Acme::Phlegethoth(3)  User Contributed Perl Documentation Acme::Phlegethoth(3)

       Acme::Phlegethoth - Improve your code's readability, if you're an
       Ancient One

               use Acme::Phlegethoth;
               print "goodbye, world!\n";

       Acme::Phlegethoth improves the readability of your Perl programs to the
       Elder Gods.  This may accelerate a debugging session where you feel
       compelled to invoke them.  After all, if you're outsourcing development
       to Cthulhu, you'd better damn well be sure He can read your code.

       Acme::Phlegethoth translates your code to Aklo the first time your
       program uses it.  From that point on, your program continues to work as
       before, but it now looks something like this:

               use Acme'Phlegethoth;
               ia ia!  mnahN' NAflHriI R'LuHnyTh BUgoR SLl'HAog gOf'NN Hai ron
               gOf'nn Nnn'aIog FHTagN LlLL YHlIRgHOG GoF'Nn naCh'!  nNNvuLgtlAGlN
               thROD!  PhLeGetH StelL'BsNaoth sll'Ha!  aH NAfL'AIyAR H'EbUMna
               HliRGHog eHYeOG nnnSgn'WAhL fm'laTgh ah ILYaA h'zHRO iLYaa
               H'gnaIihNYtH EBumnA s'Uhnor [Text ends abruptly.]

       which loosely translates to:

               Hear me!

               Call upon the cowardly servants of the unbelievers!  Invite them to
               into our Church!  Watch over them, protect them!  These heretic
               children will enter the beyond to sleep beside our Master!

               Prepare us for the time when the Servants of your Father rise from
               the Pit to fulfil his pact.

               Our unshaken belief will protect our place on Earth!

               [Text ends abruptly.]

       "Can't summon '%s'"
           Acme::Phlegethoth could not access your code to translate it into
           Aklo.  The Ancient Ones will be most displeased.

       "Can't banish '%s'"
           Acme::Phlegethoth could not access your prayer to execute it.
           Never let this happen.  The Sleeping Ones do not like to be
           awakened without reason.

       Rocco Caputo <>

       This was loosely based on Leon Brocard's Acme::Buffy, which in turn was
       based on Damian Conway's Bleach module.  That was inspired by an idea
       by Philip Newton.  By now there's enough blame for everyone.

       But what really sparked my imagination was Meng Weng Wong's quote from
       a couple Ruby users:

               <flippo> ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
               <ibroadfo> flippo: don't paste perl in here

       They will of course be eaten last.




       Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Rocco Caputo.  All Rights Reserved.  This
       module is free software.  It may be used, redistributed and/or modified
       under the same terms as Perl itself.

       Thanks to the "Cthuvian / English Dictionary" for providing the lexicon
       and translations in one convenient place.

       Hey! TThhee aabboovvee ddooccuummeenntt hhaadd ssoommee ccooddiinngg eerrrroorrss,, wwhhiicchh aarree eexxppllaaiinneedd

       Around line 126:
           You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

perl v5.10.0                      2009-12-19              Acme::Phlegethoth(3)