NAME Finance::QIF - Parse and create Quicken Interchange Format files SYNOPSIS use Finance::QIF; Parsing existing QIFs my $qif = Finance::QIF->parse_file("foo.qif"); $qif = Finance::QIF->parse("foo.qif"); for my $entry ($qif->transactions) { print $entry->payee, ": ", $entry->amount,"\n"; } Exporting data as QIF my $qif = Finance::QIF->new(type => "Bank"); $qif->add($transaction); $qif->add( amount => -50.00, payee => "Simon Cozens", memo => "We really should have given him more for producing all these cool modules", date => "12/19/2002", category => "Advertising/Subliminal" ); print $qif->as_qif; print $qif; # Stringification is overloaded too DESCRIPTION This module handles and creates files in Intuit's Quicken Interchange Format. A spec for this format can be found at <>; this implementation is liberal in terms of date formats, doing no date checking and simply passing on whatever it receives. METHODS new(type => "Bank") Create a new, blank QIF object. A type must be specified, but for this release, the only thing we support is "Bank" accounts, since I'm not wise enough to have investment accounts yet and so don't need that functionality. as_qif() Returns the QIF object as a string in QIF format. add Adds a new transaction; this may be a "Finance::QIF::Transaction" object (see below) or a hash. parse_file Creates a "Finance::QIF" object from an existing file. parse Creates a "Finance::QIF" object from a string. transactions Returns a list of "Finance::QIF::Transaction"s. See below. Finance::QIF::Transaction Individual transactions are objects of the class "Finance::QIF::Transaction". These objects will be returned from the "transactions" method on a "Finance::QIF" object, and can be created, queried and modified with the following methods. new Creates a new transaction object and populates it with data. amount Gets/sets the transaction's amount. No currency is implied. The amount is always returned as a string formatted to two decimal places. REMEMBER that outgoing transactions should always be specified as a negative amount. date / payee / memo / address / category / cleared / number These are ordinary get-set methods for the specified fields. "Number" in QIF refers to a check or reference number. splits Gets and sets an array of split values each specified as a hash reference. For example: $item->amount(-30); $item->payee("Cash withdrawal"); $item->splits( { category => "Food/Groceries", amount => 12.00 }, { category => "Stationery", amount => 5.00 }, { category => "Dining Out", amount => 13.00 } ) add_to_splits Adds a split entry (as a hash reference) to the split list. This does not affect the amount of the transaction. $item->add_to_splits( { category => "Dining Out", amount => 13.00 } ); as_qif Returns the transaction in QIF format. LICENSE Copyright (c) 2004 by Nathan McFarland. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the Artistic license. MAINTAINER Nathan McFarland, "" ORIGINAL AUTHOR Simon Cozens, "" SEE ALSO perl.