#!/bin/env python """ MySQL contains several classes. Only one currently works. "Installer()". Installer will download and install MySQL with maste/slave or cluster combinations. It is currently only made for demonstration purposes and is not meant to be used in a production environment. If you can get the Master/Slave/Cluster instances working on one computer, all you have to do to get it to work on multiple computers is copy over the software, change the config files a little, and then start it up. Copyrighted by Mark E. Nielsen, 11/2004 under the original GPL License. """ import string, os, stat, time, sys, types, commands, re, posix, time, getopt __version__ = '0.1' Date_Version = "2004/11/29" #------------------------------------------------------------------- # This method is global for the module. def Except(): (type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() print "exc_type = " + str(type) print "exc_value = " + str(value) print "exc_traceback = " + str(traceback) print sys.excepthook(type, value, traceback) return(1) #--------------------------------------------- ### A class we need to develop to test our instances. ### We haven't developed this class yet. class Test: def Test_Master_Slaves(self): """ Test_Master_Slaves() is not finished. Used to test master/slaves.""" def Test_Cluster(self): """ Test_Cluster() is not finished. Used to test the cluster.""" #------------------------------------------------ ### The Utils class will contain methods for manipulating our instances. ### We haven't developed this class yet. class Utils: ### The init function sets some default options for the object. def __init__(self,options={}): pass ### A method to make a master a slave. def Slave_To_Master(self): pass ### A method to add a slave to a master/slave setup. ### This will also make the current master a slave or disable it. def Add_Slave(self): pass ### A method to add a node to a cluster. def Add_Node(self): pass #-------------------------------------------------- ### -- This class installs MySQL Master/Slave and Clusters. # Features to add: # Save a configuration file in target mysql directory which will be read if # this script accesses that directory again. # Doesn't let you install if already installed, except if override. class Installer: """ This install mysql with master/slave and/or cluster installations. Installer takes one option called "options" which is a hash. """ ### The init function sets some default options for the object. def __init__(self,options={}): self.original_options = options ## Where we install mysql. self.prefix = "/usr/local/mysql_cluster" ## The log file. self.log = "/tmp/mysql_install.log" ## Will we have maste/slave combinations? self.master = 1 ## how many slaves? self.slave = 2 ## How many cluster computers? ### WARNING: I couldn't get replicas to work when there were more than 2. self.cluster = 2 ### The various ports we want to use. self.master_port = 20000 self.slave_port = 21000 self.cluster_management_port = 22000 self.cluster_db_port = 23000 self.cluster_api_port = 24000 self.notes = "" ### options to pass to -d # http://www.signal42.com/mirrors/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/mysql-5.0.2-alpha.tar.gz ## The default mysql file and location to get it from. self.mysql_file = "mysql-4.1.7.tar.gz" self.mysql_compile_dir = "mysql-4.1.7" self.ftp_dir = "ftp://mirror.services.wisc.edu/mirrors/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-4.1/" self.prefix = "/usr/local/mysql-cluster" ## Where we will compile mysql. self.compile_home = "/usr/local/src/mysql_compile" ## Get the line command options to overide those above. self.Define_Variables() self.instances_no = self.master + self.slave + self.cluster if self.log == '': self.log = sys.stout print "Writing log file to: ", self.log self.log_handle = open(self.log, 'a') ## Get the templates for the config files. self.templates = self.Get_Templates() ## Some regular expressions we will use. ## We could make these global to the pakcage. self.re_mysql_file = re.compile('__MYSQL_FILE__') self.re_mysql_compile_dir = re.compile('__MYSQL_COMPILE_DIR__') self.re_ftp_dir = re.compile('__FTP_DIR__') self.re_prefix = re.compile('__PREFIX__') self.re_compile_home = re.compile('__COMPILE_HOME__') self.re_m_port = re.compile('__M_PORT__') self.re_s_port = re.compile('__S_PORT__') self.re_mgm_port = re.compile('__MGM_PORT__') self.re_db_port = re.compile('__DB_PORT__') self.re_api_port = re.compile('__API_PORT__') ## Del executes when the object is destroyed. def __del__(self): try: self.log_handle.close() except: pass ### These next few builtin functions are just for kicks. def __str__(self): str1 = "Master=" + str(self.master) + ":Slave=" + str(self.slave) + ":Cluster=" + str(self.cluster) + ":" + self.notes return(str1) def __lt__(self,other): return(self.instances_no) def __le__(self,other): return(self.instances_no) def __gt__(self,other): return(self.instances_no) def __eq__(self,other): return(self.instances_no) def __ne__(self,other): return(self.instances_no) ### This writes our compile bash script. def Write_Compile_Script(self): """ Write_Compile_Script() takes no arguements. It simply compiles and install the binaries for mysql. """ self.notes += "compile script written:" self.Command(command="mkdir -p " + self.compile_home + "/scripts") print "Creating script:", self.compile_home + "/scripts/Compile.bash" self.log_handle.write("WRITE:" + self.compile_home + "/scripts/Compile.bash\n") Write = open(self.compile_home + "/scripts/Compile.bash", "w") Template = self.templates['compile'] Template = self.re_mysql_file.sub(self.mysql_file, Template) Template = self.re_mysql_compile_dir.sub(self.mysql_compile_dir, Template) Template = self.re_ftp_dir.sub(self.ftp_dir, Template) Template = self.re_prefix.sub(self.prefix, Template) Template = self.re_compile_home.sub(self.compile_home, Template) Write.write(Template) Write.close() return(1) def Execute_Compile_Script(self): """ Execute_Compile_Script() takes no arguements and just executes the compile script (which also installs mysql). """ self.notes += "compiled:" print "Compiling MySQL. This could take a while." self.Command(command="bash " + self.compile_home + "/scripts/Compile.bash") return(1) def Setup_Instances(self): """Setup_Instances() takes no arguements. This installs the master/slave/cluster instances of mysql. This will create separate data directories for each instance. It will also create a cnf file for each instance. It will initialize the instances. """ self.notes += "master/slave configed:" print "Setting up the instances." Dirs = ['data', 'tmp'] ### We need to move these re's to the object level. Re_Instance = re.compile('__INSTANCE__') Re_Prefix = re.compile('__PREFIX__') Re_Extra = re.compile('__EXTRA__') Re_Instance_Dir = re.compile('__INSTANCE_DIR__') Re_Instance_Cnf = re.compile('__INSTANCE_CNF__') Re_DB_Port = re.compile('__DB_PORT__') Re_DB_ID = re.compile('__DB_ID__') Re_NO_Replicas = re.compile('__NO_REPLICAS__') Re_API_Port = re.compile('__API_PORT__') Re_API_ID = re.compile('__API_ID__') Re_MGM_ID = re.compile('__MGM_ID__') Start_File_Text = "\n cd " + self.prefix + "\n" Stop_File_Text = "\n cd " + self.prefix + "\n" Mysql_Alias = "" ### Setup the master database config and directories Extra_Master = "" if self.master > 0: Extra = "log-bin=__PREFIX__/instance/__INSTANCE__/main_log\n" Extra_Master += "port=" + str(self.master_port) + "\n" Extra_Master += "server-id=1\n" Instance = "master1" Instance_Dir = self.prefix + "/instance/" + Instance print "Setting up:", Instance_Dir self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir) self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir + "/data") self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir + "/tmp") self.Command(command='chown -R mysql ' + Instance_Dir) self.Command(command='chown -R mysql.mysql ' + Instance_Dir) self.Command(command='chmod 700 ' + Instance_Dir + "/data") re_list = [[Re_Extra,Extra_Master], [Re_Prefix,self.prefix]] re_list.append([Re_Instance_Dir,Instance_Dir]) re_list.append([Re_Instance, Instance]) re_list.append([Re_Instance_Cnf, Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance]) File = Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance self.Write_Template(file=File, template='my.cnf_master',re_list=re_list) File = self.prefix + "/Start_" + Instance self.Write_Template(file=File, template='start',re_list=re_list) File = self.prefix + "/Stop_" + Instance self.Write_Template(file=File, template='stop',re_list=re_list) self.Init_Instance(cnf=Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance) Start_File_Text += "echo Starting " + Instance + "\nbash " + self.prefix + "/Start_" + Instance + "\n\n" Stop_File_Text += "echo Stopping " + Instance + "\nbash " + self.prefix + "/Stop_" + Instance + "\n\n" MySQL_Alias = """ export PATH=""" + '"' + self.prefix + """/bin:""" + self.prefix + """/scripts:$PATH" """ MySQL_Alias += "alias mysql_" + Instance + "='" + self.prefix + "/bin/mysql --defaults-file=" + Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance + " --local-infile=1'\n" Write = open(Instance_Dir + "/first_run.bash", "w") Write.write("\n" + self.prefix + "/bin/mysql --defaults-file=" + Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance + " -e \"GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY ''\"\n") Write.write(self.prefix + "/bin/mysql --defaults-file=" + Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance + " -e \"create database test_slave\"\n") Write.write(self.prefix + "/bin/mysql --defaults-file=" + Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance + " -e \"create table table1 (text1 text)\" test_slave\n") Write.write(self.prefix + "/bin/mysql --defaults-file=" + Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" +Instance + " -e \"insert into table1 values ('data')\" test_slave\n") Write.close() ### For each slave we have, do this. for no in range(2,self.slave + 2): Instance = "slave" + str(no) Instance_Dir = self.prefix + "/instance/" + Instance print "Setting up:", Instance_Dir self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir) self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir + "/data") self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir + "/tmp") self.Command(command='chown -R mysql ' + Instance_Dir) self.Command(command='chown -R mysql.mysql ' + Instance_Dir) self.Command(command='chmod 700 ' + Instance_Dir + "/data") ### This goes into the extra space in my.cnf. S_Extra = "port=" + str(self.slave_port + no) + "\n" S_Extra += "log-bin=__PREFIX__/instance/__INSTANCE__/main_log\n" S_Extra += "server-id=" + str(no) + "\n" S_Extra += "report-port=" + str(self.slave_port + no) + "\n" ### Setup the list of search/replace values and the re's. re_list = [[Re_Extra,S_Extra], [Re_Prefix,self.prefix]] re_list.append([Re_Instance_Dir,Instance_Dir]) re_list.append([Re_Instance, Instance]) re_list.append([Re_Instance_Cnf, Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance]) re_list.append([self.re_m_port, str(self.master_port)]) ## Create the text files. File = Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance self.Write_Template(file=File, template='my.cnf_slave',re_list=re_list) File = self.prefix + "/Start_" + Instance self.Write_Template(file=File, template='start',re_list=re_list) File = self.prefix + "/Stop_" + Instance self.Write_Template(file=File, template='stop',re_list=re_list) ### Intitalize the database. self.Init_Instance(cnf=Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance) ### Various entries into Start, Stop, and bash_aliases. Start_File_Text += "echo Starting " + Instance + "\nbash " + self.prefix + "/Start_" + Instance + "\n\n" Stop_File_Text += "echo Stopping " + Instance + "\nbash " + self.prefix + "/Stop_" + Instance + "\n\n" MySQL_Alias += "alias mysql_" + Instance + "='" + self.prefix + "/bin/mysql --defaults-file=" + Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance + "'\n" ## If we have clustering, make a management server if self.cluster > 0: Instance = "cluster_management" Instance_Dir = self.prefix + "/instance/" + Instance print "Setting up:", Instance_Dir self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir) ## Technically, we don't need a data directory. self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir + "/data") self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir + "/tmp") self.Command(command='chown -R mysql ' + Instance_Dir) self.Command(command='chown -R mysql.mysql ' + Instance_Dir) self.Command(command='chmod 700 ' + Instance_Dir + "/data") C_Extra = "port=" + str(no + self.cluster_api_port) + "\n" C_Extra += "server-id=" + str(no) + "\n" MySQL_Alias += "alias ndb_mgm='" + self.prefix + "/bin/ndb_mgm " + str(self.cluster_management_port) + "'\n" Re_Cluster_No = re.compile('__CLUSTER_NO__') re_list = [[Re_Extra,C_Extra], [Re_Prefix,self.prefix]] re_list.append([Re_Instance_Dir,Instance_Dir]) re_list.append([Re_Instance, Instance]) re_list.append([Re_Instance_Cnf, Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance]) re_list.append([Re_Cluster_No, str(self.cluster + 1)]) re_list.append([Re_NO_Replicas, '2']) # re_list.append([Re_NO_Replicas, str(self.cluster)]) re_list.append([Re_MGM_ID, str(self.cluster + self.slave + 2)]) re_list.append([self.re_mgm_port, str(self.cluster_management_port)]) re_list.append([self.re_m_port, str(self.master_port)]) File = Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance self.Write_Template(file=File, template='my.cnf_cluster_management',re_list=re_list) File = Instance_Dir + "/config.ini_cluster_management" self.Write_Template(file=File, template='config.ini_mgm',re_list=re_list) Start_File_Text += "echo Starting cluster ndb_mgmd.\n" Start_File_Text += "su mysql -c './libexec/ndb_mgmd --config-file=./instance/cluster_management/config.ini_cluster_management'\n\n" Max_No = self.cluster + self.slave + 2 + 1 Max_No2 = Max_No + self.cluster ### Configure each storage node. Each storage node gets its own ### mysqld server as well -- later in the script. for no in range(2 + self.slave, self.cluster + self.slave + 2): Instance2 = "cluster_ndb" + str(no) Instance_Dir2 = self.prefix + "/instance/" + Instance2 Init_File = Instance_Dir2 + "/initialized" Start_File_Text += """ if [ ! -e '""" + Init_File + """' ]; then echo '' echo Initializing cluster """ + str(Max_No + no)+ """ su mysql -c './libexec/ndbd --initial -c""" + str(self.cluster_management_port) + """:id=""" + str(Max_No + no)+ """' touch """ + Init_File + """ else echo Starting cluster db""" + str(Max_No + no) + """ su mysql -c './libexec/ndbd -c""" + str(self.cluster_management_port) + """:id=""" + str(Max_No + no)+ """' fi \n""" print "Setting up:", Instance_Dir2 self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir2) ### Technically, we don't need a data directory. self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir2 + "/data") self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir2 + "/tmp") self.Command(command='chown -R mysql ' + Instance_Dir2) self.Command(command='chown -R mysql.mysql ' + Instance_Dir2) self.Command(command='chmod 700 ' + Instance_Dir2 + "/data") re_list = [[Re_Prefix,self.prefix]] re_list.append([Re_Instance_Dir,Instance_Dir2]) re_list.append([Re_Instance, Instance2]) re_list.append([Re_DB_ID, str(Max_No + no)]) re_list.append([Re_API_ID, str(Max_No2 + no)]) re_list.append([self.re_mgm_port, str(self.cluster_management_port)]) re_list.append([self.re_m_port, str(self.master_port)]) # re_list.append([self.re_s_port, str(self.slave_port)]) # re_list.append([self.re_api_port, str(self.cluster_api_port)]) re_list.append([self.re_db_port, str(self.cluster_db_port + no)]) F2 = "/tmp/db_temp.cnf" self.Write_Template(file=F2,template='config.ini_db',re_list=re_list) Write = open(File, 'a') Read = open(F2, 'r') for Line in Read: Write.write(Line) Write.close() Read.close() ## For each mysqld server in the cluster, do this. for no in range(2 + self.slave, self.cluster + self.slave + 2): Instance = "cluster_mysqld" + str(no) Instance_Dir = self.prefix + "/instance/" + Instance print "Setting up:", Instance_Dir self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir) ### Technically, we don't need a data directory ( I think). self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir + "/data") self.Command(command='mkdir -p ' + Instance_Dir + "/tmp") self.Command(command='chown -R mysql ' + Instance_Dir) self.Command(command='chown -R mysql.mysql ' + Instance_Dir) self.Command(command='chmod 700 ' + Instance_Dir + "/data") C_Extra = "port=" + str(no + self.cluster_api_port) + "\n" C_Extra += "log-bin=__PREFIX__/instance/__INSTANCE__/main_log\n" C_Extra += "server-id=" + str(no) + "\n" re_list = [[Re_Extra,C_Extra], [Re_Prefix,self.prefix]] re_list.append([Re_Instance_Dir,Instance_Dir]) re_list.append([Re_Instance, Instance]) re_list.append([Re_Instance_Cnf, Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance]) re_list.append([Re_API_ID, str(2*self.cluster+ self.slave + 2 + 1 + no)]) re_list.append([self.re_mgm_port, str(self.cluster_management_port)]) re_list.append([self.re_m_port, str(self.master_port)]) File = Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance self.Write_Template(file=File, template='my.cnf_cluster_db',re_list=re_list) File = self.prefix + "/Start_" + Instance self.Write_Template(file=File, template='start',re_list=re_list) File = self.prefix + "/Stop_" + Instance self.Write_Template(file=File, template='stop',re_list=re_list) self.Init_Instance(cnf=Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance) Start_File_Text += "echo Starting " + Instance + "\nbash " + self.prefix + "/Start_" + Instance + "\n\n" Stop_File_Text += "echo Stopping " + Instance + "\nbash " + self.prefix + "/Stop_" + Instance + "\n\n" MySQL_Alias += "alias mysql_" + Instance + "='" + self.prefix + "/bin/mysql --defaults-file=" + Instance_Dir + "/my.cnf_" + Instance + "'\n" ### After creating all the stop, start, and alias files, we want one ### file to glue them altogether. We create one Start and Stop file. ### We should add a /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql file later. Write = open(self.prefix + "/Start", 'w') Write.write("export mysql_prefix='" + self.prefix + "'\n") Write.write(Start_File_Text) Write.close() Write = open(self.prefix + "/Stop", 'w') Write.write(Stop_File_Text) Write.write("echo Killing ndbd and then ndb_mgmd.\n") ### This is a cludge. Write.write("killall ndbd; sleep 2\n") Write.write("killall -q -9 ndbd; sleep 2\n") Write.write("killall ndb_mgmd; sleep 2\n") Write.write("killall -q -0 ndb_mgmd; sleep 2\n") Write.close() Write = open(self.prefix + "/bash_aliases", 'w') Write.write(MySQL_Alias) Write.close() Command = "chmod 755 " + self.prefix + "/*" print self.Command(command=Command) return(1) ### Setup a bunch of test scripts. def Create_Test_Scripts(self): Command = "mkdir -p " + self.prefix + "/scripts" self.Command(command=Command) Mysql = self.prefix + "/bin/mysql -S " + self.prefix + "/instance" NDB_MGM = self.prefix + "/bin/ndb_mgm --connect-string=" + str(self.cluster_management_port) ### Cluster status Write = open(self.prefix + "/scripts/Cluster_Status.bash", 'w') Write.write("\n") Write.write(NDB_MGM + " -e show\n") Write.close() ## Master status Write = open(self.prefix + "/scripts/Master_Status.bash", 'w') Write.write("\n") Write.write("echo\n") Write.write("echo Status for master.\n") Write.write(Mysql + "/master1/mysql.sock -e 'show status'\n") Write.write(Mysql + "/master1/mysql.sock -e 'show processlist'\n") Write.write(Mysql + "/master1/mysql.sock -e 'show master status'\n") Write.close() ## Slave status Write = open(self.prefix + "/scripts/Slave_Status.bash", 'w') Write.write("\n") Write.write("echo\n") Write.write("echo Status for slaves\n") for no in range(2,self.slave + 2): Write.write("echo\n") Write.write("echo Status for slave"+str(no)+"\n") Write.write(Mysql + "/slave"+str(no)+"/mysql.sock -e 'show slave status\\G'\n") Write.close() ## Master/Slave status Write = open(self.prefix + "/scripts/Master_Slave_Status.bash", 'w') Write.write("\n") Write.write("echo\n") Write.write("echo Status for slaves and then master.\n") Write.write(self.prefix + "/scripts/Slave_Status.bash\n") Write.write(self.prefix + "/scripts/Master_Status.bash\n") Write.close() ## Test master/slaves. Write = open(self.prefix + "/scripts/Master_Slave_Test.bash", 'w') Write.write("\n") Write.write(Mysql + "/master1/mysql.sock -v -e 'create database if not exists test_slave'\n") Write.write(Mysql+"/master1/mysql.sock -v -e 'CREATE TABLE if not exists ctest (i INT)' test_slave\n") Write.write("\n") for no in range(2, self.slave + 2): Instance2 = "cluster_mysqld" + str(no) Instance_Dir2 = self.prefix + "/instance/" + Instance2 Write.write(Mysql+"/master1/mysql.sock -v -e 'insert into ctest values ("+str(no)+")' test_slave\n") Write.write("echo sleeping 2 seconds.\nsleep 2\n") Write.write("echo Getting data from master.\n") Write.write(Mysql+"/master1/mysql.sock -e 'select distinct(i) as slave_no, count(i) as inserts from ctest group by i order by i' test_slave\n") for no in range(2, self.slave + 2): Write.write("echo Getting data from slave"+str(no)+".\n") Write.write(Mysql+"/slave"+str(no)+"/mysql.sock -e 'select distinct(i) as slave_no, count(i) as inserts from ctest group by i order by i' test_slave\n") Write.write("echo All "+str(self.slave + 1)+" tables should be the same below.\n") Write.close() ## Test cluster data. Write = open(self.prefix + "/scripts/Cluster_Test.bash", 'w') Write.write("\n") for no in range(2 + self.slave, self.cluster + self.slave + 2): Instance2 = "cluster_mysqld" + str(no) Instance_Dir2 = self.prefix + "/instance/" + Instance2 Write.write("\n") Write.write(Mysql + "/cluster_mysqld"+str(no)+"/mysql.sock -v -e 'create database if not exists test_cluster'\n") Write.write(Mysql+"/cluster_mysqld"+str(no)+"/mysql.sock -v -e 'CREATE TABLE if not exists ctest (i INT) ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER' test_cluster\n") Write.write(Mysql+"/cluster_mysqld"+str(no)+"/mysql.sock -v -e 'insert into ctest values ("+str(no)+")' test_cluster\n") no = 2 + self.slave Range = self.cluster Write.write("\n") Write.write("echo There should be "+str(Range)+" distinct entries in the table below.\n") Write.write("echo Each mysqld node entered its own id.\n") Write.write(Mysql+"/cluster_mysqld"+str(no)+"/mysql.sock -v -e 'select distinct(i) as mysqld_server, count(i) as inserts from ctest group by i order by i' test_cluster\n") Write.write("echo Shutting down each storage node and testing.\n") Max_No = self.cluster + self.slave + 2 + 1 for no in range(2 + self.slave, self.cluster + self.slave + 2): Instance2 = "cluster_mysqld" + str(no) Instance_Dir2 = self.prefix + "/instance/" + Instance2 Write.write("\n") Write.write(self.prefix + "/bin/ndb_mgm " + str(self.cluster_management_port) + " -e '" + str(Max_No + no) + " stop' \n") Write.write("echo There should be "+str(Range)+" distinct entries in the table below.\n") Write.write("echo Each mysqld node entered its own id.\n") Write.write("echo Getting data from cluster_mysqld"+str(no)+" when storage node " + str(Max_No + no) + " is down.\n") Write.write(Mysql+"/cluster_mysqld"+str(no)+"/mysql.sock -v -e 'select distinct(i) as mysqld_server, count(i) as inserts from ctest group by i order by i' test_cluster\n") Write.write(self.prefix + "/libexec/ndbd --nostart -c" + str(self.cluster_management_port) + ":id="+str(Max_No + no)+"\n") Write.write("echo Sleeping 3 seconds.\nsleep 3\n") Write.write(self.prefix + "/bin/ndb_mgm " + str(self.cluster_management_port) + " -e '" + str(Max_No + no) + " start' \n") Write.write("echo Sleeping 5 seconds.\nsleep 5\n") Write.close() Command = "chmod 755 " + self.prefix + "/scripts/*" print self.Command(command=Command) ### To start all the mysql instances, we use one file. def Start_Instances(self): print "Starting the mysql services. This could take a minute." return(self.Command(command="bash " + self.prefix + "/Start")) ### To stop all he mysql instances, we use one file. def Stop_Instances(self): print "Stopping mysql services. This could take a minute." return(self.Command(command="bash " + self.prefix + "/Stop")) ### initialize non-cluster mysql instances. Doesn't hurt to init the ### cluster instances since they use separate data directories. def Init_Instance(self, cnf=""): print "Initializing: " + cnf Command = self.prefix + "/bin/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=" + cnf Result = self.Command(command=Command) if Result[0] > 0: print Result self.log_handle.write(Result[1]) Command = "chown -R mysql " + self.prefix + "/instance" Result = self.Command(command=Command) return(Result) def Define_Variables(self): Menu ="""Defined_Variables takes no arguements. It grabs what it needs from self.original_options. The available options (which should be line command options) are: -p or --prefix The directory mysql gets install to. -m or --master 0 or 1. 1 means we have a master, 0 means none. -s or --slave No of slaves. -l or --log Location where we dump the install log. -c or --cluster No of instances in our cluster. -h or --help This menu. -d or --download Location of the file to download with wget. This will automatically change direcrory names where it compiles and install mysql. It assumes the url ends in ".tar.gz" or it will abort. --mport=NO Master port. --sport=NO Slave port (base). --dbport=NO Cluster db (ndbd) port (base). --apiport=NO Cluster api (mysqld) port (base). --mgmport=NO Cluster management (ndb_mgmd) port. """ self.notes += "opts loaded:" re_prefix = re.compile('^/usr/local/mysql') options = self.original_options if len(options.keys()) < 1: Args = [] optlist = {} Opts = "m:s:p:l:c:h:d:" Long = ['master', 'slave=', 'prefix=', 'log=', 'cluster=', 'help', 'download=', 'mport=', 'sport=', 'apiport=', 'dbport=', 'mgmport='] try: Args = sys.argv[1:] except: pass try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(Args, Opts, Long) except: print Menu; sys.exit() for o, a in opts: optlist[o] = a options = optlist if options.has_key('--help'): print Menu; sys.exit() elif options.has_key('-h'): print Menu; sys.exit() ### Get the ports we want. if options.has_key('--mport'): try: self.master_port = int(options['--mport']) except: pass if options.has_key('--sport'): try: self.slave_port = int(options['--sport']) except: pass if options.has_key('--apiport'): try: self.cluster_api_port = int(options['--apiport']) except: pass if options.has_key('--dbport'): try: self.cluster_db_port = int(options['--dbport']) except: pass if options.has_key('--mgmport'): try: self.cluster_mgm_port = int(options['--mgmport']) except: pass if options.has_key('--prefix'): self.prefix = options['--prefix'] elif options.has_key('-p'): self.prefix = options['-p'] if not re_prefix.search(self.prefix): print "ERROR: bad prefix. Must be a directory under /usr/local/mysqlXXXX." sys.exit() if options.has_key('-l'): self.log = options['-l'] elif options.has_key('--log'): self.log = options['--log'] try: Log = open(self.log, 'w') Log.write("# Testing to see if we can write to the log.\n") Log.close() except: print "ERROR: couldn't write to log:", LogFile try: if options.has_key('-m'): self.master = int(options['-m']) elif options.has_key('--master'): self.master = int(options['--master']) except: print "ERROR: master no didn't make sense, options:", options sys.exit() try: if options.has_key('-s'): self.slave = int(options['-s']) elif options.has_key('--slave'): self.slave = int(options['--slave']) except: print "ERROR: slave no didn't make sense, options:", options sys.exit() try: if options.has_key('-c'): no = int(options['-c']) self.cluster = (no/2)*2 + 2 print "WARNING: only cluster of 2 seems to work well. Setting to 2." self.cluster = 2 elif options.has_key('--cluster'): no = int(options['--cluster']) self.cluster = (no/2)*2 + 2 print "WARNING: only cluster of 2 seems to work well. Setting to 2." self.cluster = 2 except: print "ERROR: cluster no didn't make sense, options:", options sys.exit() Download_Bad = '' Download = '' try: if options.has_key('-d') or options.has_key('--download'): if options.has_key('-d'): Download = str(options['-d']) else: Download = str(options['--download']) Re_TGZ = re.compile('.tar.gz$') if not Re_TGZ.search(Download): Download = "No tar.gz:" + Download print Download sys.exit() ### Get the filename. Temp = string.split(Download, '/') self.mysql_file = Temp[-1] if len(self.mysql_file) < 1: print "ERROR: download file has bad name.", self.mysql_file sys.exit() self.mysql_compile_dir = Re_TGZ.sub('', self.mysql_file) ### Get the directories. Temp = string.split(Download[::-1], '/', 1) self.ftp_dir = Temp[1][::-1] self.prefix = "/usr/local/" + self.mysql_compile_dir ### I disabled this so that we would have a consistent place ### to compile mysql. # self.compile_home = "/usr/local/src/" + self.mysql_compile_dir # print self.mysql_file # print self.mysql_compile_dir # print self.ftp_dir # print self.prefix # print self.compile_home except: print "ERROR: download option not valid.", Download Except() sys.exit() #-------------------------------------------------------------- ### This point and below is only for template files. def Get_Templates(self): """ Get_Templates() takes no arguements. It returns the predefined templates or if you have the directory "Config" within the directory that you are executing, it will attempt to grab templates from files called compile, my.cnf_master, my.cnf_slave, my.cnf_cluster, start, and stop. """ self.notes += "templates loaded:" templates = {} templates['compile'] = "" templates['my.cnf_master'] = "" templates['my.cnf_slave'] = "" templates['my.cnf_cluster_db'] = "" templates['my.cnf_cluster_management'] = "" templates['start'] = "" templates['stop'] = "" templates['config.ini_db'] = "" templates['config.ini_mgm'] = "" Config_Home = posix.getcwd() + "/Config" for Key in templates.keys(): if os.path.isfile(Config_Home + "/" + Key): self.log_handle.write("READ:" + Config_Home + "/" + Key + "\n") Read = open(Config_Home + "/" + Key, 'r') templates[Key] = "" for Line in Read: templates[Key] += Line Read.close() ### Remove this else clause once we embed the config files. else: print "Error, file not found.", Config_Home + "/" + Key sys.exit() return(templates) ### I made a general subroutine to escape to shell to execute commands ### because I was doing it repeatedly and I wanted to log it. I could have ### used built-in Python commands instead of escaping to shell, but I like ### the unix commands better becaue they are more flexible. def Command(self, command=""): """ Command takes a single arguement "command". It will escape to shell and execute that arguement, return the result, and record how long it took in minutes to perform the action. """ start_time = time.time() self.log_handle.write("COMMAND:" + command + "\n") Result = commands.getstatusoutput(command) stop_time = time.time() time_diff = int((stop_time - start_time)/60) str1 = "TIME:" + str(time_diff) + " minutes.\n" self.log_handle.write("TIME:" + str1) self.log_handle.write("RESULT NO:" + str(Result[0]) + "\n") self.log_handle.write("RESULT:" + str(Result[1]) + "\n") return(Result) ### This just writes our templates. No big deal. def Write_Template(self, re_list=[], file="", template=""): Write = open(file, "w") Line = self.templates[template] for Item in re_list: Re = Item[0] Value = Item[1] Line = Re.sub(Value, Line) Write.write(Line) Write.close()