Config::Simple - simple configuration file class

      use Config::Simple;

      # OO interface:
      $cfg = new Config::Simple('app.cfg');
      $user = $cfg->param("User");    # read the value  
      $cfg->param(User=>'sherzodr');  # update  
      my %Config = $cfg->vars();      # load everything into %Config
      $cfg->write();                  # saves the changes to file
      # tie interface:
      tie my %Config, "Config::Simple", "app.cgi";    
      $user = $Config{'User'};  
      $Config{'User'} = 'sherzodr';  

    Reading and writing configuration files is one of the most frequent
    aspects of any software design. Config::Simple is the library to help
    you with it.

    Config::Simple is a class representing configuration file object. It
    supports several configuration file syntax and tries to identify the
    file syntax to parse them accordingly. Library supports parsing,
    updating and creating configuration files.

    Keeping configurable variables in your program source code is ugly,
    really. And for people without much of a programming experience,
    configuring your programs is like performing black magic. Besides, if
    you need to access these values from within multiple files, or want your
    programs to be able to update configuration files, you just have to
    store them in an external file. That's where Config::Simple comes into
    play, making it very easy to read and write configuration files.

    If you have never used configuration files before, here is a brief
    overview of various syntax to choose from.


    Simple syntax is what you need for most of your projects. These are, as
    the name asserts, the simplest. File consists of key/value pairs,
    delimited by nothing but white space. Keys (variables) should be
    strictly alpha-numeric with possible dashes (-). Values can hold any
    arbitrary text. Here is an example of such a configuration file:

      Alias     /exec
      TempFile  /usr/tmp

    Comments start with a pound ('#') sign and cannot share the same line
    with other configuration data.


    This format of separating key/value pairs is used by HTTP messages. Each
    key/value is separated by semi-colon (:). Keys are alphanumeric strings
    with possible '-'. Values can be any arbitrary text:


      Alias: /exec
      TempFile: /usr/tmp

    It is OK to have spaces around ':'. Comments start with '#' and cannot
    share the same line with other configuration data.


    These configuration files are more native to Win32 systems. Data is
    organized in blocks. Each key/value pair is delimited with an equal (=)
    sign. Blocks are declared on their own lines enclosed in '[' and ']':



    Your Winamp 2.x play list is an example of such a configuration file.

    This is the perfect choice if you need to organize your configuration
    file into categories:

      title="Web site of a \"Geek\""



    These files are pretty much similar to traditional ini-files, except
    they don't have any block declarations. This style is handy if you do
    not want any categorization in your configuration file, but still want
    to use '=' delimited key/value pairs. While working with such files,
    Config::Simple assigns them to a default block, called 'default' by
    default :-).

      url = ""

    Comments can begin with either pound ('#') or semi-colon (';'). Each
    comment should reside on its own line


    To read the existing configuration file, simply pass its name to the
    constructor new() while initializing the object:

      $cfg = new Config::Simple('app.cfg');

    The above line reads and parses the configuration file accordingly. It
    tries to guess which syntax is used by parsing the file to
    guess_syntax() method. Alternatively, you can create an empty object,
    and only then read the configuration file in:

      $cfg = new Config::Simple();

    As in the first example, read() also calls guess_syntax() method on the

    If, for any reason, it fails to guess the syntax correctly (which is
    less likely), you can try to debug by using its guess_syntax() method.
    It expects file handle for a configuration file and returns the name of
    a syntax. Return value is one of "ini", "simple" or "http".

      $cfg = new Config::Simple();

      open(FH, "app.cfg");
      printf("This file uses '%s' syntax\n", $cfg->guess_syntax(\*FH));


    After you read the configuration file in successfully, you can use
    param() method to access the configuration values. For example:

      $user = $cfg->param("User");

    will return the value of "User" from either simple configuration file,
    or http-styled configuration as well as simplified ini-files. To access
    the value from a traditional ini-file, consider the following syntax:

      $user = $cfg->param("mysql.user");

    The above returns the value of "user" from within "[mysql]" block.
    Notice the use of dot "." to delimit block and key names.

    Config::Simple also supports vars() method, which, depending on the
    context used, returns all the values either as hashref or hash:

      my %Config = $cfg->vars();
      print "Username: $Config{User}";

      # If it was a traditional ini-file:
      print "Username: $Config{'mysql.user'}";

    If you call vars() in scalar context, you will end up with a reference
    to a hash:

      my $Config = $cfg->vars();
      print "Username: $Config->{User}";


    Configuration values, once read into Config::Simple, can be updated from
    within your program by using the same param() method used for accessing
    them. For example:

      $cfg->param("User", "sherzodR");

    The above line changes the value of "User" to "sherzodR". Similar syntax
    is applicable for ini-files as well:

      $cfg->param("mysql.user", "sherzodR");

    If the key you're trying to update does not exist, it will be created.
    For example, to add a new "[session]" block to your ini-file, assuming
    this block doesn't already exist:

      $cfg->param("", "+1M");

    You can also delete values calling delete() method with the name of the

      $cfg->delete('mysql.user'); # deletes 'user' under [mysql] block


    The above updates to the configuration values are in-memory operations.
    They do not reflect in the file itself. To modify the files accordingly,
    you need to call either "write()" or "save()" methods on the object:


    The above line writes the modifications to the configuration file.
    Alternatively, you can pass a name to either write() or save() to
    indicate the name of the file to create instead of modifying existing
    configuration file:


    If you want the changes saved at all times, you can turn "autosave" mode
    on by passing true value to $cfg->autosave(). It will make sure before
    your program is terminated, all the configuration values are written
    back to its file:

      $cfg = new Config::Simple('aff.cfg');


    Occasionally, your programs may want to create their own configuration
    files on the fly, possibly from a user input. To create a configuration
    file from scratch using Config::Simple, simply create an empty
    configuration file object and define your syntax. You can do it by
    either passing "syntax" option to new(), or by calling syntax() method.
    Then play with param() method as you normally would. When you're done,
    call write() method with the name of the configuration file:

      $cfg = new Config::Simple(syntax=>'ini');
      # or you could also do:
      # $cfg->autosave('ini')

      $cfg->param("mysql.dsn", "DBI:mysql:db;");
      $cfg->param("mysql.user", "sherzodr");
      $cfg->param("mysql.pass", 'marley01');
      $cfg->param("site.title", 'sherzodR "The Geek"');

    This creates the a file "new.cfg" with the following content:

      ; Config::Simple 4.1

      title=sherzodR "The Geek"


    Neat, huh? Supported syntax keywords are "ini", "simple" or "http".
    Currently there is no support for creating simplified ini-files.


    Ever wanted to define array of values in your single configuration
    variable? I have! That's why Config::Simple supports this fancy feature
    as well. Simply separate your values with a comma:

      Files hp.cgi, template.html, styles.css

    Now param() method returns an array of values:

      @files = $cfg->param("Files");
      unlink $_ for @files;

    If you want a comma as part of a value, enclose the value(s) in double

      CVSFiles "hp.cgi,v", "template.html,v", "styles.css,v"

    In case you want either of the values to hold literal quote ("), you can
    escape it with a backlash:

      SiteTitle "sherzod \"The Geek\""


    If OO style intimidates you, Config::Simple also supports tie()
    interface. This interface allows you to tie() an ordinary Perl hash to
    the configuration file. From that point on, you can use the variable as
    an ordinary Perl hash.

      tie %Config, "Config::Simple", 'app.cfg';

      # Using %Config as an ordinary hash
      print "Username is '$Config{User}'\n";
      $Config{User} = 'sherzodR';

    To access the method provided in OO styntax, you need to get underlying
    Config::Simple object. You can do so with tied() function:


    WARNING: tie interface is experimental and not well tested yet. It also
    doesn't perform all the hash manipulating operations of Perl. Let me
    know if you encounter a problem.


    By default, configuration file keys and values are case sensitive. Which
    means, $cfg->param("User") and $cfg->param("user") are referring to two
    different values. But it is possible to force Config::Simple to ignore
    cases all together by enabling "-lc" switch while loading the library:

      use Config::Simple ('-lc');

    WARNING: If you call write() or save(), while working on "-lc" mode, all
    the case information of the original file will be lost. So use it if you
    know what you're doing.


    Some people suggest if values consist of none alpha-numeric strings,
    they should be enclosed in double quotes. Well, says them! Although
    Config::Simple supports parsing such configuration files already, it
    doesn't follow this rule while writing them. If you really need it to
    generate such compatible configuration files, "-strict" switch is what
    you need:

      use Config::Simple '-strict';

    Now, when you write the configuration data back to files, if values hold
    any none alpha-numeric strings, they will be quoted accordingly. All the
    double quotes that are part of the value will be escaped with a

    Config::Simple doesn't believe in dying that easily (unless you insult
    it using wrong syntax). It leaves the decision to the programmer
    implementing the library. You can use its error() - class method to
    access underliying error message. Methods that require you to check for
    their return values are read() and write(). If you pass filename to
    new(), you will need to check its return value as well. They return any
    true value indicating success, undef otherwise:

      # following new always returns true:
      $cfg = new Config::Simple();
      # read() can fail:
      $cfg->read('app.cfg') or die $cfg->error();

      # following new() can fail:
      $cfg = new Config::Simple('app.cfg') or die Config::Simple->error();

      # write() may fail:
      $cfg->write() or die $cfg->error();

        converts in-memory configuration file into a string, which can be
        then written into a file. Used by write().

        for debugging only. Returns string representation of the in-memory
        object. Uses Data::Dumper.

    *   Retaining comments while writing the configuration files back and/or
        methods for manipulating comments. Everyone loves comments!

    *   Support for Apache-like style configuration file. For now, if you
        want this functionality, checkout the Config::General manpage

    Submit bugs to Sherzod B. Ruzmetov <>

    Michael Caldwell (
        whitespace support, "-lc" switch

    Scott Weinstein (
        bug fix in TIEHASH

    Ruslan U. Zakirov <>
        Default name space suggestion and patch

      Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Sherzod B. Ruzmetov.

      This software is free library. You can modify and/or distribute it
      under the same terms as Perl itself

      Sherzod B. Ruzmetov E<lt>sherzodr@cpan.orgE<gt>