NAME TextLinkAds - Retrieve Text Link Ads advertiser data SYNOPSIS use TextLinkAds; my $tla = TextLinkAds->new; # Fetch link information from my @links = @{ $tla->fetch( $inventory_key ) }; # Output the data in some meaningful way... print "<ul>\n"; foreach my $link ( @links ) { my $before = $link->{BeforeText} || ''; my $after = $link->{AfterText} || ''; print <<"END_OF_HTML"; <li> $before <a href="$link->{URL}">$link->{Text}</a> $after </li> END_OF_HTML } print '</ul>'; DESCRIPTION This module fetches advertiser information for a given Text Link Ads publisher account. See <>. METHODS ->new( \%options ) Instantiate a new TextLinkAds object. %options cache Optional. By default this module will try to use Cache::FileCache to store data retrieved from the site for one hour. You may use the "cache" parameter to provide an alternative object that implements the Cache::Cache interface. To disable caching set "cache" to a scalar value that resolves to "false". tmpdir Optional. A temporary directory to use when caching data. The default behaviour is to use the directory determined by File::Spec->tmpdir. ->fetch( $inventory_key, \%options ) Fetch advertiser information for the given key. It will first attempt to get the data from the cache where available, and failing that will send a request to, using the *_proxy environment variables and the If-Modified_Since request header. $inventory_key Required. The XML Key for the desired site as provided by Text Link Ads. %options user_agent Optional. In the vanilla code examples provided by Text Link Ads, both the user agent and referer CGI environment variables are included in the URI used to retrieve the XML data. While the link appears to function without them, it would probably be polite to include them where possible. referer See above. DEPENDENCIES TextLinkAds requires the following modules: * Carp * File::Spec * LWP::UserAgent * XML::Simple TextLinkAds recommends the following modules: * Cache::FileCache BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-textlinkads at", or through the web interface at <>. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc TextLinkAds You may also look for information at: * TextLinkAds <> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * RT: CPAN's request tracker <> * Search CPAN <> AUTHOR Dave Cardwell <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2007 Dave Cardwell. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.