tclm-1.0 May 5, 1993 If you are looking in this file only to find out how to install tclm, take a look at the INSTALL file. Tclm is an extension of John Ousterhout's tcl (Tool Command Language) package. The extension are designed to allow easy manipulation of Standard MIDI Files. The combination of the easy to use tcl interpreted language and the MIDI extensions makes it very simple to write you own MIDI applications. If you've played with tclm-0.1, you'll find 1.0 a lot different. I think it is much easier to use and a lot more powerful, but then my opinion might be a bit biased. Included with tclm are some scripts that use tclm. Some script that don't depend on having a MIDI device include minfo and infom. The first, minfo, prints a MIDI file in human readable form. The second converts the output of minfo to a MIDI file. This allows you to use standard tools like awk, sed and vi to modify a MIDI file. There is also a simple scripting language implemented in tclm that allows you to sequence separate MIDI files into one file. It has support for merging files in parallel and repeating blocks. It's not very sophisticated, but it works and might be a good starting place for more elaborate text based sequencers (hint, hint). There are also a few scripts that take advantage of your MIDI device if it has been integrated into tclm. mplay plays a MIDI file and mrecord records to a MIDI file. See the INSTALL file and the tclm_interface man page for more information on integrating your MIDI device into tclm. Of course what I really hoping is that people will use tclm to write their own scripts and make those scripts available to the rest of us. If you write one, send it to me and I'll integrate it into a future release of tclm if it makes sense. Let me know of any problems, bug, fixes or general comments. Special thanks go to Michael Caro ( for invaluable feedback and suggestions. mike durian