C O A T 

    "The sky was rainy, the wind blew strongly and my bag was heavy.
     I left it back here, and only with a Coat, I went out happily."

This module was inspired by the excellent Moose meta class which provides
enhanced object creation for Perl 5.

Moose is great, but slow and has huge dependencies which makes it difficult to
use in restricted environments.

This module implements the basic goodness of Moose, namely the accessor
automagic, the inheritance facility and the hooks mechanism. 

It is designed for developers who want to write clean object code with Perl 5
without depending on Moose. This implies you don't rely on all the features of
Moose; and you don't depend on a huge set of dependencies, all you have to
install is Coat (which is independant, no need of external modules).

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.