======== Read also the wiki page http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Image%3A%3AKimdaba ======= This is a perl module Image::Kimdaba.pm which allows quick extensions to kimdaba, and some scripts that use this. To install it : $ perl -MCPAN -e shell follow the instructions. then type : install Image::Kimdaba (Note: if you want to install it all locally, say "PREFIX=~/local" and set the environment variable : $ export PERL5LIB=~ This is a perl module Image::Kimdaba.pm which allows quick extensions to kimdaba, and some scripts that use this. To install it : $ perl -MCPAN -e shell follow the instructions. then type : install Image::Kimdaba (Note: if you want to install it all locally, say "PREFIX=~/local" and set the environment variable : $ export PERL5LIB=~/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3:~/local/lib/perl5/5.8.3 see ~/local/lib/perl5/ to know how to adapt it to your version of perl) To make your own extensions, see - "kim_example.pl" - "kim_example_modifydb.pl" Here we describe scripts already made that you may find useful. The first time, do : $ ./kim_2_digikam <rootfolder> it will create the digikam.db database used by digikam >= 0.7 Launch kimdaba, do some changes, relaunch the script $ ./kim_2_digikam <rootfolder> it will update the digikam.db database (you have to restart digikam to see the changes, though) Add some categories in Digikam to some pictures and relaunch the script $ ./kim_2_digikam <rootfolder> Then you can import the modications you made with Digikam by doing in Kimdaba : File -> import : /tmp/digikam_export.kim The good thing with synchroniyzing with digikam.db is that you can then use the "digikamtags:/" KIOSlave to browse by Persons/Keywords/Locations in every KDE app. (And add a tab "Kimdaba" => url=digikamtags:/ in Konqueror slidebar for example). * Auto-assign categoryimages (for the "see by icons view" in Kimdaba's browser) $ ./kim_category_images <rootfolder> It's faster than to set the 500 pictures by hand, isn't it ? You can still use the category editor to choose a better picture for this person or that keyword, the script will not overwrite it. * Really rotate your pictures (needs the jpegtran tool) $ ./kim_rotate.pl <rootfolder> PS: someone to convert also the persons/keywords/locations, the date if it has changed, the comment ? perhaps imagemagick would help. * kim_bestof (see the script to customize it) I put the keyword "+++" on my best pictures, this allows me to always show to my friends a beautiful diaporama. This very small script does symbolic links of all those pictures in one directory. Then I configured KDE control > look and feel > Wallpaper to do a diaporama of the pictures contained in this folder. * Export a hierarchy of symbolic links (a bit proof-of-concept for Kimdaba.pm, but could be useful when using non kde apps (see kim_2_digikam )) Edit the first line of the script, then $ ./kim_2_filesystem <rootfolder>