CGI/WebGzip =========== The README is used to introduce the module and provide instructions on how to install the module, any machine dependencies it may have (for example C compilers and installed libraries) and any other information that should be provided before the module is installed. A README file is required for CPAN modules since CPAN extracts the README file from a module distribution so that people browsing the archive can use it get an idea of the modules uses. It is usually a good idea to provide version information here so that people can decide whether fixes for the module are worth downloading. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install OVERVIEW In PHP, you may write: ob_start("ob_gzhandler") and get all the output GZip-ed automatically. CGI::WebGzip does the same thing. Is you include this module in the beginning of your program, it whill capture all the output. When the script ends, CGI::WebGzip compresses captured data and send it to browser. If browser is incompatible with GZip encoding, output will not be captured, and data will not be compressed. SYNOPSIS # usual code working with STDOUT: use CGI::WebGzip; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Hello, world!"; DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Compress::Zlib COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Dmitry Koteroff (