Catalyst::Plugin::Snippets - Make sharing data with clients easy

        package MyApp;

        # use this plugin, and any Cache plugin
            use Catalyst qw/

        package MyApp::Controller::Foo;

        sub action : Local {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
            # ...
            $c->snippet( $namespace, $key, $value );

        sub foo : Local {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
            $c->serve_snippet( $namespace, \%options ); # namespace defaults to $c->action->name;

        sub other_action : Private {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
            my $value = $c->snippet( $namespace, $key );

    This plugin provides a means of setting data that can then be queried by
    a client in a different request.

    This is useful for making things such as progress meters and statistics
    amongst other things.

    This plugin provides an API for storing data, and a way to conveniently
    fetch it too.

    snippet $namespace, $key, [ $value ]
        This is an accessor for the client exposed data.

        If given a value it will set the value, and otherwise it will
        retrieve it.

    serve_snippet [ $namespace, ] [ %options ]
        This method will serve data bits to the client based on a key. The
        namespace defaults to the action name.

        The optional options array reference will take this values. This
        array will take it's default first from
        "$c->config->{"snippets:$namespace"}" and then it will revert to

        See the "CONFIGURATION" section for detailed options.

    serialize_snippet $value, \%options
        This method is automatically called by "serve_snippet" to serialize
        the value in question.

    send_snippet $value, \%options
        This method is automatically called by "serve_snippet" to set the
        response body.

        Set up configuration defaults, etc.

        This takes either "json", "plain" (the default) or a code reference.

        The "json" format specifies that all values values will be
        serialized as a JSON expression suitable for consumption by
        javascript. This is reccomended for deep structures.

        You can also use a code reference to implement your own serializer.
        This code reference should return two values: the content type, and
        a a value to set "$c->response->body" to

        If this is disabled reference values will raise an error instead of
        being returned to the client.

        This is true by default.

        This fields allows you to automatically create a different
        "namespace" for each user, when used in conjunction with

        This is false by default.

        When the formatter type is "plain" you may use this field to specify
        the content-type header to use.

        This option defaults to "text/plain".

        Since no one seems to agree on what the "right" content type for
        JSON data is, we have this option too ;-).

        This option defaults to "application/javascript+json"

    Like session keys, if the values are private the key used by your code
    should be sufficiently hard to guess to protect the privacy of your

    Please use the "use_session_id" option for the appropriate namespace
    unless you have a good reason not to.

  Ajax Progress Meter
    Suppuse your app runs a long running process in the server.

        sub do_it {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;


            # done

    The user might be upset that this takes a long while. If you can track
    progress, along these lines:

        my $progress = 0;

        IPC::Run::run(\@cmd, ">", sub {
            my $output = shift;
            $progress++ if ( $output =~ /made_progress/ );

    then you can make use of this data to report progress to the user:

        $c->snippet( progress => $task_id => ++$progress )
            if ( $output =~ /made_progress/  );

    Meanwhile, javascript code with timers could periodically poll the
    server using an ajax request to update the progress level. To expose
    this data to the client create an action somewhere:

        sub progress : Local {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    and have the client query for "/controller/progress/$task_id".