NAME AnyEvent::IMAP - IMAP client library for AnyEvent SYNOPSIS use AnyEvent::IMAP; my $imap = AnyEvent::IMAP->new( host => 'server', user => "USERID", pass => 'password', port => 993, ssl => 1, ); $imap->reg_cb( connect => sub { $imap->login()->cb(sub { my ($ok, $line) = shift->recv; ... } } ); $imap->connect(); DESCRIPTION AnyEvent::IMAP is IMAP client library for AnyEvent/Perl. METHODS And some methods are usable by Object::Event. my $imap = AnyEvent::IMAP->new(%args); Create a new instance with following attributes. host user pass port ssl my ($tag, $cv) = $imap->send_cmd($command[, $filter : CodeRef]) Send a $command to the server. You can filter the response by optional $filter. $tag is a IMAP command tag. $cv is a instance of AnyEvent::CondVar. You can process the server response by following format. my ($tag, $cv) = $imap->send_cmd('LOGIN'); $cv->cb(sub { my ($ok, $res) = shift->recv; ... }); First response value is $ok. It presents server status is OK or not in boolean value. $res is a response value. You can filter it by $filter in argument. EVENTS connect connect_error disconnect buffer_empty send recv AND Example code is available in example/ FAQ How can I decode UTF-7 folder names? use Encode::IMAPUTF7. AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COM> THANKS TO Some of the code taken from Net::IMAP::Client. SEE ALSO Net::IMAP::Client, RFC 3501, AnyEvent LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.