
00001 /*************************************************************************************
00002  * MechSys - A C++ library to simulate (Continuum) Mechanical Systems                *
00003  * Copyright (C) 2005 Dorival de Moraes Pedroso <dorival.pedroso at>       *
00004  * Copyright (C) 2005 Raul Dario Durand Farfan  <raul.durand at>           *
00005  *                                                                                   *
00006  * This file is part of MechSys.                                                     *
00007  *                                                                                   *
00008  * MechSys is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the      *
00009  * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software         *
00010  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later        *
00011  * version.                                                                          *
00012  *                                                                                   *
00013  * MechSys is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY        *
00014  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A   *
00015  * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.          *
00016  *                                                                                   *
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with      *
00018  * MechSys; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, *
00019  * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA                                           *
00020  *************************************************************************************/
00025 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00026   #include "config.h"
00027 #else
00028   #ifndef REAL
00029     #define REAL double
00030   #endif
00031 #endif
00033 #include <sstream>
00034 #include <fstream>
00036 #include "util/array.h"
00037 #include "util/string.h"
00038 #include "util/exception.h"
00039 #include "util/lineparser.h"
00040 #include "util/fileparser.h"
00041 #include "util/numstreams.h"
00042 #include "util/util.h"
00043 #include "numerical/integschemesctes.h"
00045 using Util::Str2Bool; // Convert string ("true") to bool (true)
00047 namespace LabTestSim
00048 {
00050 // {{{ TAGS
00051 const int TOT_TAGS = 38;
00052 const FileParser::Tags TAGS[]=
00053   {{ "PROJECT" , "NAME"      , "Project name"                                                         , true  , ""       },
00054    { "PROJECT" , "DESC"      , "Project description (optional)"                                       , false , ""       },
00055    { "DATA"    , "PATH"      , "Path to the directory with data files"                                , true  , ""       },
00056    { "DATA"    , "DAT"       , "Data filenames"                                                       , true  , ""       },
00057    { "MATERIAL", "PATH"      , "Path to the directory with the material file"                         , false/*true*/  , ""       },
00058    { "MATERIAL", "MAT"       , "Material filename"                                                    , false/*true*/  , ""       },
00059    { "INITIAL" , "OCR"       , "Initial OCR (optional)"                                               , false , "1.0"    },
00060    { "INITIAL" , "OSI"       , "Initial Over Suction Incremnt = s_max - s"                            , false , "0.0"    },
00061    { "SOLVER"  , "ACTIVE"    , "Run a simulation with LabTestSim?"                                    , false , ""       },
00062    { "SOLVER"  , "MODEL"     , "Model name"                                                           , false/*true*/  , ""       },
00063    { "SOLVER"  , "EQUIPS"    , "Equipments names"                                                     , false/*true*/  , ""       },
00064    { "SOLVER"  , "SKIPLAST"  , "Skip last # stress states"                                            , false , ""       },
00065    { "SOLVER"  , "SKIPFIRST" , "Skip first # stress states"                                           , false , ""       },
00066    { "SOLVER"  , "NDIV"      , "Number of division for each path/state                    (optional)" , false , "10"     },
00067    { "SOLVER"  , "SUBSCHEME" , "Sub-scheme integration constants                          (optional)" , false , ""       },
00068    { "SOLVER"  , "STOPONFAIL", "Stop on failure                                           (optional)" , false , ""       },
00069    { "SOLVER"  , "SILENT"    , "Do not show Warnings and Messages                         (optional)" , false , "false"  },
00070    { "OUTPUT"  , "PRINCVALS" , "Output principal values ? (optional)"                                 , false , "false"  },
00071    { "OUTPUT"  , "SAVEINTSTATES" , "Save internal states of stress and strains?"                      , false , "false"  },
00072    { "OUTPUT"  , "FILENAMES" , "Array of output filenames"                                            , false , ""       },
00073    { "PRMSEEK" , "ACTIVE"    , "Run a prmseek session?"                                               , false , "false"  },
00074    { "PRMSEEK" , "NGENES"    , "Number of genes == number of traits == number of parameters"          , false , ""       },
00075    { "PRMSEEK" , "NBASES"    , "Number of bases used for each gene"                                   , false , ""       },
00076    { "PRMSEEK" , "MINGVALS"  , "Min Genes (parameters) values"                                        , false , ""       },
00077    { "PRMSEEK" , "MAXGVALS"  , "Max Genes (parameters) values"                                        , false , ""       },
00078    { "PRMSEEK" , "NELIT"     , "Number of elite individuals                   (optional)"             , false , "12"     },
00079    { "PRMSEEK" , "NINDV"     , "Number of individuals                         (optional)"             , false , "40"     },
00080    { "PRMSEEK" , "NGENS"     , "Number of generations                         (optional)"             , false , "100"    },
00081    { "PRMSEEK" , "NISLS"     , "Number of islands                             (optional)"             , false , "6"      },
00082    { "PRMSEEK" , "INMIG"     , "Interval between migrations                   (optional)"             , false , "10"     },
00083    { "PRMSEEK" , "NIMIG"     , "Number of individuals that migrate            (optional)"             , false , "8"      },
00084    { "PRMSEEK" , "STPOU"     , "Step out interval                             (optional)"             , false , "2"      },
00085    { "PRMSEEK" , "IISLO"     , "Index of an island to output during evolution (optional)"             , false , "0"      },
00086    { "PRMSEEK" , "SELPRES"   , "Selective pressure (rank-based fittness)      (optional)"             , false , "2.0"    },
00087    { "PRMSEEK" , "PROBMUT"   , "Probability of mutation                       (optional)"             , false , "0.2"    },
00088    { "PRMSEEK" , "FNAPPEND"  , "Filename to append prmseek results"                                   , false , ""       },
00089    { "PRMSEEK" , "WEIGHTS"   , "Weights for the calculation of objective values for each test"        , false , ""       },
00090    { "PRMSEEK" , "USESGA"    , "Use SGA library? (false => use GAlib)"                                , false , "false"  }};
00091 // }}}
00093 class InputData
00094 {
00095 public:
00096     FileParser::StructVals Values;
00097     // PROJECT
00098     String        NAME;
00099     String        DESC;
00100     // DATA
00101     String        DATPATH;
00102     Array<String> a_DAT;
00103     // MATERIAL
00104     String        MATPATH;
00105     String        MAT;
00106     // INITIAL
00107     Array<REAL>   a_OCR;
00108     Array<REAL>   a_OSI;
00109     // SOLVER
00110     bool          ACTIVE;
00111     String        MODEL;
00112     Array<int>    a_SKIPLAST;
00113     Array<int>    a_SKIPFIRST;
00114     Array<String> a_EQUIPS;
00115     int           NDIV;
00116     IntegSchemesCtes intSC;
00117     bool          StopOnFailure;
00118     bool          Silent;
00119     // OUTPUT
00120     bool          PRINCVALS;
00121     bool          SAVEINTSTATES;
00122     Array<String> a_OUTFNS;
00123     // PRMSEEK
00124     bool          PRS_ACTIVE;
00125     int           NGENES;
00126     int           NBASES;
00127     String        MINGVALS;
00128     String        MAXGVALS;
00129     Array<REAL>   a_MINGVALS;
00130     Array<REAL>   a_MAXGVALS;
00131     int           NELIT;
00132     int           NINDV;
00133     int           NGENS;
00134     int           NISLS;
00135     int           INMIG;
00136     int           NIMIG;
00137     int           STPOU;
00138     int           IISLO;
00139     REAL          SELPRES;
00140     REAL          PROBMUT;
00141     String        FNAPPEND;
00142     Array<REAL>   a_WEIGHTS;
00143     bool          USESGA;
00145 public:
00146     String                   fnMAT;     // with full path
00147     Array<String>            a_fnDAT;   // with full path
00148     Array<String>            a_fnCAL;
00149     Array<String>            a_fnPNG;
00150     Array<FileParser::Table> a_data;
00151     Array<FileParser::Table> a_calc;
00153 public:
00154     void   ParseInputArgs (int argc, char **argv, String & MainFilename, bool & IsConsole, bool & IsSilent, bool & IsHelpMsg);
00155     void   ReadMainFile   (String const & MainFilename);
00156     void   WriteMainFile  (String const & MainFilename, bool DoOverwrite=false);
00157     String InitialMessage ();
00158     String HelpMessage    ();
00159     void   ReadCalc       ();
00161 private:
00162     String _prog_name;
00163     void   _read_data     ();
00164 }; // class InputData
00168 inline void InputData::ParseInputArgs (int argc, char **argv, String & MainFilename, bool & IsConsole, bool & IsSilent, bool & IsHelpMsg) // {{{
00169 {
00179     // Program (command) name
00180     _prog_name = argv[0];
00182     // Default values
00183     MainFilename = "";
00184     IsConsole    = false;
00185     IsSilent     = false;
00186     IsHelpMsg    = false;
00188     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #1 argument
00189     if (argc==1)
00190         return; // GUI session
00192     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #2 arguments
00193     if (argc==2)
00194     {
00195         if ((strcmp(argv[1],"-h")==0) || (strcmp(argv[1],"--help")==0))
00196             IsHelpMsg = true; // Just help message
00197         else
00198             MainFilename = argv[1]; // GUI session
00199     }
00201     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #3 arguments
00202     if (argc==3)
00203     {
00204         if (strcmp(argv[1],"--nogui")==0)
00205         {
00206             // Console session
00207                IsConsole = true;
00208             MainFilename = argv[2];
00209         }
00210         else if (strcmp(argv[1],"--silent")==0)
00211         {
00212             // Silent console session
00213                IsConsole = true;
00214                 IsSilent = true;
00215             MainFilename = argv[2];
00216         }
00217         else
00218             throw new Warning(HelpMessage().c_str());
00219     }
00221     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >=4 arguments
00222     if (argc>=4)
00223         throw new Warning(HelpMessage().c_str());
00225 } // }}}
00227 inline void InputData::ReadMainFile(String const & MainFilename) // {{{
00228 {
00229     // Open and read file
00230     FileParser FP(MainFilename);
00231     FP.StructFile(TAGS, TOT_TAGS, Values);
00233     // Fill local structures
00234     LineParser LP(String(""));
00236     // PROJECT
00237     NAME = Values["PROJECT.NAME"];
00238     DESC = Values["PROJECT.DESC"];
00239     // DATA
00240     DATPATH = Values["DATA.PATH"];
00241     LP.Reset(Values["DATA.DAT"]); LP.ToArray(a_DAT);
00242     // MATERIAL
00243     MATPATH = Values["MATERIAL.PATH"];
00244     MAT     = Values["MATERIAL.MAT"];
00245     // INITIAL
00246     LP.Reset(Values["INITIAL.OCR"]); LP.ToArray(a_OCR);
00247     LP.Reset(Values["INITIAL.OSI"]); LP.ToArray(a_OSI);
00248     // SOLVER
00249     ACTIVE = Str2Bool(Values["SOLVER.ACTIVE"]);
00250     MODEL = Values["SOLVER.MODEL"];
00251     LP.Reset(Values["SOLVER.SKIPLAST" ]); LP.ToArray(a_SKIPLAST);
00252     LP.Reset(Values["SOLVER.SKIPFIRST"]); LP.ToArray(a_SKIPFIRST);
00253     LP.Reset(Values["SOLVER.EQUIPS"   ]); LP.ToArray(a_EQUIPS);
00254     LP.Reset(Values["SOLVER.NDIV"     ]); LP>>NDIV;
00255     StopOnFailure = Str2Bool(Values["SOLVER.STOPONFAIL"]);
00256     Silent        = Str2Bool(Values["SOLVER.SILENT"]);
00258     // Set Integration Schemes Constants Structure
00259     intSC.Type     (IntegSchemesCtes::ME);
00260     intSC.FE_ndiv  (10);
00261     intSC.ME_maxSS (100);
00262     intSC.ME_STOL  (1.e-03);
00263     intSC.ME_dTini (0.1);
00264     intSC.ME_mMin  (0.1);
00265     intSC.ME_mMax  (2.0);
00266     intSC.EdMax    (20.0/100.0);
00267     LP.Reset(Values["SOLVER.SUBSCHEME"]);
00268     String str;
00269     while (LP>>str)
00270     {
00271         String ssubkey;
00272         LineParser lp(str);
00273         lp.ReplaceAllChars('=',' ');
00274         lp>>ssubkey;
00275              if (ssubkey=="type")  { String val; lp>>val; intSC.Type     (val); }
00276         else if (ssubkey=="ndiv")  { int    val; lp>>val; intSC.FE_ndiv  (val); }
00277         else if (ssubkey=="maxSS") { int    val; lp>>val; intSC.ME_maxSS (val); }
00278         else if (ssubkey=="STOL")  { REAL   val; lp>>val; intSC.ME_STOL  (val); }
00279         else if (ssubkey=="dTini") { REAL   val; lp>>val; intSC.ME_dTini (val); }
00280         else if (ssubkey=="mMin")  { REAL   val; lp>>val; intSC.ME_mMin  (val); }
00281         else if (ssubkey=="mMax")  { REAL   val; lp>>val; intSC.ME_mMax  (val); }
00282         else if (ssubkey=="EdMax") { REAL   val; lp>>val; intSC.EdMax    (val/100.0); }
00283         else throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < SOLVER SUBSCHEME %s > is invalid"), ssubkey.c_str());
00284     }
00286     // OUTPUT
00287     PRINCVALS     = Str2Bool(Values["OUTPUT.PRINCVALS"]);
00289     LP.Reset(Values["OUTPUT.FILENAMES"]); LP.ToArray(a_OUTFNS);
00290     // PRMSEEK
00291     PRS_ACTIVE = Str2Bool(Values["PRMSEEK.ACTIVE"]);
00292     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.NGENES"]); LP>>NGENES;
00293     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.NBASES"]); LP>>NBASES;
00294     MINGVALS = Values["PRMSEEK.MINGVALS"];
00295     MAXGVALS = Values["PRMSEEK.MAXGVALS"];
00296     LP.Reset(MINGVALS); LP.ToArray(a_MINGVALS);
00297     LP.Reset(MAXGVALS); LP.ToArray(a_MAXGVALS);
00298     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.NELIT"  ]); LP>>NELIT;
00299     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.NINDV"  ]); LP>>NINDV;
00300     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.NGENS"  ]); LP>>NGENS;
00301     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.NISLS"  ]); LP>>NISLS;
00302     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.INMIG"  ]); LP>>INMIG;
00303     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.NIMIG"  ]); LP>>NIMIG;
00304     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.STPOU"  ]); LP>>STPOU;
00305     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.IISLO"  ]); LP>>IISLO;
00306     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.SELPRES"]); LP>>SELPRES;
00307     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.PROBMUT"]); LP>>PROBMUT;
00308     FNAPPEND = Values["PRMSEEK.FNAPPEND"];
00309     LP.Reset(Values["PRMSEEK.WEIGHTS"]); LP.ToArray(a_WEIGHTS);
00310     USESGA = Str2Bool(Values["PRMSEEK.USESGA"]);
00312     // Fill derived variables
00313     fnMAT = MATPATH; fnMAT.append(String("/")); fnMAT.append(MAT); fnMAT.append(String(".mat"));
00314     a_fnDAT.resize(a_DAT.size());
00315     a_fnCAL.resize(a_DAT.size());
00316     a_fnPNG.resize(a_DAT.size());
00317     for (size_t i=0; i<a_DAT.size(); ++i)
00318     {
00319          a_fnDAT[i].append(DATPATH); a_fnDAT[i].append(_("/")); a_fnDAT[i].append(a_DAT[i]);    a_fnDAT[i].append(_(".dat"));
00320          if (a_OUTFNS.size()!=a_DAT.size())
00321          {
00322              a_fnCAL[i].append(MODEL  ); a_fnCAL[i].append(_(".")); a_fnCAL[i].append(a_DAT[i]); a_fnCAL[i].append(_(".cal"));
00323              a_fnPNG[i].append(MODEL  ); a_fnPNG[i].append(_(".")); a_fnPNG[i].append(a_DAT[i]); a_fnPNG[i].append(_(".png"));
00324          }
00325          else
00326          {
00327              a_fnCAL[i].append(MODEL  ); a_fnCAL[i].append(_(".")); a_fnCAL[i].append(a_OUTFNS[i]); a_fnCAL[i].append(_(".cal"));
00328              a_fnPNG[i].append(MODEL  ); a_fnPNG[i].append(_(".")); a_fnPNG[i].append(a_OUTFNS[i]); a_fnPNG[i].append(_(".png"));
00329          }
00330     }
00332     // Check input
00333     if (a_SKIPLAST.size()!=a_DAT.size())
00334     {
00335              if (a_SKIPLAST.size()==0) a_SKIPLAST.resize(a_DAT.size(), 0);
00336         else if (a_SKIPLAST.size()==1) a_SKIPLAST.resize(a_DAT.size(), a_SKIPLAST[0]);
00337         else 
00338             throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < SOLVER SKIPLAST > The number (%d) of \"skips\" must be one (1) or equal to the number (%d) of data files < DATA DAT >"),
00339                 a_SKIPLAST.size(), a_DAT.size());
00340     }
00341     if (a_SKIPFIRST.size()!=a_DAT.size())
00342     {
00343              if (a_SKIPFIRST.size()==0) a_SKIPFIRST.resize(a_DAT.size(), 0);
00344         else if (a_SKIPFIRST.size()==1) a_SKIPFIRST.resize(a_DAT.size(), a_SKIPFIRST[0]);
00345         else 
00346             throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < SOLVER SKIPFIRST > The number (%d) of \"skips\" must be one (1) or equal to the number (%d) of data files < DATA DAT >"),
00347                 a_SKIPFIRST.size(), a_DAT.size());
00348     }
00349     if (a_WEIGHTS.size()!=a_DAT.size())
00350     {
00351         if (a_WEIGHTS.size()==0) a_WEIGHTS.resize(a_DAT.size(), 1.0);
00352         else 
00353             throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < PRMSEEK WEIGHTS > The number (%d) of weights must be equal to the number (%d) of data files < DATA DAT >"),
00354                 a_WEIGHTS.size(), a_DAT.size());
00355     }
00356     if ((ACTIVE) & (a_EQUIPS.size()!=a_DAT.size()))
00357         throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < SOLVER EQUIPS > The number (%d) of equipments must be equal to the number (%d) of data files < DATA DAT >"),
00358            a_EQUIPS.size(), a_DAT.size());
00360     // a_OCR
00361     if (a_OCR.size()!=a_DAT.size())
00362     {
00363         if (a_OCR.size()==1) a_OCR.resize(a_DAT.size(), a_OCR[0]);
00364         else 
00365             throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < SOLVER OCR > The number (%d) of \"OCR's\" must be one (1) or equal to the number (%d) of data files < DATA DAT >"),
00366                 a_OCR.size(), a_DAT.size());
00367     }
00369     // a_OSI
00370     if (a_OSI.size()!=a_DAT.size())
00371     {
00372              if (a_OSI.size()==0) a_OSI.resize(a_DAT.size(), 0.0);
00373         else if (a_OSI.size()==1) a_OSI.resize(a_DAT.size(), a_OSI[0]);
00374         else 
00375             throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadMainFile: < SOLVER OSI > The number (%d) of \"OSI's\" must be one (1) or equal to the number (%d) of data files < DATA DAT >"),
00376                 a_OSI.size(), a_DAT.size());
00377     }
00379     // Read data
00380     _read_data();
00382 } // }}}
00384 inline void InputData::WriteMainFile(String const & MainFilename, bool DoOverwrite) // {{{
00385 {
00386     // Check if MainFilename exists
00387     if (!DoOverwrite)
00388         if (FileParser::CheckForFile(MainFilename))
00389             throw new Warning(_("File < %s > exists"), MainFilename.c_str());
00391     // Open file for output
00392     std::ofstream OF(MainFilename.GetSTL().c_str(), std::ios::out);
00394     // Write
00395     OF << "#################################### " << NAME << ".main\n";
00396     for (int i=0; i<TOT_TAGS; ++i)
00397     {
00398         String tag(TAGS[i].L1); tag.append(String(".")); tag.append(String(TAGS[i].L2));
00399         OF << TAGS[i].L1 << " " << TAGS[i].L2 << "  " << Values[tag.GetSTL()] << "  # " << TAGS[i].Comment << std::endl;
00400     }
00402     for (size_t i=0; i<a_fnDAT.size(); ++i)
00403         OF << "# " << a_fnDAT[i] << "  ";
00404     OF << std::endl << std::endl;
00406     for (size_t i=0; i<a_fnCAL.size(); ++i)
00407         OF << "# " << a_fnCAL[i] << "  ";
00408     OF << std::endl << std::endl;
00410     // Close file
00411     OF.close();
00412 } // }}}
00414 inline String InputData::InitialMessage() // {{{
00415 {
00416     std::ostringstream oss;
00417     oss << _("LabTestSim, Copyright (C) 2005 Dorival M. Pedroso, Raúl D. Durand F.\n");
00418     oss << _("    LabTestSim comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n");
00419     oss << _("    This is free software, and you are welcome\n");
00420     oss << _("    to redistribute it under certain conditions.\n");
00421     return oss.str();
00422 } // }}}
00424 inline String InputData::HelpMessage() // {{{
00425 {
00426     std::ostringstream oss;
00427     oss << InitialMessage() << std::endl;
00428     oss << _("Command line options:\n");
00429     oss << "   $ " << _prog_name << "                           => " << _("GUI session                           \n");
00430     oss << "   $ " << _prog_name << " -h                        => " << _("shows help message and exit           \n");
00431     oss << "   $ " << _prog_name << " --help                    => " << _("shows help message and exit           \n");
00432     oss << "   $ " << _prog_name << " projname.main             => " << _("GUI session using projname            \n");
00433     oss << "   $ " << _prog_name << " --nogui projname.main     => " << _("Console session using projname        \n");
00434     oss << "   $ " << _prog_name << " --silent projname.main    => " << _("Silent console session using projname \n");
00435     oss << std::endl;
00436     return oss.str();
00437 } // }}}
00439 inline void InputData::ReadCalc() // {{{
00440 {
00441     a_calc.resize(0);
00442     for (size_t i=0; i<a_fnCAL.size(); ++i)
00443     {
00444         if (!FileParser::CheckForFile(a_fnCAL[i]))
00445             throw new Fatal(_("InputData::ReadCalc: Could not find file < %s >"),a_fnCAL[i].c_str());
00446         FileParser::Table T;
00447         FileParser FP(a_fnCAL[i]);
00448         FP.ReadTable(T);
00449         a_calc.push_back(T);
00450     }
00451 } // }}}
00453 inline void InputData::_read_data() // {{{
00454 {
00455     a_data.resize(0);
00456     for (size_t i=0; i<a_fnDAT.size(); ++i)
00457     {
00458         FileParser::Table T;
00459         FileParser FP(a_fnDAT[i]);
00460         FP.ReadTable(T);
00461         a_data.push_back(T);
00462     }
00463 } // }}}
00465 }; // namespace LabTestSim
00469 // vim:fdm=marker

Generated on Wed Jan 24 15:56:25 2007 for MechSys by  doxygen 1.4.7