RT-Extension-Announce - Display announcements as a banner on RT pages.

    Works with RT 4.0 and 4.2.

    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
        May need root permissions

    Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/
        If you are using RT 4.2 or later, add this line:


        or add "RT::Extension::Announce" to your existing @Plugins line.

        And add the following:

            Set(@CustomFieldValuesSources, (qw(RT::CustomFieldValues::AnnounceGroups)));

        See "CONFIGURATION" for more options.

    make initdb
        Run this in the install directory where you ran the previous make
        commands. Only run for an initial install. Do not run when

    Clear your mason cache
            rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj

    Restart your webserver

    The Announce extension gives you an easy way to insert announcements on
    the RT homepage so all users can see the message. You may want to
    display a banner during maintenance or an unscheduled outage to make
    sure the people fielding customer tickets know that something is going

    When you install the extension, a new queue is created called
    RTAnnounce. To post an announcement, create a ticket in that queue. The
    extension displays on the RT homepage the subject and most recent
    correspondence on active tickets in the RTAnnounce queue. As the
    incident or maintenance progresses, just reply to the ticket and the
    announcement will be updated with the latest information.

    When multiple announcements are active, they are ordered by the last
    update time with the announcement with the most recent update coming

    When the incident is over, resolve the ticket and the announcement will
    be removed.

    Comments on announce tickets are not shown in the announcement. However,
    comments are visible on the ticket for users who have permission to view
    the full ticket. If you have multiple announcements, a new comment
    updates the last updated time and will move the announcement to the top
    of the list.

    The RTAnnounce queue has a custom field called 'Announcement Groups'
    which you can use to manage who will see an announcement. If you set no
    value, all users will see the announcement. If you set one or more RT
    groups, only memebers of those groups will see it.

    By default, the announements are static text. If you give users the
    ShowTicket right on the RTAnnounce queue, the announcements will have
    links to the source tickets. This will allow users to see the history of
    an announcement or see longer messages that might be truncated on the

    The RTAnnounce queue is a regular queue, so you can control access to
    creating announcements the same way you manage permissions on other

    In addition to setting permissions, you may not want to send the typical
    'ticket create' email messages, so you could change or customize the
    scrips that run or create new templates. If you send announcement
    messages to an email list, you could create a list user in RT and add it
    as a CC to the announcement queue. Then messages posted for announcement
    in RT will also be sent to the notification list.

    Use this to change the name of the queue used for announcements. First
    edit the RTAnnounce queue in RT and change its name to your new name.
    Then a line to your to set that new value:

        Set($RTAnnounceQueue, 'Custom Announce Name');

    By default, all user defined groups will be listed in "Announcement
    Groups". If you have a large number of groups in your RT, this can make
    for a long list, so you can customize the group list by setting
    @AnnounceGroups in your

        Set(@AnnounceGroups, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz');

    Set this to true to show announcements on the self service page as well
    as the regular privileged RT page.

    Jim Brandt <>

    All bugs should be reported via

    This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Best Practical Solutions, LLC

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991