NAME HTML::HTML5::ToText - convert HTML to plain text SYNOPSIS my $dom = HTML::HTML5::Parser->load_html(IO => \*STDIN); print HTML::HTML5::ToText ->with_traits(qw/ShowLinks ShowImages RenderTables/) ->new() ->process($dom); DESCRIPTION The HTML::HTML5::ToText module itself produces a pretty boring conversion of HTML to text, but thanks to Moose and MooseX::Traits it can easily be composed with "traits" that improve the output. Compositor "with_traits(@traits)" This class method creates a new class that composes "HTML::HTML5::ToText" with each trait given, returning the name of that class. That class will be a subclass of "HTML::HTML5::ToText". Traits are taken to be in the "HTML::HTML5::ToText::Trait" namespace unless overridden by prefixing the trait with "+". Constructors * "new(%attrs)" Creates a new instance of the class. * "new_with_traits(traits => \@traits, %attrs)" Shortcut for: HTML::HTML5::ToText->with_traits(@traits)->new(%attrs) Attributes As per usual for Moose classes, accessor methods are provided for each attribute, and attributes may be set in the constructor. "HTML::HTML5::ToText" does not actually provide any attributes, but some traits may. Methods * "process($node)" Processes an XML::LibXML::Node and returns a string. May be called as a class or object method. Because "process" likes to perform some alterations to the DOM tree, as a first stage it makes a clone of the DOM tree (so that it can leave the original intact). If you don't care about any changes to the tree, and want to save a bit of CPU, then you can suppress the cloning by passing a true value as a second argument to "process". HTML::HTML5::ToText->process($node, 'no_clone') * "process_string($string)" As per "process", but first parses the string with HTML::HTML5::Parser. The second argument (for cloning) does not exist as cloning is not needed in this case. There are also methods named (in upper-case) after every element defined in HTML5: "STRONG($node)", "DL($node)", "IMG($node)" and so on, which "process($node)" delegates to; and a "textnode($node)" method which is the equivalent for text nodes. These are the methods which traits tend to modify. EXTENDING MooseX::Traits makes it pretty easy to cleanly extend this module. Say for example, we want to add the feature where the HTML "<del>" element is output as the empty string. (The default behavious treats it rather like "<div>".) { package Local::SkipDEL; use Moose::Role; override DEL => sub { '' }; } print HTML::HTML5::ToText -> with_traits(qw/ShowLinks ShowImages +Local::SkipDEL/) -> process_string($html); Or maybe we want to force "<big>" elements into uppercase? { package Local::Embiggen; use Moose::Role; around BIG => sub { my ($orig, $self, $elem) = @_; return uc $self->$orig($elem); }; } print HTML::HTML5::ToText -> with_traits(qw/+Local::Embiggen/) -> process_string($html); Share your examples of extending HTML::HTML5::ToText at <>. BUGS Please report any bugs to <>. SEE ALSO HTML::HTML5::Parser, HTML::HTML5::Table. HTML::HTML5::ToText::Trait::RenderTables, HTML::HTML5::ToText::Trait::ShowImages, HTML::HTML5::ToText::Trait::ShowLinks, HTML::HTML5::ToText::Trait::TextFormatting. Similar Modules on CPAN * HTML::FormatText About 15 years old, and still maintained, this falls into the "mature" category. This module is based on HTML::Tree, so its HTML parser may not behave as closely to modern browsers as HTML::HTML5::Parser's parsing, but its conversion to text seems somewhat better than HTML::HTML5::ToText's default output (i.e. with no traits applied). At the time of writing, its bug queue on lists eight bugs, some quite serious. However, since being taken over by its latest maintainer, there seems to be progress being made on them. Fairly extensible, but not in the mix-and-match traits way allowed by HTML::HTML5::ToText. * HTML::FormatText::WithLinks An extension of HTML::FormatText. * HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables An extension of HTML::FormatText::WithLinks. The code that deals with tables is pretty crude compared with HTML::HTML5::ToText::Trait::RenderTables. It doesn't support "colspan", "rowspan", or the "<th>" element. * LEOCHARRE::HTML::Text Very basic conversion; basically just tag stripping using regular expressions. * HTML::FormatExternal Passes HTML through external command-line tools such as `lynx`. Obviously this has limited portability. AUTHOR Toby Inkster <>. THANKS Everyone behind Moose. No way I could have done all this in a few hours without Moose's strange brand of meta-programming! COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2012-2013 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.