# NAME Hash::BulkKeyCopy - a xs module for clone hash with keys # SYNOPSIS use Hash::BulkKeyCopy; # USAGE my $ht\_ka = \["k1\_1", "k1\_2", "k1\_3"\]; # it will use src\_hash's keys when give an empty array my $hs\_ka = \["k2\_1", "k2\_2", "k2\_3"\]; my ($h1, $h2) = ({}, {"k2\_1" => 1, "k2\_2" => undef, "k2\_3" => \[\]}); hash\_bulk\_keycopy($h1, $h2, $ht\_ka, $hs\_ka); # DESCRIPTION Hash::BulkKeyCopy is a xs module for clone hash by a key arr. Double faster than PP source. # LICENSE Copyright (C) itsusony. FreakOut. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR itsusony <itsusony@fout.jp>