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8 参数解释


./phc –help

可以看到命令行参数同配置变量的对应关系,不再解释. 其中-f,-V是命令行参数特有的功能. -f 用来指定配置文件 (不在当前路径下时请用绝对路径). -V 显示版本信息.

./phc: invalid option – -
Phc 1.2, a customizable proxy hunter.
Usage: phc [OPTION]...

-V      display the version of Phc and exit.

All of the other options need arguments!

Commandline only options:
-f      the argument is configuration file

Configuration options:
-t      threads
-g      user_agent
-m      mytype, the type of myproxy.
-p      myport, the port of myproxy.
-h      myhost, the ip or domainname of myproxy.
-u      myuser, the username of myproxy if need.
-s      mypass, the password of myproxy if need.
-c      checksite, the target site used to check testproxies.
-k      key, the keyword used to check whether testproxies give correct response.
-r      rcvtimeo, socket recv timeout in seconds.
-n      sndtimeo, socket send timeout in seconds.
-S      myconreplysize
-T      testconreplysize
-G      testtagreplysize
-H      httptestmethod
-5      socks5testmethod
-4      socks4testmethod
-l      logfilename
-i      phcin, the proxylist file used as input of phc.
-o      phcout, the file which phc output result to.