This directory contains the latest releases of Leonardo, the 2D graphics editor for ETHOberon, and Vinci, a graphical description language. Both rely on the Gfx package in ../Gfx Files Leonardo201.Arc Leonardo release 2.01 Leonardo201.tar.gz LeoLegacy100.Arc modules for importing figures created by previous Leonardo releases (optional) LeoLegacy100.tar.gz Vinci102.Arc Vinci release 1.02 Vinci102.tar.gz Recent changes 22.06.2000 (Leonardo 2.01, Vinci 1.02) - made LeoFrames.Color() more careful in accepting positive values - LeoPanels - EditLayers: don't open layer panel if no figure found - SelectionToLayer: check for empty selection - LeoPanels.FindFrame uses Oberon.MarkedFrame to be compatible with new Windows Oberon - LeoTools: fixed invalid rotations in CalcMatrix (found by ejz) - VinciGadgets - frames display even if they have no model or model is empty - fixed small bug in handler (CopyMsg) - VinciShapes: added name parameters,; return shape name for "Item" attribute - VinciEditors: derive inspector title from shape's "Item" attribute - new sample description with Oberon logo 18.05.2000 (Vinci 1.01) - Vinci: fixed Factor() to accept another Factor after "~" - Scheme: fixed port objects not having type - SchemeOps: minor bug fixes and improvements with I/O functions