Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::BerryGenomics - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle for BerryGenomics Bioinformatics Department


version 0.2.1


in your _dist.ini_:

    installer = MakeMaker ; default is ModuleBuild
    ; valid installers: MakeMaker MakeMaker::IncShareDir ModuleBuild ModuleBuildTiny


This is plugin bundle is for BerryGenomics.
It is equivalent to:

    ; Basic


    ; installer
    [ModuleBuild] ; by default

    ; extra

    ; with params
    [ReadmeAnyFromPod /MarkdownInRoot]
    filename = Readme.md
    copy = LICENSE
    directory = t
    directory = xt
    directory = inc
    directory = share
    directory = eg
    directory = examples

    ; Git
    exclude_filename = dist.ini
    exclude_filename = Changes
    exclude_filename = README.md
    exclude_filename = LICENSE
    include_dotfiles = 1
    allow_dirty = dist.ini
    allow_dirty = Changes
    allow_dirty = README.md
    allow_dirty = LICENSE
    untracked_files = warn
    allow_dirty = dist.ini
    allow_dirty = Changes
    allow_dirty = README.md
    allow_dirty = LICENSE
    commit_msg => Auto commited by dzil with version %v at %d%n%n%c%n
    release_branch = %v
    release_message = Release %v of %h (on %b)
    tag_format => %v
    tag_message = Auto tagged by dzil release(%v)
    remotes_must_exist = 0
    first_version = 0.0.1
    version_by_branch = 1
    version_regexp = ^v?(\d+(\.\d+){0,2})$
    tag_regexp = semantic
    group_by_author = 1

    ; run
    run = git checkout Changes
    run = mkdir -p release 2>/dev/null; cp %n-%v.tar.gz release/ -f



Huo Linhe <huolinhe@berrygenomics.com>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Berry Genomics.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.