2004-12-22 01:12The Answer Gang, where the elves are all snuggled close in their linux boxen | linuxgazette.net #109 up | Aerogel paper and clear midnight oil on order http://newyorker.com/archive/content/?031222fr_archive01jimreganThe Night Before Christmas, Hemingway stylehttp://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/2004-12-19-self-heat_x.htm?csp=15jimreganSelf-heating coffeeNow let's see self-pouring coffeehttp://news.com.com/Torvalds+A+Solaris+skeptic/2008-1082_3-5498799.htmljimreganTorvalds on Solarishttp://flickr.com/photos/jimregan/2120095/jimreganBeataComment from my friend Trev: "KEEP DREAMIN JIM!" :)http://www.w3.org/2001/11/IsaViz/jimreganIsaViz: A Visual Authoring Tool for RDFhttp://rdfig.xmlhack.com/2001/09/28/2001-09-28.htmljimreganhttp://rdfig.xmlhack.com/2001/09/28/2001-09-28.html - RDFIG's use of chumpbotweatherjimregan<okopnik> Whew. It got down to 28 degrees here (!) (!!!) last night. That's just *WRONG* for Florida.<Frodo-NL> I am guessing that is Fahrenheit, so about -2 for us Europeans :)<okopnik> It was a big cold front - New York had 13 degrees, lots of snow...<Frodo-NL> yep - that is kinda coldish :)<okopnik> Yep.<Frodo-NL> I know... my gf said it was -30 where she is at - near London, Ontario...<okopnik> That's OK - tomorrow is supposed to be in the 70s again. :)<Frodo-NL> :)<okopnik> Eeeeep!<okopnik> That's wrong in any scale! :)<Frodo-NL> a few weeks ago, they had -40... I just had to tease her then... "is that Fahrenheit or Celcius?" G<Frodo-NL> I know :)<Frodo-NL> I must say though, I prefer the cold over the heat!<okopnik> Not me. I'll take heat any time.<okopnik> Well, I've got to get going...<Frodo-NL> nah - I sweat too easily :)irc,bothttp://usefulinc.com/chump/MANUAL.txtjimreganChumpbot manual(I'm currently trying it out :)