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Text::Shirasu - Text::MeCab wrapped for natural language processing 


    use utf8;
    use feature ':5.10';
    use Text::Shirasu;
    my $ts = Text::Shirasu->new; # this parameter same as Text::MeCab
    my $normalize = $ts->normalize("昨日の晩御飯は「鮭のふりかけ」と「味噌汁」だけでした。");

    for my $node (@{ $ts->nodes }) {
        say $node->surface;

    say $ts->join_surface;

    my $filter = $ts->filter(type => [qw/名詞 助動詞/], 記号 => [qw/括弧開 括弧閉/]);
    say $filter->join_surface;


Text::Shirasu is wrapped [Text::MeCab](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::MeCab).  
This module is easy to normalize text and filter part of speech.


## parse

This method wraps the parse method of Text::MeCab.  
The analysis result is saved as Text::Shirasu::Node instance in the Text::Shirasu instance. So, It will return Text::Shirasu instance.  


## normalize

It will normalize text using [Lingua::JA::NormalizeText](https://metacpan.org/pod/Lingua::JA::NormalizeText).  

    $ts->normalize("あ━ ”(*)” を〰〰 ’+1’")
    $ts->normalize("テキスト〰〰", qw/nfkc, alnum_z2h/, \&your_create_routine)

It accepts a string as the first argument, and receives the Lingua::JA::NormalizeText options and subroutines after the second argument.
If you do not specify a subroutine to be used in normalization, use the following Lingua::JA::NormalizeText options and subroutines by default.  

Please read the documentation of [Lingua::JA::NormalizeText](https://metacpan.org/pod/Lingua::JA::NormalizeText) for details on how each Lingua::JA::NormalizeText option works.

Lingua::JA::NormalizeText options

`nfkc nfkd nfc nfd alnum_z2h space_z2h katakana_h2z decode_entities unify_nl unify_whitespaces unify_long_spaces trim old2new_kana old2new_kanji tab2space all_dakuon_normalize square2katakana circled2kana circled2kanji decompose_parenthesized_kanji`


`normalize_hyphen normalize_symbols`

## filter

Please use after parse method execution.   
Filter the surface based on the features stored in the Text::Shirasu instance.
Passing subtype to value with part of speech name as key allows you to more filter the string.

    $ts->filter(type => [qw/名詞/]);
    $ts->filter(type => [qw/名詞 記号/], 記号 => [qw/括弧開 括弧閉/]);

## join\_surface

Returns a string that combined the surfaces stored in the instance.


## nodes

Return the array reference of the Text::Shirasu::Node instance.


## mecab

Return the Text::MeCab instance.



These subroutines perform the following substitution.  

## normalize\_hyphen


## normalize\_symbols



Copyright (C) Kei Kamikawa(Code-Hex).

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Kei Kamikawa <x00.x7f@gmail.com>