NAME Log::Log4perl::Appender::TAP - Append to TAP output VERSION version 0.05 SYNOPSIS use Test2::V0; use Log::Log4perl; LOG::Log4perl::init(\<<CONF); log4perl.rootLogger=ERROR, TAP log4perl.appender.TAP=Log::Log4perl::Appender::TAP log4perl.appender.TAP.method=diag log4perl.appender.TAP=layout=PatternLayout log4perl.appender.TAP=layout.ConversionPattern="[%rms] %m%n" CONF DEBUG "this message doesn't see the light of day"; ERROR "This gets logged to TAP using diag"; DESCRIPTION This very simple Log::Log4perl appender sends log output via Test2::API to TAP (or any other format supported by Test2::API). It also works with Test::Builder and Test::More so long as you have Test2::API installed. It only takes one special argument, the method, which can be either diag or note. SEE ALSO Log::Log4perl Main module documentation for Log4perl. Log::Dispatch::TAP Similar module but for Log::Dispatch instead of Log4perl. AUTHOR Graham Ollis <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2017-2022 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.