
00001 /*************************************************************************************
00002  * MechSys - A C++ library to simulate (Continuum) Mechanical Systems                *
00003  * Copyright (C) 2005 Dorival de Moraes Pedroso <dorival.pedroso at>       *
00004  * Copyright (C) 2005 Raul Dario Durand Farfan  <raul.durand at>           *
00005  *                                                                                   *
00006  * This file is part of MechSys.                                                     *
00007  *                                                                                   *
00008  * MechSys is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the      *
00009  * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software         *
00010  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later        *
00011  * version.                                                                          *
00012  *                                                                                   *
00013  * MechSys is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY        *
00014  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A   *
00015  * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.          *
00016  *                                                                                   *
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with      *
00018  * MechSys; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, *
00019  * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA                                           *
00020  *************************************************************************************/
00025 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00026   #include "config.h"
00027 #else
00028   #ifndef REAL
00029     #define REAL double
00030   #endif
00031 #endif
00033 #define Z0_MINUS_Z1_TOL  1.0e-7
00034 #define CP_ZERO          1.0e-5
00036 #include "models/equilibmodel.h"
00037 #include "tensors/tensors.h"
00038 #include "tensors/operators.h"
00039 #include "tensors/functions.h"
00040 #include "numerical/autostepme.h"
00041 #include "util/string.h"
00043 using Tensors::Tensor2;      // Second order tensor
00044 using Tensors::Reduce;       // Used in: Phi <- V:De:r - y0*HH0  and  dLam <- V:De:dEps/Phi
00045 using Tensors::GerX;         // Used in: Dep <- (-1/Phi)(De:r)dy(V:De) + De
00046 using Tensors::Dot;          // Dot product between 4th order tensors and 2nd order tensors (Dep:dEps, Cep:dSig)
00047 using Tensors::Norm;         // (Second Euclidian) norm of a second order tensor
00048 using blitz::dot;            // Blitz++: Inner product between TinyVectors
00049 using Tensors::Ger;          // Used in: Cep <- (1/cp)*(r dyadic V) + Ce
00051 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00052 class GenericEP : public EquilibModel
00053 {
00054 public:
00056     typedef blitz::TinyVector<REAL,nIntVars> IntVars;
00057     typedef blitz::TinyVector<REAL,nIntVars> HardMod;
00058     typedef blitz::TinyVector<REAL,nIntVars> T_dfdz;
00060     // Constructor
00061     GenericEP() : _num_dLam(1.0) {}
00063     // Destructor
00064     virtual ~GenericEP() {}
00066     // Methods
00067     void TgStiffness  (Tensors::Tensor4 & D) const;
00068     void Actualize    (Tensors::Tensor2 const & DSig, Tensors::Tensor2 & DEps);
00069     void StressUpdate (Tensors::Tensor2 const & DEps, Tensors::Tensor2 & DSig);
00070     void BackupState  ();
00071     void RestoreState ();
00073     // Can be overriden
00074     virtual int  nAdditionalInternalStateValues () const { return 0; }
00075     virtual void AdditionalInternalStateValues  (Array<REAL>   & IntStateVals)  const {};
00076     virtual void AdditionalInternalStateNames   (Array<String> & IntStateNames) const {};
00078     // Access methods
00079     int  nInternalStateValues () const { return nIntVars+1+nAdditionalInternalStateValues(); }; // +1 => specific volume
00080     void InternalStateValues  (Array<REAL>   & IntStateVals ) const;
00081     void InternalStateNames   (Array<String> & IntStateNames) const;
00083 protected:
00084     // Data
00085     REAL    _v; // State variable: Specific volume
00086     IntVars _z; // State variable: Internal quantities
00087     REAL    _v_bkp;
00088     IntVars _z_bkp;
00090     // Methods
00091     virtual void _calc_grads_hards(REAL    const & v  ,           // In:  Specific volume
00092                                    Tensor2 const & Sig,           // In:  Stress tensor
00093                                    IntVars const & z  ,           // In:  Internal variables
00094                                    Tensor2       & r  ,           // Out: Plastic strain direction
00095                                    Tensor2       & V  ,           // Out: Derivative of f ("loading" surface) w.r.t Sig (df_dSig)
00096                                    T_dfdz        & y  ,           // Out: Derivative of f ("loading" surface) w.r.t z
00097                                    HardMod       & HH ,           // Out: Hardening modulae
00098                                    REAL          & cp ) const =0; // Out: Plastic coeficient
00100     virtual void _calc_De(REAL const & v, Tensors::Tensor2 const & Sig, IntVars const & z, bool IsUnloading, Tensors::Tensor4 & De) const =0;
00101     virtual void _calc_Ce(REAL const & v, Tensors::Tensor2 const & Sig, IntVars const & z, bool IsUnloading, Tensors::Tensor4 & Ce) const =0;
00102     virtual void _unloading_update_int_vars() =0;
00103     virtual void _calc_dz(Tensors::Tensor2 const & dSig, Tensors::Tensor2 const & dEps, REAL const & dLam, HardMod const & HH, IntVars & dz) const =0;
00105 private:
00106     // Data
00107     REAL _num_dLam; // numerator of dLam
00108     REAL _bkp_num_dLam;
00110     // Methods
00111     int _Dep_times_dEps(Tensor2 const & Eps,       // In: (actual) strain tensor
00112                         Tensor2 const & Sig,       // In: (actual) stress tensor
00113                         IntVars const & z,         // In: (actual) internal variables
00114                         Tensor2 const & dEps,      // In: Strain increment
00115                         Tensor2       & dSig,      // Out: Stress increment
00116                         IntVars       & dz) const; // Out: Internal variables increment
00117     // returns: -1 if failed, 0 to continue, 1 to stop
00119     int _Cep_times_dSig(Tensor2 const & Sig,       // In: (actual) stress tensor
00120                         Tensor2 const & Eps,       // In: (actual) strain tensor
00121                         IntVars const & z,         // In: (actual) internal variables
00122                         Tensor2 const & dSig,      // In: Stress increment
00123                         Tensor2       & dEps,      // Out: Strain increment
00124                         IntVars       & dz) const; // Out: Internal variables increment
00125     // returns: -1 if failed, 0 to continue, 1 to stop
00127     int _De_times_dEps(Tensor2 const & Eps,           // In: (actual) strain tensor
00128                        Tensor2 const & Sig,           // In: (actual) stress tensor
00129                        float   const & dummy1,        // In: 
00130                        Tensor2 const & dEps,          // In: Strain increment
00131                        Tensor2       & dSig,          // Out: Stress increment
00132                        float         & dummy2) const; // Out: 
00133     // returns: -1 if failed, 0 to continue, 1 to stop
00135     int _Ce_times_dSig(Tensor2 const & Sig,           // In: (actual) stress tensor
00136                        Tensor2 const & Eps,           // In: (actual) strain tensor
00137                        float   const & dummy1,        // In:
00138                        Tensor2 const & dSig,          // In: stress increment
00139                        Tensor2       & dEps,          // Out: strain increment
00140                        float         & dummy2) const; // Out:
00141     // returns: -1 if failed, 0 to continue, 1 to stop
00143     REAL _local_error(Tensor2 const & Ey    ,         // In: Stress or Strain error between low and high order evaluation (FE and ME)
00144                       Tensor2 const & y_high,         // In: Stress or Strain high order evaluation - "correct" (ME)
00145                       IntVars const & Ez    ,         // In: Error on internal variables
00146                       IntVars const & z_high) const;  // In: Higher evaluation of internal variables
00148     REAL _local_error(Tensor2 const & Ey    ,         // In: Stress or Strain error between low and high order evaluation (FE and ME)
00149                       Tensor2 const & y_high,         // In: Stress or Strain high order evaluation - "correct" (ME)
00150                       float   const & dummy1,         // In: dummy
00151                       float   const & dummy2) const;  // In: dummy
00152 }; // class GenericEP
00158 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00159 inline void GenericEP<nIntVars>::TgStiffness(Tensors::Tensor4 & D) const // {{{
00160 {
00161     if (_num_dLam<0) // Elastic tangent stiffness
00162     {
00163         _calc_De(_v, _sig, _z, true, D); // D <- De
00164     }
00165     else // Elastoplastic tangent stiffness
00166     {
00167         // Gradients and Hardening
00168         Tensor2 r,V;    T_dfdz y;    HardMod HH;    REAL cp;
00169         _calc_grads_hards(_v, _sig, _z, r, V, y, HH, cp);
00171         // Dep and Phi
00172         Tensors::Tensor4 De;
00173         _calc_De(_v, _sig, _z, false, De);
00174         REAL Phi = Reduce(V,De,r)+cp;   // Phi = V:De:r - y0*HH0
00175         GerX(-1.0/Phi,De,r,V,De,De, D); // D <- Dep = (-1/Phi) * (De:r)dy(V:De) + De
00176     }
00177 } // }}}
00179 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00180 inline void GenericEP<nIntVars>::Actualize(Tensors::Tensor2 const & DSig, Tensors::Tensor2 & DEps) // {{{
00181 {
00182     // Initial _eps
00183     Tensor2 eps_ini = _eps;
00185     // Gradients and Hardening
00186     Tensor2 r,V;    T_dfdz y;    HardMod HH;    REAL cp;
00187     _calc_grads_hards(_v, _sig, _z, r, V, y, HH, cp);
00189     // Plastic (Lagrange) multiplier
00190     REAL dLam = Dot(V,DSig)/cp; // dLam = V:DSig/cp
00192     // Check unloading/loading condition
00193     if (dLam<0.0) // Unloading
00194     {
00195         if (EquilibModel::_isc.Type()==IntegSchemesCtes::FE)
00196         {
00197             // Forward-Euler - Actualize (Elastic)
00198             int    n_div = _isc.FE_ndiv();
00199             Tensor2 dsig = DSig/n_div;
00200             float dummy;
00201             for (int i=0; i<n_div; ++i)
00202             {
00203                 _Ce_times_dSig(_sig, _eps, dummy, dsig, DEps, dummy);
00204                 _sig += dsig;
00205                 _eps += DEps;
00206             }
00207         }
00208         else
00209         {
00210             // Allocate a Time Integration object
00211             AutoStepME<Tensor2, Tensor2, float, GenericEP<nIntVars> > TI(EquilibModel::_isc);
00213             // Update stress (_sig) and strain (_eps) state
00214             float dummy;
00215             int nss = TI.Solve(this,                                  // Address of this instance of GenericEP class
00216                                &GenericEP<nIntVars>::_Ce_times_dSig , // Pointer to a function that calculates dEps = C:dSig
00217                                &GenericEP<nIntVars>::_local_error   , // Pointer to a function that calculates local error on dEps
00218                                _sig, _eps, dummy, DSig);
00219             // Check num_sub_steps
00220             if (nss==-1)
00221                 throw new Fatal(_("GenericEP::Actualize: (Unloading) Number of max sub-steps (%d) was not sufficient for AutoStepME."), EquilibModel::_isc.ME_maxSS());
00222         }
00223         // Update internal state
00224         _unloading_update_int_vars();
00225     }
00226     else // Loading
00227     {
00228         if (EquilibModel::_isc.Type()==IntegSchemesCtes::FE)
00229         {
00230             // Forward-Euler - Actualize (Elastoplastic)
00231             int    n_div = _isc.FE_ndiv();
00232             Tensor2 dsig = DSig/n_div;
00233             for (int i=0; i<n_div; ++i)
00234             {
00235                 IntVars dz;
00236                 _Cep_times_dSig(_sig, _eps, _z, dsig, DEps, dz);
00237                 _sig += dsig;
00238                 _eps += DEps;
00239                 _z   += dz;
00240             }
00241         }
00242         else
00243         {
00244             // Allocate a Time Integration object
00245             AutoStepME<Tensor2, Tensor2, IntVars, GenericEP<nIntVars> > TI(EquilibModel::_isc);
00247             // Update stress (_sig), internal variables (_z) and strain (_eps) state
00248             int nss = TI.Solve(this,                                  // Address of this instance of GenericEP class
00249                                &GenericEP<nIntVars>::_Cep_times_dSig, // Pointer to a function that calculates dEps = C:dSig
00250                                &GenericEP<nIntVars>::_local_error   , // Pointer to a function that calculates local error on dEps
00251                                _sig, _eps, _z, DSig);
00252             // Check num_sub_steps
00253             if (nss==-1)
00254                 throw new Fatal(_("GenericEP::Actualize: (Loading) Number of max sub-steps (%d) was not sufficient for AutoStepME."), EquilibModel::_isc.ME_maxSS());
00255         }
00256     }
00258     // Calculate the total (secant) increment of strain
00259     DEps = _eps - eps_ini;
00261     // Update internal state (secant)
00262     _v += -(DEps(0)+DEps(1)+DEps(2))*_v; // dv=-dEv*v
00264 } // }}}
00266 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00267 inline void GenericEP<nIntVars>::StressUpdate(Tensors::Tensor2 const & DEps, Tensors::Tensor2 & DSig) // {{{
00268 {
00269     // Initial _sig
00270     Tensor2 sig_ini = _sig;
00272     // Gradients and Hardening
00273     Tensor2 r,V;    T_dfdz y;    HardMod HH;    REAL cp;
00274     _calc_grads_hards(_v, _sig, _z, r, V, y, HH, cp);
00276     // Calculate numerator of dLam
00277     Tensors::Tensor4 De; 
00278     if (_num_dLam<0) _calc_De(_v, _sig, _z, true,  De);
00279     else             _calc_De(_v, _sig, _z, false, De);
00280     _num_dLam = Reduce(V,De,DEps);
00282     // Check unloading/loading condition
00283     if (_num_dLam<0.0) // Unloading
00284     {
00285         if (EquilibModel::_isc.Type()==IntegSchemesCtes::FE)
00286         {
00287             // Forward-Euler - Update (Elastic)
00288             int    n_div = _isc.FE_ndiv();
00289             Tensor2 deps = DEps/n_div;
00290             float dummy;
00291             for (int i=0; i<n_div; ++i)
00292             {
00293                 _De_times_dEps(_eps, _sig, dummy, deps, DSig, dummy);
00294                 _sig += DSig;
00295                 _eps += deps;
00296             }
00297         }
00298         else
00299         {
00300             // Allocate a Time Integration object
00301             AutoStepME<Tensor2, Tensor2, float, GenericEP<nIntVars> > TI(EquilibModel::_isc);
00303             // Update stress (_sig) and strain (_eps) state
00304             float dummy;
00305             int nss = TI.Solve(this,                                  // Address of this instance of GenericEP class
00306                                &GenericEP<nIntVars>::_De_times_dEps , // Pointer to a function that calculates dEps = C:dSig
00307                                &GenericEP<nIntVars>::_local_error   , // Pointer to a function that calculates local error on dEps
00308                                _eps, _sig, dummy, DEps);
00309             // Check num_sub_steps
00310             if (nss==-1)
00311                 throw new Fatal(_("GenericEP::Actualize: (Unloading) Number of max sub-steps (%d) was not sufficient for AutoStepME."), EquilibModel::_isc.ME_maxSS());
00312         }
00313         // Update internal state
00314         _unloading_update_int_vars();
00315     }
00316     else // Loading
00317     {
00318         if (EquilibModel::_isc.Type()==IntegSchemesCtes::FE)
00319         {
00320             // Forward-Euler - Update (Elastoplastic)
00321             int    n_div = _isc.FE_ndiv();
00322             Tensor2 deps = DEps/n_div;
00323             for (int i=0; i<n_div; ++i)
00324             {
00325                 IntVars dz;
00326                 _Dep_times_dEps(_eps, _sig, _z, deps, DSig, dz);
00327                 _sig += DSig;
00328                 _eps += deps;
00329                 _z   += dz;
00330             }
00331         }
00332         else
00333         {
00334             // Allocate a Time Integration object
00335             AutoStepME<Tensor2, Tensor2, IntVars, GenericEP<nIntVars> > TI(EquilibModel::_isc);
00337             // Update stress (_sig), internal variables (_z) and strain (_eps) state
00338             int nss = TI.Solve(this,                                  // Address of this instance of GenericEP class
00339                                &GenericEP<nIntVars>::_Dep_times_dEps, // Pointer to a function that calculates dSig = D:dEps
00340                                &GenericEP<nIntVars>::_local_error ,   // Pointer to a function that calculates local error on dSig
00341                                _eps, _sig, _z, DEps);
00342             // Check num_sub_steps
00343             if (nss==-1)
00344                 throw new Fatal(_("GenericEP::StressUpdate: (Loading) Number of max sub-steps (%d) was not sufficient for AutoStepME."), EquilibModel::_isc.ME_maxSS());
00345         }
00346     }
00348     // Calculate the total (secant) increment of stress
00349     DSig = _sig - sig_ini;
00351     // Update internal state
00352     _v += -(DEps(0)+DEps(1)+DEps(2))*_v; // dv=-dEv*v
00354 } // }}}
00356 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00357 inline void GenericEP<nIntVars>::BackupState() // {{{
00358 {
00359     _sig_bkp = _sig;
00360     _eps_bkp = _eps;
00361       _v_bkp = _v;
00362       _z_bkp = _z;
00363     _bkp_num_dLam = _num_dLam;
00364 } // }}}
00366 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00367 inline void GenericEP<nIntVars>::RestoreState() // {{{
00368 {
00369     _sig = _sig_bkp;
00370     _eps = _eps_bkp;
00371       _v =   _v_bkp;
00372       _z =   _z_bkp;
00373     _num_dLam = _bkp_num_dLam;
00374 } // }}}
00376 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00377 inline int GenericEP<nIntVars>::_Dep_times_dEps(Tensor2 const & Eps,       // In: (actual) strain tensor {{{
00378                                                 Tensor2 const & Sig,       // In: (actual) stress tensor
00379                                                 IntVars const & z,         // In: (actual) internal variables
00380                                                 Tensor2 const & dEps,      // In: Strain increment
00381                                                 Tensor2       & dSig,      // Out: Stress increment
00382                                                 IntVars       & dz) const  // Out: Internal variables increment
00383 {
00384     // Gradients and Hardening
00385     REAL v=_v; // using (constant) current specific volume
00386     Tensor2 r,V;    T_dfdz y;    HardMod HH;    REAL cp;
00387     _calc_grads_hards(v, Sig, z, r, V, y, HH, cp);
00389     // Dep and Phi
00390     Tensors::Tensor4 De,Dep;
00391     _calc_De(v, Sig, z, false, De);
00392     REAL Phi = Reduce(V,De,r)+cp;    // Phi = V:De:r - y0*HH0
00393     GerX(-1.0/Phi,De,r,V,De,De,Dep); // Dep = (-1/Phi) * (De:r)dy(V:De) + De
00395     // dSig and dLam
00396     Dot(Dep, dEps, dSig);              // dSig = Dep:dEps
00397     REAL dLam = Reduce(V,De,dEps)/Phi; // dLam = V:De:dEps/Phi
00399     // dz
00400     _calc_dz(dSig,dEps,dLam,HH, dz);
00402     return 0;
00403 } // }}}
00405 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00406 inline int GenericEP<nIntVars>::_Cep_times_dSig(Tensor2 const & Sig,       // In: (actual) stress tensor {{{
00407                                                 Tensor2 const & Eps,       // In: (actual) strain tensor
00408                                                 IntVars const & z,         // In: (actual) internal variables
00409                                                 Tensor2 const & dSig,      // In: Stress increment
00410                                                 Tensor2       & dEps,      // Out: Strain increment
00411                                                 IntVars       & dz) const  // Out: Internal variables increment
00412 {
00413     // Gradients and Hardening
00414     REAL v=_v; // using (constant) current specific volume
00415     Tensor2 r,V;    T_dfdz y;    HardMod HH;    REAL cp;
00416     _calc_grads_hards(v, Sig, z, r, V, y, HH, cp);
00418     // Try to check for softening initial point
00419     if (fabs(cp/(_sig(0)+_sig(1)+_sig(2)))<=CP_ZERO)
00420         throw new Warning(_("GenericEP<%s>::_Cep_times_dSig: hp=%f. Maybe it is the start of softening behaviour"),this->Name().GetSTL().c_str(),cp);
00422     // Stop if excessive deviatoric strains
00423     REAL Ev,Ed; Tensors::Strain_Ev_Ed(Eps, Ev, Ed);
00424     if (Ed>EquilibModel::_isc.EdMax())
00425         throw new Warning(_("GenericEP<%s>::_Cep_times_dSig: Ed=%f (%) greater than EdMax=%f (%)"),this->Name().GetSTL().c_str(),Ed*100.0,EquilibModel::_isc.EdMax()*100);
00426     //std::cout << v << Sig << z << r << V << y << HH << cp << std::endl;
00428     // Cep
00429     Tensors::Tensor4 Cep;
00430     _calc_Ce(v, Sig, z, false, Cep); // Cep <- Ce
00431     Ger(1.0/cp,r,V,Cep);          // Cep <- (1/cp)*(r dyadic V) + Ce
00433     // dEps and dLam
00434     Dot(Cep, dSig, dEps);       // dEps <- Cep:dSig
00435     REAL dLam = Dot(V,dSig)/cp; // dLam <- V:dSig/cp
00437     // dz
00438     _calc_dz(dSig,dEps,dLam,HH, dz);
00440     return 0;
00441 } // }}}
00443 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00444 inline int GenericEP<nIntVars>::_De_times_dEps(Tensor2 const & Eps,           // In: (actual) strain tensor {{{
00445                                                Tensor2 const & Sig,           // In: (actual) stress tensor
00446                                                float   const & dummy1,        // In:
00447                                                Tensor2 const & dEps,          // In: Strain increment
00448                                                Tensor2       & dSig,          // Out: Stress increment
00449                                                float         & dummy2) const  // Out:
00450 {
00451     Tensors::Tensor4 De;
00452     _calc_De(_v, Sig, _z, true, De);
00453     Dot(De,dEps,dSig);
00454     return 0; // returns: -1 if failed, 0 to continue, 1 to stop
00455 } // }}}
00457 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00458 inline int GenericEP<nIntVars>::_Ce_times_dSig(Tensor2 const & Sig, // {{{
00459                                                Tensor2 const & Eps,
00460                                                float   const & dummy1,
00461                                                Tensor2 const & dSig,
00462                                                Tensor2       & dEps,
00463                                                float         & dummy2) const
00464 {
00465     Tensors::Tensor4 Ce;
00466     _calc_Ce(_v, Sig, _z, true, Ce);
00467     Dot(Ce,dSig,dEps);
00468     return 0; // returns: -1 if failed, 0 to continue, 1 to stop
00469 } // }}}
00471 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00472 inline REAL GenericEP<nIntVars>::_local_error(Tensor2 const & Ey    ,         // In: Stress or Strain error between low and high order evaluation (FE and ME) {{{
00473                                               Tensor2 const & y_high,         // In: Stress or Strain high order evaluation - "correct" (ME)
00474                                               IntVars const & Ez    ,         // In: Error on internal variables
00475                                               IntVars const & z_high) const   // In: Higher evaluation of internal variables
00476 {
00477     REAL Err_y = Norm(Ey)/Norm(y_high);
00478     REAL Err_z = sqrt(dot(Ez,Ez))/sqrt(dot(z_high,z_high));
00479     return (Err_y>Err_z ? Err_y : Err_z);
00480 } // }}}
00482 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00483 inline REAL GenericEP<nIntVars>::_local_error(Tensor2 const & Ey    ,         // In: Stress or Strain error between low and high order evaluation (FE and ME) {{{
00484                                               Tensor2 const & y_high,         // In: Stress or Strain high order evaluation - "correct" (ME)
00485                                               float   const & dummy1,         // In:
00486                                               float   const & dummy2) const   // In:
00487 {
00488     return Norm(Ey)/Norm(y_high);
00489 } // }}}
00491 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00492 inline void GenericEP<nIntVars>::InternalStateValues(Array<REAL> & IntStateVals) const // {{{
00493 {
00494     int nIntStateVals = nIntVars+1+nAdditionalInternalStateValues(); // +1 => specific volume component
00495     IntStateVals.resize(nIntStateVals);
00496     for (unsigned int i_intvar=0; i_intvar<nIntVars; ++i_intvar)
00497         IntStateVals[i_intvar] = _z(i_intvar);
00498         IntStateVals[nIntVars] = _v;
00499     if (nAdditionalInternalStateValues()>0)
00500     {
00501         Array<REAL> values;
00502         AdditionalInternalStateValues(values);
00503         for (int i=0; i<nAdditionalInternalStateValues(); ++i)
00504             IntStateVals[nIntVars+1+i] = values[i];
00505     }
00506 } // }}}
00508 template<unsigned int nIntVars>
00509 inline void GenericEP<nIntVars>::InternalStateNames(Array<String> & IntStateNames) const // {{{
00510 {
00511     int nIntStateNames = nIntVars+1+nAdditionalInternalStateValues(); // +1 => specific volume component
00512     IntStateNames.resize(nIntStateNames);
00513     for (unsigned int i_intvar=0; i_intvar<nIntVars; ++i_intvar)
00514     {
00515         std::ostringstream str_z; str_z << "z" << i_intvar;
00516         IntStateNames[i_intvar] = str_z.str();
00517     }
00518     IntStateNames[nIntVars] = "v";
00519     if (nAdditionalInternalStateValues()>0)
00520     {
00521         Array<String> names;
00522         AdditionalInternalStateNames(names);
00523         for (int i=0; i<nAdditionalInternalStateValues(); ++i)
00524             IntStateNames[nIntVars+1+i] = names[i];
00525     }
00526 } // }}}
00528 #endif // MECHSYS_GENERICEP_H
00530 // vim:fdm=marker

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