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Constructors and Setting Functions

void Trunc_Octahedron (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Trunc_Octahedron.

void Trunc_Octahedron (const Point& p, const real diameter_of_hexagon, [real angle_x = 0, [real angle_y = 0, [real angle_z = 0]]]) Constructor
This function does not yet exist! When it does, it will create a Trunc_Octahedron with its center at the origin, where the hexagonal and square faces have enclosing circles of diameter diameter_of_hexagon. If any of angle_x, angle_y, or angle_z is non-zero, the Trunc_Octahedron will be rotated by the amounts specified around the corresponding axes. Finally, if p is not the origin, the Trunc_Octahedron will be shifted such that center comes to lie at p.