TkTeX README TkTeX is a Tk-based interface to the UN*X tools related to TeX, such as editors, previewers, printing programs, etc. It requires Tcl 7.3 and Tk 3.6 with the 'addinput' extension, or stock Tcl 7.4 and Tk 4.0. The underlying philosophy of the program is that it doesn't try to do anything other than provide a "launching pad" for all of the existing TeX-related tools. Specifically, it does not provide an editor, or a previewer, or any such; it runs programs that already exist on your system. In theory, this will also make it easier to keep up with changing TeX-related tools. Currently the only DVI printing program that is supported is 'dvips'; this will change in the near future. To install TkTeX, read the file "Install". Documentation is in the form of two DVI files, tktex-gen.dvi and tktex-vars.dvi. The first is the general documentation, and explains the second. These files can be previewed and printed with any DVI file processing program (xdvi, dvips, etc.), and can also be previewed from within tktex. The LaTeX2e source for these files is also provided; you will probably want to get rid of the 'eurodate' and 'fullpage' package references, and you need the 'moreverb' package, if you want to process the files directly. The version of TkTeX in this distribution is v2.0.2. This version should be considered as an Alpha release; it has had limited testing outside my own computer. The Tk 4.0 compatibility has had *no* testing outside my computer. Please send me comments, bug reports, etc., to the address below, and also comments about the documentation. If you do use TkTeX, please drop me a line regardless, and I will put you on a mailing list so that you can be notified of updates. I would especially like to hear from you if you download TkTeX, and then decide not to use it (in particular, I'd like to know why you decide not to use it). The most recent reasonably tested version will be available at Since I don't have access to an anonymous ftp server, if you want to absolute latest version of tktex, send me mail, and I'll send you back a uuencoded gzipped tar file of the distribution; I don't intend to upload each incremental version to the archive site. You can check my home page, below, to find out what version is at the archive, and what the current (i.e., in-progress) version is. Norman Danner $Id: Readme,v 1.2 1995/07/16 20:42:04 ndanger Exp $