ,CLR["cyan"].C      );
00268         _table->SetTableValue(7  ,CLR["black"].C     );
00269         _table->SetTableValue(8  ,CLR["mint"].C      );
00270         _table->SetTableValue(9  ,CLR["black"].C     );
00271         _table->SetTableValue(10 ,CLR["tomato"].C    );
00272         _table->SetTableValue(11 ,CLR["black"].C     );
00273         _table->SetTableValue(12 ,CLR["sea_green"].C );
00274         _table->SetTableValue(13 ,CLR["black"].C     );
00275         _table->SetTableValue(14 ,CLR["plum"].C      );
00276         _table->SetTableValue(15 ,CLR["black"].C     );
00277         for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
00278         {
00279             _table->SetTableValue(i*16  ,CLR["red"].C   );
00280             _table->SetTableValue(i*16+1,CLR["green"].C );
00281             _table->SetTableValue(i*16+2,CLR["blue"].C  );
00282             _table->SetTableValue(i*16+3,CLR["black"].C );
00283         }
00284     }
00285     ~ContrastTable() { _table->Delete(); }
00286     vtkLookupTable * GetTable() { return _table; }
00287 private:
00288     vtkLookupTable * _table;
00289 }; // class ContrastTable
00291 /*
00293 Whites
00294 antique_white     250   235   215   0.9804   0.9216   0.8431
00295 azure             240   255   255   0.9412   1.0000   1.0000
00296 bisque            255   228   196   1.0000   0.8941   0.7686
00297 blanched_almond   255   235   205   1.0000   0.9216   0.8039
00298 cornsilk          255   248   220   1.0000   0.9725   0.8627
00299 eggshell          252   230   201   0.9900   0.9000   0.7900
00300 floral_white      255   250   240   1.0000   0.9804   0.9412
00301 gainsboro         220   220   220   0.8627   0.8627   0.8627
00302 ghost_white       248   248   255   0.9725   0.9725   1.0000
00303 honeydew          240   255   240   0.9412   1.0000   0.9412
00304 ivory             255   255   240   1.0000   1.0000   0.9412
00305 lavender          230   230   250   0.9020   0.9020   0.9804
00306 lavender_blush    255   240   245   1.0000   0.9412   0.9608
00307 lemon_chiffon     255   250   205   1.0000   0.9804   0.8039
00308 linen             250   240   230   0.9804   0.9412   0.9020
00309 mint_cream        245   255   250   0.9608   1.0000   0.9804
00310 misty_rose        255   228   225   1.0000   0.8941   0.8824
00311 moccasin          255   228   181   1.0000   0.8941   0.7098
00312 navajo_white      255   222   173   1.0000   0.8706   0.6784
00313 old_lace          253   245   230   0.9922   0.9608   0.9020
00314 papaya_whip       255   239   213   1.0000   0.9373   0.8353
00315 peach_puff        255   218   185   1.0000   0.8549   0.7255
00316 seashell          255   245   238   1.0000   0.9608   0.9333
00317 snow              255   250   250   1.0000   0.9804   0.9804
00318 thistle           216   191   216   0.8471   0.7490   0.8471
00319 titanium_white    252   255   240   0.9900   1.0000   0.9400
00320 wheat             245   222   179   0.9608   0.8706   0.7020
00321 white             255   255   255   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000
00322 white_smoke       245   245   245   0.9608   0.9608   0.9608
00323 zinc_white        253   248   255   0.9900   0.9700   1.0000
00325 Greys
00326 cold_grey         128   138   135   0.5000   0.5400   0.5300
00327 dim_grey          105   105   105   0.4118   0.4118   0.4118
00328 grey              192   192   192   0.7529   0.7529   0.7529
00329 light_grey        211   211   211   0.8275   0.8275   0.8275
00330 slate_grey        112   128   144   0.4392   0.5020   0.5647
00331 slate_grey_dark    47    79    79   0.1843   0.3098   0.3098
00332 slate_grey_light  119   136   153   0.4667   0.5333   0.6000
00333 warm_grey         128   128   105   0.5000   0.5000   0.4100
00335 Blacks
00336 black               0     0     0   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
00337 ivory_black        41    36    33   0.1600   0.1400   0.1300
00338 lamp_black         46    71    59   0.1800   0.2800   0.2300
00340 Reds
00341 alizarin_crimson  227    38    54   0.8900   0.1500   0.2100
00342 brick             156   102    31   0.6100   0.4000   0.1200
00343 cadmium_red_deep  227    23    13   0.8900   0.0900   0.0500
00344 coral             255   127    80   1.0000   0.4980   0.3137
00345 coral_light       240   128   128   0.9412   0.5020   0.5020
00346 deep_pink         255    20   147   1.0000   0.0784   0.5765
00347 english_red       212    61    26   0.8300   0.2400   0.1000
00348 firebrick         178    34    34   0.6980   0.1333   0.1333
00349 geranium_lake     227    18    48   0.8900   0.0700   0.1900
00350 hot_pink          255   105   180   1.0000   0.4118   0.7059
00351 indian_red        176    23    31   0.6900   0.0900   0.1200
00352 light_salmon      255   160   122   1.0000   0.6275   0.4784
00353 madder_lake_deep  227    46    48   0.8900   0.1800   0.1900
00354 maroon            176    48    96   0.6902   0.1882   0.3765
00355 pink              255   192   203   1.0000   0.7529   0.7961
00356 pink_light        255   182   193   1.0000   0.7137   0.7569
00357 raspberry         135    38    87   0.5300   0.1500   0.3400
00358 red               255     0     0   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000
00359 rose_madder       227    54    56   0.8900   0.2100   0.2200
00360 salmon            250   128   114   0.9804   0.5020   0.4471
00361 tomato            255    99    71   1.0000   0.3882   0.2784
00362 venetian_red      212    26    31   0.8300   0.1000   0.1200
00364 Browns
00365 beige             163   148   128   0.6400   0.5800   0.5000
00366 brown             128    42    42   0.5000   0.1647   0.1647
00367 brown_madder      219    41    41   0.8600   0.1600   0.1600
00368 brown_ochre       135    66    31   0.5300   0.2600   0.1200
00369 burlywood         222   184   135   0.8706   0.7216   0.5294
00370 burnt_sienna      138    54    15   0.5400   0.2100   0.0600
00371 burnt_umber       138    51    36   0.5400   0.2000   0.1400
00372 chocolate         210   105    30   0.8235   0.4118   0.1176
00373 deep_ochre        115    61    26   0.4500   0.2400   0.1000
00374 flesh             255   125    64   1.0000   0.4900   0.2500
00375 flesh_ochre       255    87    33   1.0000   0.3400   0.1300
00376 gold_ochre        199   120    38   0.7800   0.4700   0.1500
00377 greenish_umber    255    61    13   1.0000   0.2400   0.0500
00378 khaki             240   230   140   0.9412   0.9020   0.5490
00379 khaki_dark        189   183   107   0.7412   0.7176   0.4196
00380 light_beige       245   245   220   0.9608   0.9608   0.8627
00381 peru              205   133    63   0.8039   0.5216   0.2471
00382 rosy_brown        188   143   143   0.7373   0.5608   0.5608
00383 raw_sienna        199    97    20   0.7800   0.3800   0.0800
00384 raw_umber         115    74    18   0.4500   0.2900   0.0700
00385 sepia              94    38    18   0.3700   0.1500   0.0700
00386 sienna            160    82    45   0.6275   0.3216   0.1765
00387 saddle_brown      139    69    19   0.5451   0.2706   0.0745
00388 sandy_brown       244   164    96   0.9569   0.6431   0.3765
00389 tan               210   180   140   0.8235   0.7059   0.5490
00390 van_dyke_brown     94    38     5   0.3700   0.1500   0.0200
00392 Oranges
00393 cadmium_orange    255    97     3   1.0000   0.3800   0.0100
00394 cadmium_red_light 255     3    13   1.0000   0.0100   0.0500
00395 carrot            237   145    33   0.9300   0.5700   0.1300
00396 dark_orange       255   140     0   1.0000   0.5490   0.0000
00397 mars_orange       150    69    20   0.5900   0.2700   0.0800
00398 mars_yellow       227   112    26   0.8900   0.4400   0.1000
00399 orange            255   128     0   1.0000   0.5000   0.0000
00400 orange_red        255    69     0   1.0000   0.2706   0.0000
00401 yellow_ochre      227   130    23   0.8900   0.5100   0.0900
00403 Yellows
00404 aureoline_yellow  255   168    36   1.0000   0.6600   0.1400
00405 banana            227   207    87   0.8900   0.8100   0.3400
00406 cadmium_lemon     255   227     3   1.0000   0.8900   0.0100
00407 cadmium_yellow    255   153    18   1.0000   0.6000   0.0700
00408 gold              255   215     0   1.0000   0.8431   0.0000
00409 goldenrod         218   165    32   0.8549   0.6471   0.1255
00410 goldenrod_dark    184   134    11   0.7216   0.5255   0.0431
00411 goldenrod_light   250   250   210   0.9804   0.9804   0.8235
00412 goldenrod_pale    238   232   170   0.9333   0.9098   0.6667
00413 light_goldenrod   238   221   130   0.9333   0.8667   0.5098
00414 melon             227   168   105   0.8900   0.6600   0.4100
00415 naplesyellowdeep  255   168    18   1.0000   0.6600   0.0700
00416 yellow            255   255     0   1.0000   1.0000   0.0000
00417 yellow_light      255   255   224   1.0000   1.0000   0.8784
00419 Greens
00420 chartreuse        127   255     0   0.4980   1.0000   0.0000
00421 chromeoxidegreen  102   128    20   0.4000   0.5000   0.0800
00422 cinnabar_green     97   179    41   0.3800   0.7000   0.1600
00423 cobalt_green       61   145    64   0.2400   0.5700   0.2500
00424 emerald_green       0   201    87   0.0000   0.7900   0.3400
00425 forest_green       34   139    34   0.1333   0.5451   0.1333
00426 green               0   255     0   0.0000   1.0000   0.0000
00427 green_dark          0   100     0   0.0000   0.3922   0.0000
00428 green_pale        152   251   152   0.5961   0.9843   0.5961
00429 green_yellow      173   255    47   0.6784   1.0000   0.1843
00430 lawn_green        124   252     0   0.4863   0.9882   0.0000
00431 lime_green         50   205    50   0.1961   0.8039   0.1961
00432 mint              189   252   201   0.7400   0.9900   0.7900
00433 olive              59    94    43   0.2300   0.3700   0.1700
00434 olive_drab        107   142    35   0.4196   0.5569   0.1373
00435 olive_green_dark   85   107    47   0.3333   0.4196   0.1843
00436 permanent_green    10   201    43   0.0400   0.7900   0.1700
00437 sap_green          48   128    20   0.1900   0.5000   0.0800
00438 sea_green          46   139    87   0.1804   0.5451   0.3412
00439 sea_green_dark    143   188   143   0.5608   0.7373   0.5608
00440 sea_green_medium   60   179   113   0.2353   0.7020   0.4431
00441 sea_green_light    32   178   170   0.1255   0.6980   0.6667
00442 spring_green        0   255   127   0.0000   1.0000   0.4980
00443 spring_greenmedium  0   250   154   0.0000   0.9804   0.6039
00444 terre_verte        56    94    15   0.2200   0.3700   0.0600
00445 viridian_light    110   255   112   0.4300   1.0000   0.4400
00446 yellow_green      154   205    50   0.6039   0.8039   0.1961
00448 Cyans
00449 aquamarine        127   255   212   0.4980   1.0000   0.8314
00450 aquamarinemedium  102   205   170   0.4000   0.8039   0.6667
00451 cyan                0   255   255   0.0000   1.0000   1.0000
00452 cyan_white        224   255   255   0.8784   1.0000   1.0000
00453 turquoise          64   224   208   0.2510   0.8784   0.8157
00454 turquoise_dark      0   206   209   0.0000   0.8078   0.8196
00455 turquoise_medium   72   209   204   0.2824   0.8196   0.8000
00456 turquoise_pale    175   238   238   0.6863   0.9333   0.9333
00458 Blues
00459 alice_blue        240   248   255   0.9412   0.9725   1.0000
00460 blue                0     0   255   0.0000   0.0000   1.0000
00461 blue_light        173   216   230   0.6784   0.8471   0.9020
00462 blue_medium         0     0   205   0.0000   0.0000   0.8039
00463 cadet              95   158   160   0.3725   0.6196   0.6275
00464 cobalt             61    89   171   0.2400   0.3500   0.6700
00465 cornflower        100   149   237   0.3922   0.5843   0.9294
00466 cerulean            5   184   204   0.0200   0.7200   0.8000
00467 dodger_blue        30   144   255   0.1176   0.5647   1.0000
00468 indigo              8    46    84   0.0300   0.1800   0.3300
00469 manganese_blue      3   168   158   0.0100   0.6600   0.6200
00470 midnight_blue      25    25   112   0.0980   0.0980   0.4392
00471 navy                0     0   128   0.0000   0.0000   0.5020
00472 peacock            51   161   201   0.2000   0.6300   0.7900
00473 powder_blue       176   224   230   0.6902   0.8784   0.9020
00474 royal_blue         65   105   225   0.2549   0.4118   0.8824
00475 slate_blue        106    90   205   0.4157   0.3529   0.8039
00476 slate_blue_dark    72    61   139   0.2824   0.2392   0.5451
00477 slate_blue_light  132   112   255   0.5176   0.4392   1.0000
00478 slate_blue_medium 123   104   238   0.4824   0.4078   0.9333
00479 sky_blue          135   206   235   0.5294   0.8078   0.9216
00480 sky_blue_deep       0   191   255   0.0000   0.7490   1.0000
00481 sky_blue_light    135   206   250   0.5294   0.8078   0.9804
00482 steel_blue         70   130   180   0.2745   0.5098   0.7059
00483 steel_blue_light  176   196   222   0.6902   0.7686   0.8706
00484 turquoise_blue      0   199   140   0.0000   0.7800   0.5500
00485 ultramarine        18    10   143   0.0700   0.0400   0.5600
00487 Magentas
00488 blue_violet       138    43   226   0.5412   0.1686   0.8863
00489 cobalt_violetdeep 145    33   158   0.5700   0.1300   0.6200
00490 magenta           255     0   255   1.0000   0.0000   1.0000
00491 orchid            218   112   214   0.8549   0.4392   0.8392
00492 orchid_dark       153    50   204   0.6000   0.1961   0.8000
00493 orchid_medium     186    85   211   0.7294   0.3333   0.8275
00494 permanent_violet  219    38    69   0.8600   0.1500   0.2700
00495 plum              221   160   221   0.8667   0.6275   0.8667
00496 purple            160    32   240   0.6275   0.1255   0.9412
00497 purple_medium     147   112   219   0.5765   0.4392   0.8588
00498 ultramarine_violet 92    36   110   0.3600   0.1400   0.4300
00499 violet            143    94   153   0.5600   0.3700   0.6000
00500 violet_dark       148     0   211   0.5804   0.0000   0.8275
00501 violet_red        208    32   144   0.8157   0.1255   0.5647
00502 violet_redmedium  199    21   133   0.7804   0.0824   0.5216
00503 violet_red_pale   219   112   147   0.8588   0.4392   0.5765
00505 */
00507 #endif // VTKWRAP_COLORS_H

Generated on Wed Jan 24 15:56:27 2007 for MechSys by  doxygen 1.4.7