
00001 /*************************************************************************************
00002  * MechSys - A C++ library to simulate (Continuum) Mechanical Systems                *
00003  * Copyright (C) 2005 Dorival de Moraes Pedroso <dorival.pedroso at>       *
00004  * Copyright (C) 2005 Raul Dario Durand Farfan  <raul.durand at>           *
00005  *                                                                                   *
00006  * This file is part of MechSys.                                                     *
00007  *                                                                                   *
00008  * MechSys is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the      *
00009  * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software         *
00010  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later        *
00011  * version.                                                                          *
00012  *                                                                                   *
00013  * MechSys is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY        *
00014  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A   *
00015  * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.          *
00016  *                                                                                   *
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with      *
00018  * MechSys; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, *
00019  * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA                                           *
00020  *************************************************************************************/
00025 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00026   #include "config.h"
00027 #else
00028   #ifndef REAL
00029     #define REAL double
00030   #endif
00031 #endif
00033 #include <sstream>
00034 #include <fstream>
00036 #include "util/util.h"
00037 #include "util/array.h"
00038 #include "util/string.h"
00039 #include "util/exception.h"
00040 #include "util/lineparser.h"
00041 #include "util/fileparser.h"
00042 #include "numerical/integschemesctes.h"
00044 namespace FEM
00045 {
00052 class InputData
00053 {
00054 public:
00055     enum LinSolver_T { lsLAPACK, lsUMFPACK, lsSUPERLU };
00056     // project
00057     String fullPATH;
00058     String projNAME;
00059     String projDESC;
00060     // filenames
00061     String fnNODE; // with full path
00062     String fnFACE; // with full path
00063     String fnELE;  // with full path
00064     String fnNBC;  // with full path
00065     String fnFBC;  // with full path
00066     String fnATT;  // with full path
00067     String fnINI;  // with full path
00068     // solver
00069     int              nSTAGES; // number of stages
00070     Array<int>       nDIV;    // number of divitiond for solver per stage
00071     Array<REAL>      dTIME;   // time incremenet per stage
00072     String           solNAME;
00073     Array<String>    solCTES;
00074     IntegSchemesCtes intSC;
00075     REAL             CoordsMult; // Coeficiente to multiply coordinates and adjust scale
00076                                  // Used only for FilesRead::ReadNodes
00077     LinSolver_T      linSOLVER;  // A.x=b ==> x=A^{-1}.b
00078     // output
00079     Array<int>    outNODES;
00080     Array<int>    outELEMS;
00081     Array<int>    outSTAGES;
00082     Array<int>    DoOutSTAGE;
00083     Array<String> fnOutNODES;  // with full path
00084     Array<String> fnOutELEMS;  // with full path
00085     Array<String> fnOutSTAGES; // with full path
00086     String        fnOutVTK;    // with full path
00087     String        outSubFldr;  // output sub folder
00088     bool          vtkOutScalar1;
00089     bool          vtkOutScalar2;
00090     bool          vtkOutTensor1;
00091     bool          vtkOutTensor2;
00092     bool          vtkOutTensor3;
00093     bool          vtkOutAllIncs; // output vtk file for all increments
00094     bool          vtkOutEssen;
00095     bool          vtkOutNatur;
00096 public:
00097     void   ParseInputArgs (int argc, char **argv, String & MainFilename, bool & IsConsole, bool & IsSilent, bool & IsHelpMsg);
00098     void   ReadMainFile   (String const & MainFilename);
00099     void   WriteMainFile  (String const & MainFilename, bool DoOverwrite=false);
00100     String InitialMessage ();
00101     String HelpMessage    ();
00102 }; // class InputData
00108 inline void InputData::ParseInputArgs (int argc, char **argv, String & MainFilename, bool & IsConsole, bool & IsSilent, bool & IsHelpMsg) // {{{
00109 {
00120     // Default values
00121     MainFilename = "";
00122     IsConsole    = true;
00123     IsSilent     = false;
00124     IsHelpMsg    = false;
00126     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #1 argument
00127     if (argc==1)
00128         return; // GUI session
00130     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #2 arguments
00131     if (argc==2)
00132     {
00133         if ((strcmp(argv[1],"-h")==0) || (strcmp(argv[1],"--help")==0))
00134             IsHelpMsg = true; // Just help message
00135         else
00136             MainFilename = argv[1]; // GUI session
00137     }
00139     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #3 arguments
00140     if (argc==3)
00141     {
00142         if (strcmp(argv[1],"--nogui")==0)
00143         {
00144             // Console session
00145                IsConsole = true;
00146             MainFilename = argv[2];
00147         }
00148         else if (strcmp(argv[1],"--silent")==0)
00149         {
00150             // Silent console session
00151                IsConsole = true;
00152                 IsSilent = true;
00153             MainFilename = argv[2];
00154         }
00155         else
00156             throw new Warning("%s",HelpMessage().GetSTL().c_str());
00157     }
00159     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >=4 arguments
00160     if (argc>=4)
00161         throw new Warning("%s",HelpMessage().GetSTL().c_str());
00163 } // }}}
00165 inline void InputData::ReadMainFile(String const & MainFilename) // {{{
00166 {
00167     /* example.main {{{
00168      *
00169      *       ################################### example.main
00170      *
00171      *       # project
00172      *       PROJECT NAME example # .main
00173      *       PROJECT DESC This is an example of <project.main> file.
00174      *       PROJECT DESC The description may have multiple lines. 
00175      *
00176      *       # filenames
00177      *       FILE NODE nodes        # .node
00178      *       FILE FACE faces        # .face
00179      *       FILE ELE  elements     # .ele
00180      *       FILE NBC  node-brys    # .nbc
00181      *       FILE FBC  face-brys    # .fbc
00182      *       FILE ATT  attributes   # .att
00183      *       FILE INI  ini-vals     # .ini
00184      *
00185      *       # solver
00186      *       SOLVER NDIV 40                                      # number of divisions of increment
00187      *       SOLVER SCHEME ModifiedEuler maxSSteps=100 DTOL=1e-7 # global solver { maxIncs DTOL }
00188      *       SOLVER SUBSCHEME AutoStepME maxSSteps=10 STOL=1e-5  # stress-update solver { maxSteps STOL }
00189      *
00190      *       # output
00191      *       OUTPUT NODES 1 4 7  # important nodes
00192      *       OUTPUT NODES 10 20  # secondary nodes
00193      *       OUTPUT ELEMS 1      # top element
00194      *       OUTPUT ELEMS 2 3    # internal elements
00195      *
00196     }}} */
00198     // Open file
00199     FileParser FP(MainFilename);
00201     // project - Clean
00202     fullPATH.clear();
00203     projNAME.clear();
00204     projDESC.clear();
00206     // filenames - Clean
00207     fnNODE.clear();
00208     fnFACE.clear();
00209     fnELE .clear();
00210     fnNBC .clear();
00211     fnFBC .clear();
00212     fnATT .clear();
00213     fnINI .clear();
00215     // solver - Clean
00216     nSTAGES = 0;
00217     nDIV    .resize(0);
00218     dTIME   .resize(0);
00219     solNAME = "Unknown";
00220     solCTES .resize(0);
00221     CoordsMult = 1.0;
00222     linSOLVER  = lsLAPACK;
00224     // output - Clean
00225     outNODES   .resize(0);
00226     outELEMS   .resize(0);
00227     outSTAGES  .resize(0);
00228     DoOutSTAGE .resize(0);
00229     fnOutNODES .resize(0);
00230     fnOutELEMS .resize(0);
00231     fnOutSTAGES.resize(0);
00232     fnOutVTK   .clear();
00233     outSubFldr .clear();
00234     vtkOutScalar1 = false;
00235     vtkOutScalar2 = false;
00236     vtkOutTensor1 = true;
00237     vtkOutTensor2 = true;
00238     vtkOutTensor3 = false;
00239     vtkOutAllIncs = false;
00240     vtkOutEssen   = true;
00241     vtkOutNatur   = true;
00243     // Temporary partial (local) names
00244     String tmp_fnNODE;
00245     String tmp_fnFACE;
00246     String tmp_fnELE; 
00247     String tmp_fnNBC; 
00248     String tmp_fnFBC; 
00249     String tmp_fnATT; 
00250     String tmp_fnINI; 
00252     // Read
00253     while (!FP.IsEOF()) // {{{
00254     {
00255         FP.JumpCommentsOrBlanks();
00256         LineParser LP(FP.GetCurrentLine());
00257         FP.Advance();
00258         String key;                  LP>>key;
00259         if (key=="PROJECT")
00260         {
00261             String subkey;           LP>>subkey;
00262                  if (subkey=="NAME") LP>>projNAME;
00263             else if (subkey=="DESC")
00264             {
00265                 String val;
00266                 while (LP>>val) { projDESC.append(val); projDESC.append(String(" ")); }
00267                 projDESC.append(String("#")); // # => new line marker
00268             }
00269             else throw new Fatal(_("Main file format invalid <PROJECT>"));
00270         }
00271         else if (key=="FILE")
00272         {
00273             String subkey;           LP>>subkey;
00274                  if (subkey=="NODE") LP>>tmp_fnNODE;
00275             else if (subkey=="FACE") LP>>tmp_fnFACE;
00276             else if (subkey=="ELE")  LP>>tmp_fnELE;
00277             else if (subkey=="NBC")  LP>>tmp_fnNBC;
00278             else if (subkey=="FBC")  LP>>tmp_fnFBC;
00279             else if (subkey=="ATT")  LP>>tmp_fnATT;
00280             else if (subkey=="INI")  LP>>tmp_fnINI;
00281             else throw new Fatal(_("Main file format invalid <FILE>"));
00282         }
00283         else if (key=="SOLVER")
00284         {
00285             String subkey;              LP>>subkey;
00286                  if (subkey=="NSTAGES") LP>>nSTAGES;
00287             else if (subkey=="NDIV")
00288             {
00289                 int val;
00290                 while (LP>>val) nDIV.push_back(val);
00291             }
00292             else if (subkey=="DTIME")   
00293             {
00294                 REAL val;
00295                 while (LP>>val) dTIME.push_back(val);
00296             }
00297             else if (subkey=="SCHEME")
00298             {
00299                 LP>>solNAME;  String val;
00300                 while (LP>>val) solCTES.push_back(val);
00301             }
00302             else if (subkey=="LINSOLVER")
00303             {
00304                 String val; LP>>val;
00305                      if (val=="LAPACK" ) { linSOLVER = lsLAPACK;  }
00306                 else if (val=="UMFPACK") { linSOLVER = lsUMFPACK; }
00307                 else if (val=="SUPERLU") { linSOLVER = lsSUPERLU; }
00308                 else throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < SOLVER LINSOLVER %s > is invalid"),val.GetSTL().c_str());
00309             }
00310             else if (subkey=="SUBSCHEME")
00311             {
00312                 String str;
00313                 while (LP>>str)
00314                 {
00315                     String ssubkey;
00316                     LineParser lp(str);
00317                     lp.ReplaceAllChars('=',' ');
00318                     lp>>ssubkey;
00319                          if (ssubkey=="type")  { String val; lp>>val; intSC.Type     (val); }
00320                     else if (ssubkey=="ndiv")  { int    val; lp>>val; intSC.FE_ndiv  (val); }
00321                     else if (ssubkey=="maxSS") { int    val; lp>>val; intSC.ME_maxSS (val); }
00322                     else if (ssubkey=="STOL")  { REAL   val; lp>>val; intSC.ME_STOL  (val); }
00323                     else if (ssubkey=="dTini") { REAL   val; lp>>val; intSC.ME_dTini (val); }
00324                     else if (ssubkey=="mMin")  { REAL   val; lp>>val; intSC.ME_mMin  (val); }
00325                     else if (ssubkey=="mMax")  { REAL   val; lp>>val; intSC.ME_mMax  (val); }
00326                     else throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < SOLVER SUBSCHEME %s > is invalid"), ssubkey.c_str());
00327                 }
00328             }
00329             else if (subkey=="COORDSMULT") LP>>CoordsMult;
00330             else throw new Fatal(_("Main file format invalid <SOLVER>"));
00331         }
00332         else if (key=="OUTPUT")
00333         {
00334             String subkey;            LP>>subkey;
00335                  if (subkey=="NODES")
00336             {
00337                 int val;
00338                 while (LP>>val) outNODES.push_back(val);
00339             }
00340             else if (subkey=="ELEMS")
00341             {
00342                 int val;
00343                 while (LP>>val) outELEMS.push_back(val);
00344             }
00345             else if (subkey=="STAGES")
00346             {
00347                 int val;
00348                 while (LP>>val) outSTAGES.push_back(val);
00349             }
00350             else if (subkey=="SCALAR1")   { String val; LP>>val; vtkOutScalar1 = Util::Str2Bool(val); }
00351             else if (subkey=="SCALAR2")   { String val; LP>>val; vtkOutScalar2 = Util::Str2Bool(val); }
00352             else if (subkey=="TENSOR1")   { String val; LP>>val; vtkOutTensor1 = Util::Str2Bool(val); }
00353             else if (subkey=="TENSOR2")   { String val; LP>>val; vtkOutTensor2 = Util::Str2Bool(val); }
00354             else if (subkey=="TENSOR3")   { String val; LP>>val; vtkOutTensor3 = Util::Str2Bool(val); }
00355             else if (subkey=="ALLINCS")   { String val; LP>>val; vtkOutAllIncs = Util::Str2Bool(val); }
00356             else if (subkey=="ESSENTIAL") { String val; LP>>val; vtkOutEssen   = Util::Str2Bool(val); }
00357             else if (subkey=="NATURAL")   { String val; LP>>val; vtkOutNatur   = Util::Str2Bool(val); }
00358             else if (subkey=="SUBFLDR") LP>>outSubFldr;
00359             else throw new Fatal(_("Main file format invalid <OUTPUT>"));
00360         }
00361         else throw new Fatal(_("Main file format invalid"));
00362     } // }}}
00364     // Get full path
00365     String        fname(projNAME);   fname.append(String(".main"));
00366     Array<String> pieces;         
00367     LineParser    LP(MainFilename);  LP.SeparatedLine(fname, pieces);
00368     fullPATH = pieces[0];
00370     // Filenames
00371     fnNODE=fullPATH;  fnNODE.append(tmp_fnNODE);  fnNODE.append(String(".node"));
00372     fnFACE=fullPATH;  fnFACE.append(tmp_fnFACE);  fnFACE.append(String(".face"));
00373     fnELE =fullPATH;  fnELE .append(tmp_fnELE);   fnELE .append(String(".ele"));
00374     fnNBC =fullPATH;  fnNBC .append(tmp_fnNBC);   fnNBC .append(String(".nbc"));
00375     fnFBC =fullPATH;  fnFBC .append(tmp_fnFBC);   fnFBC .append(String(".fbc"));
00376     fnATT =fullPATH;  fnATT .append(tmp_fnATT);   fnATT .append(String(".att"));
00377     fnINI =fullPATH;  fnINI .append(tmp_fnINI);   fnINI .append(String(".ini"));
00379     // output subfolder
00380     if (outSubFldr.empty()) outSubFldr.append(_("./"));
00381     else                    outSubFldr.append(_("/"));
00383     // VTK
00384     fnOutVTK=fullPATH; fnOutVTK.append(outSubFldr); fnOutVTK.append(solNAME); fnOutVTK.append(_(".vtk"));
00386     // Filenames - Output - NODES
00387     fnOutNODES.resize(outNODES.size());
00388     for (size_t i=0; i<outNODES.size(); ++i)
00389     {
00390         fnOutNODES[i].append(fullPATH);
00391         fnOutNODES[i].append(outSubFldr); String buf; buf.Printf(String("node-%d-%s"),outNODES[i],solNAME.c_str());
00392         fnOutNODES[i].append(buf);
00393     }
00395     // Filenames - Output - ELEMS
00396     fnOutELEMS.resize(outELEMS.size());
00397     for (size_t i=0; i<outELEMS.size(); ++i)
00398     {
00399         fnOutELEMS[i].append(fullPATH);
00400         fnOutELEMS[i].append(outSubFldr); String buf; buf.Printf(String("elem-%d-%s"),outELEMS[i],solNAME.c_str());
00401         fnOutELEMS[i].append(buf);
00402     }
00404     // Check nSTAGES
00405     if (nSTAGES<=0) throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: Number of stages (%d) is incorrect. It must be greater than 0"),nSTAGES);
00407     // Filenames - Output - STAGES
00408     fnOutSTAGES.resize(nSTAGES);
00409     for (int i=0; i<nSTAGES; ++i)
00410     {
00411         fnOutSTAGES[i].append(fullPATH);
00412         fnOutSTAGES[i].append(outSubFldr); String buf; buf.Printf(String("stage-%d-%s"),i+1,solNAME.c_str());
00413         fnOutSTAGES[i].append(buf);
00414     }
00416     // DoOutSTAGE
00417     if (outSTAGES.size()>0) DoOutSTAGE.resize(nSTAGES,0);
00418     else                    DoOutSTAGE.resize(nSTAGES,1);
00419     for (size_t i=0; i<outSTAGES.size(); ++i)
00420     {
00421         int s = outSTAGES[i];
00422         if (s==-1) { for (int j=0; j<nSTAGES; ++j) DoOutSTAGE[j]=0; break; }
00423         if (s<1 || s>nSTAGES) throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: Output stage (%d) is invalid. It must be inside [1,%d]"),s,nSTAGES);
00424         DoOutSTAGE[s-1] = 1;
00425     }
00427     // Check nDIV
00428     if (nDIV.size()!=static_cast<size_t>(nSTAGES))
00429     {
00430              if (nDIV.size()==0) { nDIV.resize(1); nDIV[0]=10; }
00431         else if (nDIV.size()==1) nDIV.resize(nSTAGES, nDIV[0]);
00432         else 
00433             throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < SOLVER NDIV > The number (%d) of nDIV's must correspond the number of stages (%d). For example: nSTAGES=2, nDIV={40,40}"),
00434                             nDIV.size(), nSTAGES);
00435     }
00437     // Check dTIME
00438     if (dTIME.size()!=static_cast<size_t>(nSTAGES))
00439     {
00440              if (dTIME.size()==0) { dTIME.resize(1); dTIME[0]=-1; }
00441         else if (dTIME.size()==1) dTIME.resize(nSTAGES, dTIME[0]);
00442         else 
00443             throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < SOLVER DTIME > The number (%d) of dTIME's must correspond the number of stages (%d). For example: nSTAGES=2, dTIME={40,40}"),
00444                             dTIME.size(), nSTAGES);
00445     }
00447 } // }}}
00449 inline void InputData::WriteMainFile(String const & MainFilename, bool DoOverwrite) // {{{
00450 {
00451     // Check if MainFilename exists
00452     if (!DoOverwrite)
00453         if (FileParser::CheckForFile(MainFilename))
00454             throw new Warning(_("File < %s > exists"), MainFilename.c_str());
00456     // Open file for output
00457     std::ofstream OF(MainFilename.GetSTL().c_str(), std::ios::out);
00459     // Separate description by lines
00460     LineParser    LP(projDESC);
00461     Array<String> desc_lines;
00462     LP.SeparatedLine("#", desc_lines);
00464     // Remove full path from filenames
00465     Array<String> tmp_fnNODE; LP.Set(fnNODE); LP.SeparatedLine(fullPATH, tmp_fnNODE);
00466     Array<String> tmp_fnFACE; LP.Set(fnFACE); LP.SeparatedLine(fullPATH, tmp_fnFACE);
00467     Array<String> tmp_fnELE;  LP.Set(fnELE);  LP.SeparatedLine(fullPATH, tmp_fnELE);
00468     Array<String> tmp_fnNBC;  LP.Set(fnNBC);  LP.SeparatedLine(fullPATH, tmp_fnNBC);
00469     Array<String> tmp_fnFBC;  LP.Set(fnFBC);  LP.SeparatedLine(fullPATH, tmp_fnFBC);
00470     Array<String> tmp_fnATT;  LP.Set(fnATT);  LP.SeparatedLine(fullPATH, tmp_fnATT);
00471     Array<String> tmp_fnINI;  LP.Set(fnINI);  LP.SeparatedLine(fullPATH, tmp_fnINI);
00473     // Write
00474     OF << "################################### " <<projNAME<< ".main\n";
00475     OF << "\n";
00476     OF << "# project\n";
00477     OF << "PROJECT NAME  " <<projNAME<< "   # .main\n";  for (size_t i=0; i<desc_lines.size(); ++i)
00478     OF << "PROJECT DESC  " <<desc_lines[i]<< "\n";
00479     OF << "\n";
00480     OF << "# filenames\n";
00481     OF << "FILE NODE  " <<tmp_fnNODE[tmp_fnNODE.size()-1]<< "   # .node\n";
00482     OF << "FILE FACE  " <<tmp_fnFACE[tmp_fnFACE.size()-1]<< "   # .face\n";
00483     OF << "FILE ELE   " <<tmp_fnELE [tmp_fnELE .size()-1]<< "   # .ele\n";
00484     OF << "FILE NBC   " <<tmp_fnNBC [tmp_fnNBC .size()-1]<< "   # .nbc\n";
00485     OF << "FILE FBC   " <<tmp_fnFBC [tmp_fnFBC .size()-1]<< "   # .fbc\n";
00486     OF << "FILE ATT   " <<tmp_fnATT [tmp_fnATT .size()-1]<< "   # .att\n";
00487     OF << "FILE INI   " <<tmp_fnINI [tmp_fnINI .size()-1]<< "   # .ini\n";
00488     OF << "\n";
00489     OF << "# solver\n";
00490     OF << "SOLVER NDIV     " << "  ";    for (size_t i=0; i<   nDIV.size(); ++i) { OF<<   nDIV[i]<<" "; } OF<<"   # number of divisions of stage increment\n";
00491     OF << "SOLVER DTIME    " << "  ";    for (size_t i=0; i<   nDIV.size(); ++i) { OF<<   dTIME[i]<<" "; } OF<<"   # time increments of stage increment\n";
00492     if (solNAME.size()>0)
00493     { OF << "SOLVER SCHEME     " <<solNAME<< "  ";    for (size_t i=0; i<   solCTES.size(); ++i) { OF<<   solCTES[i]<<" "; } OF<<"\n"; }
00494     OF << "\n";
00495     OF << "# output\n";
00496     OF << "OUTPUT NODES  "; for (size_t i=0; i<outNODES.size(); ++i) { OF<<outNODES[i]<<" "; } OF<<"\n";
00497     OF << "OUTPUT ELEMS  "; for (size_t i=0; i<outELEMS.size(); ++i) { OF<<outELEMS[i]<<" "; } OF<<"\n";
00498 } // }}}
00500 inline String InputData::InitialMessage() // {{{
00501 {
00502     std::ostringstream oss;
00503     oss << _("MechSys/FEM, Copyright (C) 2005 Dorival M. Pedroso, Raul D. Durand\n");
00504     oss << _("    MechSys/FEM comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n");
00505     oss << _("    This is free software, and you are welcome\n");
00506     oss << _("    to redistribute it under certain conditions.\n");
00507     return oss.str();
00508 } // }}}
00510 inline String InputData::HelpMessage() // {{{
00511 {
00512     std::ostringstream oss;
00513     oss << InitialMessage() << std::endl;
00514     oss << _("Command line options:\n");
00515     oss << _("    $ ./fem                           => GUI session                           \n");
00516     oss << _("    $ ./fem -h                        => shows help message and exit           \n");
00517     oss << _("    $ ./fem --help                    => shows help message and exit           \n");
00518     oss << _("    $ ./fem projname.main             => GUI session using projname            \n");
00519     oss << _("    $ ./fem --nogui projname.main     => Console session using projname        \n");
00520     oss << _("    $ ./fem --silent projname.main    => Silent console session using projname \n");
00521     oss << std::endl;
00522     return oss.str();
00523 } // }}}
00525 }; // namespace FEM
00529 // vim:fdm=marker

Generated on Wed Jan 24 15:56:25 2007 for MechSys by  doxygen 1.4.7