NAME App::GitHub - GitHub Command Tools VERSION version 1.0.1 SYNOPSIS $ command argument description repo :user :repo set owner/repo, eg: 'fayland perl-app-github' login :login :pass authenticated as :login loadcfg authed by git config --global github.user|pass ?,h help q,exit,quit exit Repos more in-depth information for the :repo r.list list out all the repositories for the :user watch repositories (auth required) r.unwatch unwatch repositories (auth required) r.fork fork a repository (auth required) r.create create a new repository (auth required) r.set_private set a public repo private (auth required) r.set_public set a private repo public (auth required) r.commit :sha1 show a specific commit Issues i.list open|closed see a list of issues for a project i.view :number get data on an individual issue by number open a new issue (auth required) i.close :number close an issue (auth required) i.reopen :number reopen an issue (auth required) i.edit :number edit an issue (auth required) i.comment :number i.label add|del :num :label add/remove a label (auth required) Users get extended information on user u.update update your users info (auth required) u.followers u.following u.follow :user follow :user (auth required) u.unfollow :user unfollow :user (auth required) u.pub_keys Public Key Management (auth required) u.pub_keys.add u.pub_keys.del :number Objects o.tree :tree_sha1 get the contents of a tree by tree sha o.trees :tree_sha1 get the contents of a tree by tree sha and recursively descend down the tree o.blob :sha1 get the data of a blob (tree, file or commits) Others :user :repo more in-depth information for a repository r.list :user list out all the repositories for a user :user get extended information on :user DESCRIPTION A command-line wrapper for Net::GitHub Repository: <> SEE ALSO Net::GitHub AUTHORS * Fayland Lam <> * William Orr <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Fayland Lam. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.