NAME Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::Params::Hashed - Access to parameters like "name[index]" as hashes for Catalyst::Request. VERSION Version is 0.03 SYNOPSIS # # application class # package TestApp; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; use Catalyst qw/ ......... /; extends 'Catalyst'; use CatalystX::RoleApplicator; __PACKAGE__->apply_request_class_roles(qw/ Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::Params::Hashed /); # # controller class # package TestApp::Controller::Test; ......... # query string was like # site[name1]=100&site[name1]=150&site[name2]=200 my $site = $c->req->hashed_params->{site}; # $site is hashref: # # $site = { # name1 => [100, 150], # name2 => 200, # } ......... DESCRIPTION You can access "hashed_parameters", "hashed_query_parameters", "hashed_body_parameters" to get access to parameters as to hashes. Also you can use "hashes_params", "hashed_query_params" and "hashed_body_params" as shortcuts. Or, if you too lazy, you can use "hparams", "hquery_params" and "hbody_params" :) Note, that this trait gives you read-only version of "params", "query_params" and "body_params" respectively. Also note, that any change to any of three above <WILL NOT HAVE> any effect to all of "hashed*params". METHODS hashed_params hparams hashed_query_params hquery_params hashed_body_params hbody_params TODO Write tests. SEE ALSO Catalyst, Catalyst::Request, "Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::BrowserDetect" SUPPORT * Report bugs or feature requests < quest-Params-Hashed> < hed/tickets> * Git repository git clone git:// AUTHOR Oleg Kostyuk, "<>" COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Oleg Kostyuk. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.