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Data Members

bool on_free_store Protected variable
true, if the Solid was dynamically allocated on the free store, otherwise false. Solids should only be allocated on the free store by create_new<Solid>(), or analogous functions for derived classes. See Solid Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

Point center Protected variable
The center of the Solid. An object of a type derived from Solid need not have a meaningful center. However, many do, so it's convenient to be able to access it using the member functions of Solid.

bool do_output Protected variable
Set to false in Picture::output(), if the Solid cannot be projected using the arguments of that particular invocation of output(). Reset to true at the end of Picture::output(), so that the Solid will be tested for projectability again, if output() is called on the Picture again.

vector<Path*> paths Protected variables
vector<Circle*> circles
vector<Ellipse*> ellipses
vector <Reg_Polygon*> reg_polygons
vector<Rectangle*> rectangles
Vectors of pointers to the Paths, Circles, Ellipses, Reg_Polygons, and Rectangles, respectively, belonging to the Solid, if any exist.

valarray<real> projective_extremes Protected variable
The maximum and minimum values for the x, y, and z-coordinates of the Points belonging to the Solid. Used in Picture::output() for testing whether a Solid is projectable using a particular set of arguments.

unsigned short CIRCLE Public static const variables
unsigned short ELLIPSE
unsigned short PATH
unsigned short RECTANGLE
unsigned short REG_POLYGON
Used as arguments in the functions get_shape_ptr() and get_shape_center() (see Returning Elements and Information).