perl Makefile.PL && make && make install


        WebService::NoPaste - Post to Paste Web Pages

        # Manually paste input, manually copy the result url:
        $ nopaste

        # Turbo mode: use clipboard as input, send, and then put the result
        # URL back into the clipboard:
        $ nopaste cp

        # Just take the input from the clipboard, but otherwise leave the
        # clipboard alone:
        $ nopaste c

        # Instantly upload your passwd file for the whole world to see, but
        # at least you'll have the result URL conveniently in your
        # clipboard.
        $ nopaste p < /etc/passwd 

        When online chatting it is problematic to paste an entire 300 line
        file.  Yes paste?  No.  NoPaste!

        Posting to a paste host is preferred.  These servers are just web
        forms that accept input from a big text field, and temporarily house
        them as web pages.

        This script/module is for those who find it tedious to switch to a
        web browser, load the page, and then paste.  Why use the mouse when
        you can use the keyboard? ;)

        Currently, you just edit "nopaste" itself to point it at a different
        server, to change languages (which only affects the way the HTML
        formatting syntax highlights), etc.

        This is lame, I know.  But it's early.  If you'd like neater
        configuration, email me, and I'll get right to it.

        Ryan King <>

        Copyright (c) 2005. Ryan King. All rights reserved.

        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
        under the same terms as Perl itself.
