[](https://travis-ci.org/tsucchi/p5-Otogiri-Plugin) [](https://coveralls.io/r/tsucchi/p5-Otogiri-Plugin?branch=master) # NAME Otogiri::Plugin - make Otogiri to pluggable # SYNOPSIS use Otogiri; use Otogiri::Plugin; my $db = Otogiri->new( connect_info => ["dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", '', ''] ); Otogiri->load_plugin('UsefulPlugin'); $db->useful_method; #derived from UsefulPlugin # DESCRIPTION Otogiri::Plugin provides [Teng](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Teng)\-like plugin function to [Otogiri](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Otogiri). # METHODS ## $class->load\_plugin($plugin\_name, $opt) Load plugin to Otogiri or subclass. This method is exported to Otogiri or it's subclass(not to Otogiri::Plugin namespace). By default, plugins are loaded from Otorigi::Plugin::$plugin\_name namespace. If '+' is specified before $plugin\_name, plugins are loaded specified package name. for example, Otogiri->load_plugin('UsefulPlugin'); # loads Otogiri::Plugin::UsefulPlugin Otogiri->load_plugin('+Some::Useful::Plugin'); # loads Some::Useful::Plugin You can use alias method name like this, Otogiri->load_plugin('UsefulPlugin', { alias => { very_useful_method_but_has_so_long_name => 'very_useful_method', } }); In this case, plugin provides `very_useful_method_but_has_so_long_name`, but you can access `very_useful_method` # LICENSE Copyright (C) Takuya Tsuchida. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Takuya Tsuchida <tsucchi@cpan.org>