HOW TO INSTALL M3PC-Klagenfurt ------------------------------ (1) The files you need: (a) mandatory: readme (you should read it) tar.exe (to untar the tar files on your computer) djgpp.exe (the gnu-C compiler - used by the Modula-3 compiler) m3.tar (binaries and libraries of the Modula-3 compiler) (b) optional: m3src.tar (sources of the Modula-3 "compiler", the Modula-3 linker ("driver") and the Modula-3 standard library "libm3") install.txt (this file) (2) Move "tar.exe" somewhere into one of your path directories. (3) If you do not have directory "\tmp", create it. It is used by the C-compiler. Type c> md \tmp (4) Install the gnu-C compiler on your PC: c> cd \ c> tar xvf djgpp.tar It is necessary to change to the root directory (with the first command). The second command will extract the C-compiler from the tar file into the directory "\djgpp". You may now delete the file djgpp.tar - it saves diskspace. The C compiler requires about 6.7 MB disk space. (5) Install the Modula-3 binaries: c> cd \ c> tar xvf m3.tar Again you have to be in the root-directory. The Modula-3 binaries will be extracted into the directory "\m3". After the extraction you will have the following files in the directory "\m3\bin": m3.exe the compiler-driver m3compil.exe the m3-compiler m3shell.exe the Modula-3-PC shell emake.exe make command whithout shell The interface files (*.i3) are in "\m3\include", the libraries in "\m3\lib" and the document files are kept in "\m3\doc". The complete Modula-3 compiler (without sources) needs about 6.6 MB of disk space. (6) Configure your PC: Take a look at the files "\m3\config.m3" and "\m3\m3rc.bat". You can use "config.m3" instead of your config.sys. If this is not possible, be sure to change your file to match the declarations in it. You have to start "m3rc.bat" before you can use the m3-compiler. The best thing is, to add the line "\m3\m3rc.bat" at the end of your autoexec.bat. Be sure to change the line that sets up smartdrive (the DOS diskcache). If you don't give smartdrive several megabytes, the compilations will be very slow. So leave about 2-3 MB of your available main memory for running your programs and give the rest to smartdrive (up to 10 MB for smartdrive will still speed up compilations, but 6 MB is reasonable). CAUTION: use CTRL-SYSINTR (often called CTRL-BREAK, too) instead of CTRL-C to interrupt programs or the Modula-3 compiler, respectively. Make copies of the file \m3\lib\ frequently. This is the translation table to map filenames between long UNIX style names and DOS filenames. If your system hangs because of wrong configuration or sometimes if you press CTRL-C, this file may become corrupted. Once the file is lost, you will not be able to start any Modula-3 program (including the shell and the compiler ). There are three backup copies within the distribution: \m3\lib\filename.max \m3\lib\filename.min \m3\lib\filename.bak The latter is identical with "m3\lib\". But as soon as you change the file (by using your own long filenames) you have to make your own backups. If you plan to recompile the system, it may be wise to switch to the longer version BEFORE making any changes to the translation table (see 9). (7) Print out the manualpages for the m3-shell (you will find a LaTeX and a PostScript version in "\m3\doc"). Take a look at the interfaces in "\m3\local\include" , the interfaces there are implemented in "libm3loc.a" and might be interesting for you. (8) Reboot your PC and enjoy using the Modula-3 PC compiler! You can test the Modula-3 compiler by typing: c> m3shell m3> cd /m3/test m3> make hello m3 -why ... and other parameters program missing -> link hello converting hello to hello.exe m3> hello Hello M3-PC world ! m3> exit c> (9) Optional: If you want the source-files of your system, change to the root directory and extract "m3src.tar". For all sources of the compiler, driver and the standard library you need about 5.9 MB of free disk space. There are batch-files "m3make.bat" in each "dos386" directory which you can use to recompile your system. Before you can do this, you have to instruct your system about a lot of new long filenames. In the m3shell type: m3> cd /m3/lib m3> copy filename.bak m3> exit Then restart the shell by typing "m3shell" and go on recompiling. C.Weich, K.-H.Eder University of Klagenfurt/AUSTRIA November, the 10th 1994