=head1 NAME Package::Role::ini - Perl role for "ini" object the returns a Config::IniFiles object =head1 SYNOPSIS Configure INI file /etc/my-package.ini [section] entry=my_value Package package My::Package; use base qw{Package::New Package::Role::ini}; sub my_method { my $self = shift; my $value = $self->ini->val('section', 'entry', 'default'); return $value } =head1 DESCRIPTION Perl role for "ini" object that returns a Config::IniFiles object against a default INI file name and location =head1 OBJECT ACCESSORS =head2 ini Returns a lazy loaded L<Config::IniFiles> object so that you can read settings from the INI file. my $ini = $object->ini; #isa Config::IniFiles =head1 METHODS =head2 ini_file Sets or returns the profile INI filename my $file = $object->ini_file; my $file = $object->ini_file("./my.ini"); Set on construction my $object = My::Class->new(ini_file=>"./my.ini"); Default is the object lower case class name replacing :: with - and adding ".ini" extension. In other words, for the package My::Package the default location on Linux would be /etc/my-package.ini. override in sub class sub ini_file {"/path/my.ini"}; =head2 ini_path Sets and returns the path for the INI file. my $path = $object->ini_path; #isa Str my $path = $object->ini_path("../other/path"); #isa Str Default: C:\Windows on Windows-like systems that have Win32 installed Default: /etc on systems that have /etc Default: Sys::Path->sysconfdir on systems that Sys::Path installed Default: . otherwise override in sub class sub ini_path {"/my/path"}; =head1 SEE ALSO L<Config::IniFiles>, L<Package::New> =head1 AUTHOR Michael R. Davis, mrdvt92 =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2020 by Michael R. Davis This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.16.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.